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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. I have a feeling she still has a UTI. Will you take her in to have another urinalysis done? Sending prayers!
  2. Not according to Pfizer's protocol. Before giving rimadyl, dogs should have a blood panel done. Sending prayers.
  3. You are fortunate! Not very many dogs survive snail bait Hope to hear good news on Leah Is there any possibility that she got into poison? Bad food?
  4. Can tick panels be done there? Would be good to also put it out on the tick list: Tick List
  5. Or bad food I do not (nor do the vets recommend) giving Imodium for 48 hours. You want what ever is bad out, not in.
  6. I have no experience with HGE (thank goodness!). I am curious as to why the sulfa drug? Sending lots of prayers. How long have you had Leah? edited to add: I see her spleen was too big. Are you in Spain? Do you have ticks there?
  7. Most of mine are needled laying down. The only one who was done standing up was Magic--I had to keep her from walking He'll sleep well afterwards The only time I've had them resist a bit was the needle in the tip of the tail (that's only been done twice in all the times) and occassionally a little ouchy in some of the joints but it passes quickly. Needles in the head & back have produced no response in mine. Watch the needles. It's interesting to see how some of them are pulled in--you can tell where the problems are!
  8. Pepcid, tagamet or zantac. Bread is good too. You may have to change his food. What is the fat content? How is he this morning?
  9. She could be reinfected if she had another tick after the shots. It's a good question to ask on the tick list
  10. I wish I knew who Mizzy & Tootsie's SS was to thank!
  11. Sending sympathy and hugs
  12. Yvonne: It's good to see you, however I wish it were better news for Echo. Wasn't it yesterday you brought her home?
  13. Greytlady94 asked about Winslow's diet for the past year and I know I've posted it in another thread too, so I thought I would start a new thread. From the Winslow's Diary thread (somewhere around page 6). I was amazed when I saw him--how a dog his size can do so well on canned! Hi Diane, This diet is something I made up by doing my own research and figured it would be best for Winslow. So far, so good. 5:00 AM- 1-100 mg. Artemisinin from HOLLEY PHARMACEUTICALS ONLY. (recommended by Dr. Couto) I give it with 1/2 cup yogurt. I just put the pill down his throat. They taste terrible so I never open the capsule or try to get Winslow to eat it. 7:30 AM- 1can 95%beef (sometimes 95% rabbit) EVO. 1/2 can chicken and turkey EVO. These are no grain lo carb. The chicken and turkey has veg in it as well. (I know, there's no proof that carbs feed osteosarcoma, but I'm not taking any chances. The DRY EVO GIVES WINSLOW THE BIG D) To this, I add 1/2 scoop TRANSFER FACTOR (I heard about this from Sam Call, and my regular vet also said do it.) 5 big fish oil capsules (Nature Made 1200 mg.) 1- 175 mg. Milk Thistle (Winslow had some liver damage when he took RIMADYL- his liver is normal now, but I keep him on the Milk Thistle anyway.) 1 Super Joint Enhancer from 1800Petmeds-( He has a little arthritis- this pill is the same as COSEQUIN-it's glucosamine). Late morning- 1 egg- COOKED. NEVER EVER RAW. 12 NOON- 1 JUMBO GREENIE (tooth cleaner, he eats all canned food) and 1 BURPDOG BISCUIT (I really think the biscuit is beneficial and Winslow loves them). 5:00 PM-- 1 can of 95% Beef, 1/2 can of chicken and turkey. 1 FULL SCOOP of Transfer Factor, 2- 50mg. CoEnzymeQ10 capsules, (Winslow has a heart murmur- this was recommended by his regular vet) 1 vitamin E capsule 400mg. (This again is because he had liver damage from the RIMADYL). 3 fish oil capsules, 1 Super Joint Enhancer. In the evening Winslow is also given a little vegetable from our table. Either broccoli, sweet potato, or fruit, peach or banana. Sometimes he wants it, sometimes not. 10:00 pm. Winslow gets a snack. 