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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. You know you've got it from me. Smoochies to the Marx-man!
  2. greyhoundlov


    Vince - I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful King.
  3. I think I would call the vet tomorrow just in case that balloon "stops up the works."
  4. I don't know how I missed this. What is wrong with Locita?
  5. For us it boils down to whose quality of life are we maintaining - theirs or ours?
  6. My old man is gone. He seemed to be OK this morning, but when we got back from grocery shopping he was in the bottom of the cage. I took him outside and sat with him in the sun and he seemed to perk up a bit. When we came back in, he went up to his swing and then suddenly made his way over to the side of the cage and slid down to the bottom. He landed on his chest and stayed there. When we got to the vet's office, Charlie was pretty quiet - all he wanted was for me to rub his head. His blood volume had dropped again. DH and I had pretty much decided we were not going to opt for the transfusion. Charlie was tired and it was time to let him go. We got him when he was 6 weeks old. We lived in Panama and went to an outdoor Chinese garden. They had about 10 baby parrots in a tiny cage. I reached in and grabbed one. The guy charged me $20. It took me over a week to teach him how to crack sunflower seeds. I thought my teeth were going to be toast before he finally learned to eat the seeds on his own. Over the years we had so much fun with him. When he laughed, you would swear it was me laughing. When our youngest was outside playing, he would come running inside wanting to know what I wanted. It wasn't me yelling "Chris." It was Charlie. One of our neighbors thought DH was a dirty old man because she would always hear a wolf whistle when she was outside. It was Charlie. I had to bring her inside to prove it. If one of the kids got hurt or started crying, Charlie would say in a high voice, "What's the matter?" I have 40 years of stories and memories. I can't imagine not hearing him anymore. His ashes will be ready next week and he'll join our other babies on the mantle.
  7. Oh, sweetheart, please get better for your mom and dad. They need you!
  8. I can't believe this. I'm so sorry.
  9. We lost our Freddie the same way. Hugs.
  10. Bridge angel China Blue had a stroke while on that stuff.
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