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Everything posted by Remolacha

  1. Remolacha

    R.i.p. Oberon

    What a happy looking boy! I am so sorry for your shocking loss.
  2. I'll have to double check, but if you are out west, Sprouts carried Precise last time I looked. I may try that.
  3. I am so sorry this happened, but glad neither one of you was seriously hurt! He will probably forget about it fairly soon, but he may pick up on your nervousness, so try not to react when you get to "the spot". I know that is hard!
  4. I am glad he is feeling better this morning! Hope he continues to improve
  5. you know what is best for your boy.
  6. Remolacha

    Unka Lee

    I am so sorry, it is hard to lose a friend.
  7. Poor Ozzie I wish we could make them understand, 'don't rub, don't lick, don't scratch' it will get better faster!
  8. Thank you all. It is the hardest part of sharing our lives with animals, but they are so worth it!
  9. My quirky Princess is gone. Even when I got the cancer diagnosis, I had hoped for more time, but it wasn't to be. She is hard to sum up. She was a middling racer, 66 races, but a first class momma dog, 33 puppies, some of whom I had the pleasure of watching run. She was a quiet, reserved dog, always polite, I called her my PBD, plain brindle dog. But, in her own mind, she was a princess. A delicate, 70 lb flower It took me awhile to catch on to that, but I did, and gave the princess her due. She had plenty of quirks, too. She loved to go for walks, but hated going anywhere new. She was highly suspicious of anything new, in fact. Once she had seen/heard/tasted something a few times, then it was familiar and OK. She liked dogs better than people, but she was my rock. She calmly put up with all of Fletcher's issues, and Sallie's flakiness. She ignored the cats. The cats, and Sallie are very subdued, even Fat Ethel is sad. Molly wasn't flashy, but she will leave a huge hole in this household, and in my heart. Run free my Princess, may you always have sunny dirt to lie in and bacon to eat.
  10. Molly has been doing pretty well the last few weeks and I had hoped we would have a couple of good months, but the beginning of this week it was clear the cancer was back. Her vet is coming by this afternoon to send her on her last journey.
  11. Fletcher had seasonal/environmental allergies. We were never able to pin all of them down, but since at least some were obviously environmental, meaning we were stuck with them, we just treated. My vet suggested Zyrtec (cetirizine hcl) instead of Benedryl, and it worked well for him. The Costco brand was pretty cheap.
  12. "cautiously favorable" :guns in medspeak that is winning the lottery!
  13. hoping everything goes well tomorrow. Good that you caught it early!
  14. I tried to institute a rule years ago, "one crisis at a time!" I have gotten NO cooperation on this! I hope everyone settles down and recovers
  15. Wonderful update! I think you need to change his name to Timex, he just keeps on ticking (Did I just really date myself?)
  16. clever Jack The simplest solution would be to install a latch like this (sorry its so big!
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