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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. I am so very sorry Pearl was special to me, even though I never met her. When my Sugar was diagnosed with heart disease, Pearl was our inspiration. Maybe it doesn't help now, but it sounds like Pearl made the most of every second of her life
  2. Kathy, your vet's set up sounds great! Much as I would miss him, having him there the night before would be easier on me (and the rest of the crew who don't get fed until I get back from delivering him Friday morning ) for Jacey, Princess, and their moms, and everybody else going to the nasty dentist this week
  3. no experience with pancreatitus (sp?), but for Poodle, I hope it's a one time thing
  4. Dr Alicia Ruiz is my vet. She is very greyhound savvy. My first grey came to me with both bottom canines very worn down, and after a couple of years they started to bother her, and Dr Ruiz took both teeth out. Sugar was fine, no complications at all. Fletcher had his blood work, everything is fine. I think the worst part from his perspective will be going all day without food Healing thoughts to everyone having dentals this week!
  5. Thanks all, I know he'll be fine and the bad tooth needs to come out. I am grateful he has such good teeth (yay for the raw diet!) Will be keeping all the dental doggies in my thoughts this week!
  6. nothing to worry about, yes? just routine, done all the time, right? someone hold my hand, please (virtually ) Fletcher has an absessed tooth that has to come out. It's scheduled for next Friday. He has not had a dental, or been under for any reason, since he was tutored at 18 months (he failed racing school ) He will be 8 in March, and he is my baby. I am sure he will be fine, my vet took both lower canines out of Sugar when she was 10, and she was fine, but I can't help but worry. I know this is minor compared to what most people in H&M are going through, I feel a little guilty for even posting.
  7. My best friend's Standard Poodle, Lucy, was diagnosed with osteo in Oct. She passed away today. She was almost 11, so they opted not to amputate. Lucy was always a happy, loving dog, but she finally just got too tired. She will be greatly missed by her family and her many friends
  8. I am glad Echo is feeling better today!
  9. Fletcher makes many growly sounds . I think you have to look at his body language and expression.
  10. I have an old cat with "kitty alzheimers" who acts like that, although 10 seems a bit young. Since you already know his eyes aren't good, I'd check that first.
  11. Sounds like he has a great life! I doubt the vet meant you were stressing him, probably that the recurring bouts of GI issues were causing his system stress. When they are new to homelife, that can cause loose poop, she could have meant that as well.
  12. Poor baby! I just posted in EEG about Molly's ear owie. Her's is just a small tear on the edge, but boy do ears bleed! Echo
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