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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Veterinary NAET Sounds interesting! However, none in Houston.
  2. Well, Tootsie did not get her xrays as they had an emergency. Rather than reschedule, unless I hear different from Dr. C, she is going to get the imizol shots. Clinic needs to get it ordered and in.
  3. I've been hoping to have a definete diagnosis, but we are still looking. Right now she is getting xrays of her abdomen in the hopes her spleen will show up. Nine days of doxy has produced little improvement in her blood work. Consulting with all I can think of regarding a imizol shot since her babesia is 1:80 -- a low positive that many don't treat. Platelets have dropped 43,000 and HCT down to 43.8 from 52. a year ago. So, if you can spare some prayers, she will appreciate it (me too!)
  4. I stay away from sulfa based drugs when possible. If it is the best drug for him, then I'd try it and watch him carefully. If I had a choice, I'd go with a drug that was not sulfa. My experiences have been: I am allergic (very) to sulfa, I had a Dobe allergic to sulfa and heard of many reactions in Dobes, Jodie (grey) took a sulfa drug for a staph infection with no problems and it cleared the staph infection. Like all the other drugs, he may be ok or he may be sensitive. From what I read, it is a short term (21 days or less) drug. If you are worried about the liver, you can do blood work every week.
  5. How true! I am so sorry to hear about your friend The names of the tick borne diseases have changed a little and the bartonella the op speaks of is on the rise. I've quoted Dr. Stack's paper on erlichia many times. If anyone would like the medical info I have on greys, email me at Burpdog@msn.com
  6. re doxy -- a couple of days, I'd say 4 or 5 at the longest. It could be an infection that needs a different antibiotic.
  7. Thank you for sharing! Also e ewingii shows only on a PCR and then like yours, may or may not provide a positive. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=113219&hl=
  8. Michigan. From all I've heard (I've not used them but would) they are the ones
  9. Don't forget to get the xrays for Ohio State or have the vet clinic send
  10. Can you find a clinic that can administer the chemo and has an acupuncture vet on staff? It will get him through the treatments. There are chinese herbs that can be given also before he leaves the house to calm him. If you want a particular clinic and they don't have an acupuncture vet on staff, perhaps they will let one come in and treat him.
  11. Start walking him in the morning, even a quick 5 minutes, but lazy let's water every bush walk. Since he is peeing so much, it could just be a matter of emptying.
  12. I lost my first Dobe to prostrate cancer because I did not neuter him and almost lost Burp--he was neutered asap as soon as he started having problems. Saved his life.
  13. That's the right dose I am relieved too. It'll be interesting to see if the nodes come down!
  14. Two of mine pulled off kibble they have been eating for almost 2 years. They like Mizzy's kibble. So, today I am going to the store and buy the kibble they like. I don't consider it a game, I think they should be able to pick one kibble over another if possible. Also, nine times out of ten, they eat what they need. I always add even a tablespoon of something. Who wants to eat the same thing day in and day out? If it's been awhile since blood work, I'd get a panel done. Sending prayers!
  15. Neuter It is healthier for him (prostrate issues/cancer etc)
  16. Do a tick panel. At least test for e canis! Sending prayers!
  17. Will be waiting for an update. Here are his pictures, finally!
  18. September 12, 2007 Good Morning! I hope you finally got some rest and your babies are doing better today. I was reading about those therapaw things .. Maybe they could help heal corns? Speaking of boots: Someone once told me that the time that Winslow's feet are on the ground when walking or trotting is longer because he only has 3. Boots in winter were suggested. The idea sounded good to protect his feet, but logically seems impossible. I can't even lift his feet to wipe them off. He's not stable enough to balance on 2 feet so I can't imagine how I would put boots on him. Also, I don't know how he would feel about stability on the stairs, etc. (Yes, Winslow saw the video of the 2 legged greyhound on YOUTUBE. He said, "NO WAY") When I walk him, I do take this foot theory into consideration. In the winter, I try to stay away from salted areas and walk him on the softer snow. I also keep him moving so he doesn't get cold. In summer we don't walk on pavement which also helps his heat issues. I take special care of his feet, using Musher's wax in the winter and examining them frequently. I do his nails every week with a dremel so I can't get them too short. I don't know what we would do if he had a foot injury, or even a corn. I suppose one boot if he needed it would be doable, but the foot issue is always one of my biggest fears, especially with the stairs. Winslow went swimming this morning and saw a horse who was swimming for the first time... She was a little unsettled, so Winslow showed her how it's done. He did ALL 15 double laps today! His weight is up to 78 lbs. That's a gain of about 1/2 pound. No more midnight snacks! Winslow's favorite bedtime snack: Burpdust over nonfat yogurt. Yummy for him and reduces the nighttime output of noxious gasses caused from eating canned food. This is important to us since we all sleep together and I don't fancy the idea of buying gas masks for Craig and me. (It has been a consideration.) Have a good day... Glynis, Winslow and Goofy. September 16, 2007 Hi Diane, I sent your package today, so you should have it by Tues. or Wed. When we received your package, of course, Winslow had to have the box. All mail is his mail and he loves packages. Here's a photo and a video. I hope Mahogany has gotten over her problems and all is well at your house. Glynis September 16, 2007 Look at these two photos. Do you think Goofy is a Greyhound? Glynis
  19. Have you done a urine culture on him? Do you walk him in the morning? Do you have a certified chiropractor and/or acupuncture vet close?
  20. Staph can take on many faces. I've seen pimples, raw patches and a strange loss of hair. Can you get California Natural where you are? It has the least amount of ingredients and is good for allergy dogs. What is she eating now?
  21. It looks like it could be a blocked gland or maybe just an infection. Don't get too paranoid yet. I mention Ivey because you have to tell them so they will be more cautious about the diagnosis.
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