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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Oh no! I am so very sorry
  2. Yep, Birdwell. I put the padding in myself, just get moleskin with adhesive on one side.
  3. Well, I think I have figured out what caused his change in behavior, and in retrospect, I should have seen it sooner! He is a huge momma's boy, and he is acting out because he doesn't want to be left behind! I took him first the other day, and he did very well, until we got back and I started to put leashes on the girls I haven't decided if I am going to try to walk all three together, or just keep trying to desensetize him, but at least I have a better idea of what I am dealing with!
  4. I worried about this when I put in the dog door, but none of the cats has ever shown any interest in going out! I do have a way to put the dogs in one part of the house with the dog door and the cats in another part, but it hasn't ever been necessary. Including the backyardin the "no kitty" training is a great idea!
  5. Wow Greg, I am impressed! I've gotten pretty casual about the small things, but that would have sent me to the evet Sounds like Tessa is being a trooper.
  6. Wow, I could have written this post about Fletcher! The only difference is, I am very lucky that Molly, my other dog pretty much ignores his theatrics. She's a broodie, and I think her attitude is "I raised over 30 puppies, you don't impress me, BOY" Fostering has complicated things, but I'm not going to stop that, so we'll just have to adjust. It's early days, but handling the leashes, collars and Fletcher's harness without actually going for a walk seems to be helping.
  7. Pearl has always been a special dog to me, because my angel Sugar had similar heart problems.
  8. I am sorry he is hurting, but so glad it's nothing worse!
  9. Hopefully, it's just a bad bruise from falling off the couch, but good that you are getting it checked!
  10. As others have said, the only real health problem would have been if those teeth hadn't been pulled! Once her mouth heals, she should be able to eat just about anything any other dog would. I have no experience with corns, but many on this board do, and it doesn't usually seem to be a big deal.
  11. Remolacha

    Sweet Macy

    What a little pistol! I think the long haired daschie are the best, I am so sorry for your loss
  12. He might know "wait". I say might, because they know it on walks, but I've not used it in the house. This morning I put him in the back yard and closed the dog door while I walked the girls. When we got back, I let him in and he was pretty worked up, but was well behaved It's been suggested that I tire him out first, but he's developed arthritis in his right front leg&shoulder, and it doesn't take much to start him limping. He runs around like a mad thing with his toys anyway I might try desensetizing them all to the leashes first, I can do that anytime I'm home. I'll just have to see what I can work out. I know my reactions are part of the problem, I'll have to work on that, too. Any one with some magic fairy dust?
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