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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Have you tried supplements? None of my seniors have required NSAIDs because I've used supplements and acupuncture and chiropractic. NSAIDs treat pain but do not fix the issue and I remember reading they actually make the problem worse for arthritis long term. I have to find the articles again.
  2. Austin would wake up screaming so I know what you mean. He had muscle cramps and it got to the point where I would tell him to walk and he would listen and he'd walk it off. It's very disconcerning. Sending prayers.
  3. Sending prayers. Ask about some stomach meds for him. Try stinky stuff like salmon. I remember Max would eat BilJac frozen (most times) and biscuits. I can send him some tomorrow. P.m. me your address again.
  4. Sending prayers! Make sure they know about Ivey
  5. What food did she switch from to? I know years ago when I switched to Solid Gold, my guys blew coat and one girl almost went bald. One they blew out the toxins (the almost bald girl had an allergy to preservatives that I didn't know about and she did have a thyroid condition), her coat came in beautiful. So, in answer to your question: why she is blowing coat depends. Could be good news, could be not so good news. Aren't you glad I answered?
  6. People use different things. I prefer boiled hamburger only. Many mix with rice. Immodium is to stop the diarreha which I don't do for 48 hours. If she has diarreha longer than 48 hours, she needs to see a vet. Do you have any idea why she has it?
  7. Sending lots of prayers. Can a vet call in for tramadol? WalMart has it in generic
  8. I want food all the time too :lol But, the drive to eat thankfully went once the pred stopped. It's like having a demon inside with a fork & knife forcing one to eat!
  9. Yes, personally Steroids make you crazy hungry. If you have not experienced it, it's almost unexplainable. You can eat and never feel like you can't eat again. The urge to eat is a drive to eat. The first 3 months on pred I gained 50# Still haven't lost it
  10. He sounds like such a wonderful guy. I hope you will share some pictures.
  11. If he'll eat raw, I'd try it, especially before doing surgery. He'll need another round of antibiotics. Bravo! should be available in your area which is premade both with bone and without if you are not comfortable with buying and feeding fromt he grocery store or butcher. You can go to the Bones2Go website (there are here in Houston) and email with questions. They are very good about helping people switch over. She carries all different kinds of raw and is knowledgable.
  12. Sendingp prayers for good eating and keeping it down!
  13. That's why I suggested scrapings. It could be the missing hair is do to crate confinement or concrete but I'd get a scraping before taking her home.
  14. Do a tick panel Protatek's fees for greyhounds are very reasonable. I would also do chiropractic (certified by AFCA).
  15. I'd get some scrapings done before I took her home. How long has she been in the shelter?
  16. There is a thread in Greyt Information that lists all the things a tick borne disease can be confused with. The panel is a good place to start when you don't know what is
  17. If she's on tramadol and recovering and just started more meds, I wouldn't worry about getting her back on her regular food just yet. Have you given her pepcid for her stomach? You might try that & see if it helps. What diet has she been on?
  18. I mentioned FCE and she kept saying no, a stroke. I wonder.....
  19. Jill was at the specialist for I think a week or better in ICU. I sent her several links on strokes and FCE from here. I wonder if she can make a pen out of the kitchen. Also, I would try & get into Ohio State or see Gaston re acupuncture.
  20. Sending prayers. As they age, the smell goes and the food needs to be stinky Maybe some salmon added in?
  21. I have to research the forum later. The FL study is misinterpreted many times. Most retired racers run between .8 and 1.2 (obviously with variations). Some greys, like my SieSie at .8 was too low--she was a little off and started losing hair on her thighs. Scooby at .2 was so bad he was sleeping 23 1/2 hrs a day and couldn't gain weight. What a difference on thyroid! Retest on thyroid is suppose to be between 2.0 and 5.0 so no, Ember is not too high at the dose you were giving. Did you do a complete panel when you tested? How long was Ember off the track when you tested?
  22. Which TBDs did you test for? Has she been in AZ her entire life? Was a complete panel done? How much thyroid is she on? How long off the track? Which thyroid med are you using?
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