1 big spoonful of 95% beef with a little "burpdust" (the crumbs of the Burpdog Biscuits). Because the canned food is not as filling as the kibble, they need more. If he doesn't get his snack, he's up during the night crying to be fed. I open all capsules and put them on his food. I crush the glucosamine tablets and add them as well. The transfer factor is powder. All supplements get blended into the food. You will notice that I give the arte 2.5 hours before breakfast. I also reserve the larger dose of Transfer Factor, the vitamin E and the CoEnzyme Q 10 for the evening meal. This is because they are all antioxidant and I want them to be given many hours away from the ARTE. Feeding 95% meat didn't seem to have everything necessary for a dog's well being. This is why I give the chicken and turkey EVO as well. If he gets all chicken and turkey, he gets the BIG D. The transfer factor has so many vitamins in it that I believe he's covered for a balanced meal. He also gets a little table veg.. if he wants it. Feeding all canned food isn't doing his teeth any good. I brush, scrape, and add OXYFRESH PET ORAL HYGIENE SOLUTION to his drinking water in an effort to keep his teeth as healthy as possible. I try to show why I give him everything. This diet is based on my own NON scientific research, the recommendation of others, and my knowledge of Winslow. It seems to be working. He has an exceptional coat, energy, his weight is good, his nails are good, he doesn't have the big D, and he's happy and eats everything I give him. Glynis p.s. Hi Diane, OOPS! I should mention that I don't give Winslow ARTE on the weekends. I read that it is absorbed better if you give it a little time off. So, he gets it only Monday thru Friday
  14. Tick diseases can lay dormant 5-7 yrs (possibly more). There are other tick diseases you have to do a PCR test for. Is cell food similar or the same as Transfer Factor?
  15. January 10, 2008 I've lost a lot of sleep this week, worrying needlessly about Winslow's chest xray. Do you think he's even thinking of these things? I woke him up early yesterday, so he wasn't pleased. I didn't give him breakfast before his bloodwork. He marched happily into the vets office, knowing THEY would give him peanut butter. He was done with all tests in under an hour. When we got home, he had a big breakfast and big nap while I paced the floors until this afternoon. (Circle of Grey sent Winslow a blanket a year ago when he was diagnosed. He loves it for a pillow). Hi Diane, How's everything there? Is Grace doing? What about the seniors? I hope all is going well there. Here's the update for Winslow. We went to the vet for his regular 3 month check up yesterday. This was a big one. It's been over a year since his amp, and with his birthday coming in Feb. I was really hoping for a good result. I just got the call. ALL CLEAR! Everything is good! They said his phosphorus was a touch low so we should give him a little more dairy. (My guess is that Winslow paid someone to tell me that). An extra tablespoon or so of yogurt should do it. I was waiting to really start making those plans for his party, but now we're going all out. Big birthday party for Winslow! Everyone's invited! I hope you plan to come out for it! Feb 16th!. Hooray! Glynis www.glynisberger.com www.de-yong.com
  16. An NSAID alone will not control the pain. You need to add tramadol and/or morphine!
  17. I have not but certainly someone here has! Sending prayers.
  18. So, did they tube her? With bloat if they don't tube, they usually go into torsion. Sending prayers.
  19. Tend -- doesn't mean always. I had a grey who was hypothyroid and he gained weight when he went on thyroid meds.
  20. Lyme can cause many issues. I hope he is being treated at the high end of the dosing. You can find out a lot of information on the tick list -- either search, or ask questions. Many knowledgable people and vets on board! Tick List edited to add: I would not hesitate to do a MRI on a 12 yr old.....I'm surprised at the vet's comment.
  21. My grey Scooby had a very low thyroid and I couldn't keep weight on him. He gained 5# shortly after being put on thyroid. Seems to me there is someone else too....I'll keep thinking Many vets don't think of weight loss as a hypothyroid condition but when you think about it: the thyroid is the engine for the body. If it's off, all kinds of things can go wrong!
  22. It's a sulfa based drug and due to the side effects would not be my first choice! http://www.pet-supplies-review.com/primor.html
  23. The LP dog I had did very well with the dental--they are tubed so they can breathe pretty good and valium keeps them loopy enough not to be distressed. Many vets underdose with tramadol. As I've said before, Ivey was on 100mg every 4 hours the last week. If I had to do over again, I'd try to cut down a little on the tramadol and add morphine. Sending prayers!
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