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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. I agree. Please give that handsome devil smoochies from me.
  2. Oh, no, Rachel. I am so sorry.
  3. We lost our sweet girl Gidge. I miss her so much.
  4. The insecticide in a flea collar is not compatible with a greyhound metabolism. It can make a grey very sick, even cause death-depending on the flea killer in the collar. Thank you!!
  5. Please don't feel that way. We all do/did what we believe to be right for our pets. With China, we let her go in less than 2 hours. With Freddie, although it wasn't osteo, we waited about a week to 10 days and had to let him go - he hadn't eaten in 3 days and told us he was ready (liver/spleen). With Gidge, I wish we had let her go sooner than we did. It is so hard to know what to do so we go with our gut and live with the consequences. Big hugs to you.
  6. I didn't vote. We didn't know China had osteo until she screamed because I touched her leg up high by her chest. In less than about 2 hours, we let her go.
  7. Greyt news. Freddie died from cancer of the spleen/liver so I was really nervous about this thread.
  8. greyhoundlov


    Oh, Vince, I'm so very sorry. Losing two so close together, especially your sweet boy Jude, has to be so hard.
  9. Gidge wouldn't touch the NY. Diane - have you tried some of Bill's shakey cheese?
  10. OXYCLEAN is greyt. Hugs to you......
  11. Please let us know as soon as you hear something.
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