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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. Make it into a paste and put it in his mouth. It is not a bad tasting med.
  2. Poor guy He has really been through it. Sending lots of prayers. p.s. Try acupuncture! It helped Soda and he already had megaesophogus (sp). It should help Alex.
  3. The boys are sent to you -- your specialty <sigh> btw - thinking about this....you know the girls are a bit more....hmmm...demanding? You could be following him around with a chicken begging him to eat or $2 a can dog food she just turned her nose up.....or roast beef because it didn't look right in the bowl.....or...... remembering Magic -- she was a trip!
  4. September 21, 2007 Hi Diane, How's everything? Did you get Mahogony straightened out? I hope she's doing well and your deadlines aren't too bad. If you need any other info for the auction, let me know. We are now living in the house of hair and dog. I'm permanently attached to the vacuum cleaner so we don't get buried alive. All that beautiful, soft, extra fluff that Winslow has is now falling out. He's not shedding, he's MOULTING! Medically, I'm not worried about it because he's not losing real greyhound hair, but the wierd, new, fluffy coat that he grew in the spring and summer. (Does something sound backward here???). He's feeling really good, too, so I'm thinking what goes up must come down. But this stuff is everywhere! It's like dryer lint! I vacuum everything every day, INCLUDING WINSLOW! I'm about to call the vet and ask for that furball medicine they give to cats. I probably have a huge furball in my stomach!.. I wake up with it in my eyes and mouth. Every time I blow my nose- dog hair! I vacuum the bed every night. If it continues at this rate, I could just pour glue on the floors and wait for it to turn into carpet! Do you know if you can vacuum a cooked chicken? Since Winslow is still hot, he's right in front of the fan, so it's not just falling, it's FLYING and it sticks to everything. I have to vacuum the TV every time we watch it. I have stopped wearing anything dark and told others not to wear dark colors to our house. When I took him swimming on Wednesday, I tried to wash some of the fuzz off in the shower, but still had a full bucket today.. The odd thing is he doesn't look like he's losing it. He's still fluffy and overgrown. Do me a favor. If you don't hear from me for awhile, send someone with a shop vac and a shovel. This would mean that either my Dyson gave up, or I did. And what do you suppose Winslow thinks of all of this? By the way, Winslow's new name is Shedrick Porkboy and he's on a diet. 78.6 lbs. Too much.... No more lunches, leftover egg and a big reduction of the biscuits. Evo now makes the 95% meat in RABBIT! I give Winslow a can of that now and then... He says " Wow! I finally got the bunny and I didn't even have to run!" (He loves it!). Glynis
  5. Have you seen any other dogs with a bug at the clinic? Hopefully all she needs are some stomach meds. Give her an ear scritch from me.
  6. Sending prayers. What about cooked beef and chicken only--skip the grain?
  7. My sympathy to all who loves him
  8. I wonder if the distress was totally unrelated, perhaps a stomach/bowel discomfort. Was he doing ok on the old food? All of the Nutro foods now are sprayed with soy. I won't feed them.
  9. Some things don't show on xray as you know. Sending lots of prayers!
  10. when they have a UTI then will strain because it feels like they have to go when in fact there is nothing there. When Burp had a few UTIs I didn't catch the first day or two, he'd run around and try to pee and then when nothing came out try to poop. Hopefully some antiibiotics will clear him up asap!
  11. Are you giving him anything else? Prescription or otc meds? He is obviously in distress. I'd call the vet first thing. as for the scrape: water therapy should work (didn't think of it before!)
  12. This might be helpful for keeping him from licking it: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=42453 How is he?
  13. Can you get the consultation moved up? Maybe if your vet called? Which surgeon?
  14. Sending prayers. Rather than tell the surgeon, ask if he does greyhounds and ask what he uses. Isoflorane & sevoflorane is good and most vets use sevo for seniors. Here is a thread with an article Dr. Feeman wrote re anesthesia: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=104603&hl=
  15. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...=dental+vaccine
  16. Get the diagnosis in writing and send to Ohio State
  17. Give him some acidolphillus pills every day for awhile It should help!
  18. Filtered water That's about it. I also do not restrict water! I hope they did a urine culture.
  19. Can you get a written opinion/diagnosis from the specialist?
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