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Everything posted by Burpdog

  1. You are welcome I hope she carries it around by the handle and doesn't chew it!
  2. One is and has been on the doorstep since Thursday and I cannot get ahold of the person. I hope she or a neighbor took it in!
  3. I'd wait a couple of weeks an recheck. Most vets I know don't even use amoxicillan any more for UTIs.
  4. It depends on how healthy he is and has been until the osteo. I hestitate to amputate on an older dog. Heather, I was just thinking about you and Dempsey the other day wondering how you have been doing. I am sorry to hear the news. It's really a dog by dog and owner by owner decision. There are 3 active threads here on dogs that are going thru what you may be facing: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=181728 http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=169522 http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=183222 and several other threads on those who chose not to amputate. I encourage you to join Circle of Greys (a yahoo group).
  5. You are welcome I had two repeats this year. I hope I got it right this time
  6. Fedex says two have been delivered and they are not marked as received -- yet.
  7. December 18, 2007 Hi Diane, How's everything! Are all your kids doing ok? What about you? Ready for Christmas? Oh BOY! Winslow was so excited to get his package today! Biscuits and cakes and biscuits and cakes! He was spinning in circles, slobber flying everywhere! Thank you! He was making amends to the neighborhood dogs all last week. This left him without any biscuits (I told him that if he were a little nicer during the year, there would be more biscuits left over! He just smirked at me). Now, he can finish his gift giving and have some treats left over for him. We have suspended swimming until Roger turns the heater off. Winslow hates that heated water and it seems to make him weak. Last week, he went in once and said," no more!" I didn't force it. Roger can't turn off the heaters for us because the other dogs need it. That's ok. Now that it's so cold, Winslow is going out more often and feeling really good. He's getting some exercise that way, so I'm not really worried about it. He'll be swimming again soon. Yesterday, we delivered Winslow's painting to the winners of the auction. They are lovely people who also have 3 hounds of their own. Winslow sent a nice big bag of Burpdog Biscuits for the dogs and they LOVED them. The people made a really good lunch for us and sent us home with some cookies from a gourmet dog bakery in Arlington for Winslow. That boy gets his treats and loves them all! We really enjoyed meeting all of them and the people portion of the family will be invited to Winslow's birthday party in Feb. Hopefully you will make an appearance and meet them as well. It promises to be a big party. We have a lot to celebrate and you know, Winslow loves a party! Now, I'm off to take those Rottweiler girls treats and toys. I told Winslow I was going to apologize for the way he teases them. He said "I don't tease them... They love me. You know, like the Beatles in 1964.... Didn't you see all those girls throwing themselves against the car windows? Even humans do it!" I said, "If those girls ever escape, they're gonna love you alright.... they way they love steak!" He just laughed and asked me to scratch his neck, again!... "a little more to the left". Hopefully the Burpdog biscuits and squeaky toys will help to smooth things over. Glynis December 20, 2007 Good Morning Diane, The neighborhood dogs are munching happily on the Burpdog love that Winslow has been spreading. All parents say their dogs are crazy for them. Even the ever tormented Rottweiler girls are wagging their tailless butts at Winslow, thanking him for the treats. Peaches, the 'doodle' checks my pockets every time she sees me, looking for another crumb. Winslow is once again in good stead with the neighborhood. I expect that to last until Dec. 26. Winslow has a new coat. Not one I made or purchased... nope... HE'S GROWING AN ADDITIONAL COAT. There are long hairs sprouting all over him. These hairs are very soft but are about an inch to two inches longer than his now normal fluffy coat. I thought he was about to start shedding, so I brushed him really well... Nothing. Some of these hairs are really long. Winslow doesn't shed anymore and this new hair is much longer. When added to the length, thickness and fluffiness that happened in the spring, it's very strange. Have you ever heard of anything like this? If this new coat really grows in, I'm going to have to start clipping him for summer! A poodle cut perhaps? I've attached a few photos of the sprouts.. Not interesting, but you see what I mean. I saw other greyhounds recently and now realize how totally different Winslow's coat has become. Meanwhile, Winslow continues to thrive. Guarding the birdseed from the evil squirrel, relaxing on the deck in the cold, marking every possible tree and bush in the neighborhood, reading books, watching youtube, and supervising everything that goes on in the house. I'm trying to teach him to play monopoly, but he cheats. Happy Holidays Glynis
  8. Sending healing prayers. Both Pablo and Huston are stuffy possessive. I have to watch them.
  9. I know one was delivered yesterday according to fedex but has not been marked received. Makes me nervous
  10. No more so than other breeds. Many are misdiagnosed with kidney issues. They do tend to run higher creatine and a little higher BUN.
  11. Sounds like a bad reaction to something. Benedryl, 1mg per # of body weight twice a day. If it gets worse, I'd call the e vet. Definetely call the vet in the morning.
  12. Pitch the milk bones. I'd give him a pepcid at bedtime and/or a piece of bread and see how he does the next couple of days.
  13. I can't read day for me I hope he's ok!
  14. He could easily have picked up hook or whip or giardia and it's now showing up. I'd at least take a stool sample in. Did you give any chewies: rawhide, pig's ear, etc.?
  15. He needs meds. Waiting for a neurologist is nuts in my opinion. Pred and the anti motion pills Tootsie was on would help. I can't believe this poor guy is without treatment. It will run it's course. Sending prayers.
  16. Sending prayers. It might be something quite fixable if he gets to a vet.
  17. If I remember right, this vet is not familar with greyhounds. Creatine can run up to 2.2 or 2.3 with a normal BUN and it's normal. As Batmom mentioned, HCT of over 60% can be normal for a greyhound. Huston's last test results was 59.4 or 59.6% I know you want to use this vet because you like him but it sounds like he is a good vet unfamilar with the breed. My concern is surgical care and post op care. Can you get him to call Ohio State? Your window is narrow because I am sure they will be breaking for the holidays.
  18. Thinking out loud and don't know if you will see this! Possibly, she is having a problem with the pred--too high or too low a dose.
  19. Sending lots of prayers! Call me if I can help in any way.
  20. Poor girl! It sounds like she isn't getting enough treats......maybe that is the problem Sending soft hugs.
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