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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. only a minor owie! Fletcher holds one of his paws up sometimes. I used to look all over for an injury or sore place. I finally realized this is just something he does, he's been doing it for years.
  2. wow, that is a roller coaster! I am so glad to hear the good news about Wilma's heart I hope her appetite continues to improve. My old girl eats pretty well most of the time, but there are days when nothing she previously liked is accepted
  3. ok, stupid question...do you spray the dog? the grass? the bedding?
  4. If it is "only" colitis (I know, when your baby is sick, nothing is "only") you will need to figure out what sets him off and avoid that. Once you figure that out, it is quite managable
  5. there are so many ups and downs with chemo, I hope this is just a "glitch'
  6. missed the first post, but I'm glad to see the vet doesn't think it's anything to worry about!
  7. I hope Spencer is better this morning!
  8. Arco is indeed looking after his mom
  9. I hope Happy's feet are happier today! It sounds like what you are doing is helping, and if it's a strain or a sprain, or even an allergy, it will take a few days. I remember hauling Sugar to the e-vet on one of those Monday holidays because she had limping and swelling that had lasted more than 36 hrs (one day, two nights) and the vet kindly did not roll her eyes, she just said, soft tissue injury, give it time
  10. I know you'll do what's best for her
  11. I am so sorry, we are never ready for it to be that time
  12. Remolacha


    Kiowa was one of the first greys I remember when I joined GT. I am so very sorry
  13. I am so sorry to hear your Paula is gone
  14. I am so relieved to hear that everything else is fine! She will adapt, and hopefully you will have many happy years ahead!
  15. He does look better! for a miracle, or at least many more good days. I'm glad the white cat came back, too
  16. I am sorry to hear Emmy is losing her sight, but as others have said, it will probably bother you and Mike more than it does her. Sugar is gradually losing her sight from cataracts, but it doesn't seem to bother her. She can still see, I'm not sure how much. I think it will help Emmy to be with so many other familiar dogs.
  17. Fletcher got this diagnosis shortly after I got him, and we did the double Panacur/Flagyl thing, and it got rid of the giardia. We think he got it eating feral cat poop
  18. Sounds like you have had a good trip so far, hope it continues! Love the pictures. I saw report on CNN recently about bad wether somewhere, Michigan maybe? anyway, they showed traffic on the side of the highway, and you guessed it, WalMart trucks
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