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Everything posted by greyhoundlov

  1. Thanks for the update. You know my heart is with you.
  2. My heart is in my throat. Prayers for you and your baby boy.
  3. Welcome to GT. And thank you for adopting a black baby!!
  4. I'M SO SORRY. Monday was a crappy day.
  5. I'm so sorry. I lost my Gidget as well.
  6. I can't believe it has been a year already.
  7. I'm so sorry. I lost my little girl this morning.
  8. Hilda - we both grieve our black babies today. We let Gidge go about 8:30 this morning. My heart hurts with yours.
  9. He is now checking out other corners and nooks and crannies to see what he can see. Boy voyage, sweet boy. Hugs............
  10. Oh, Pat - Today I am without words. Please know my tears are shed in sorrow for your loss.
  11. Oh, Judy - I don't even know what to say. My prayers are with you all.
  12. She got her first treatment today at the vet's office. We start administering them at home on Monday. EEEEEK!
  13. Hey, Mark, it was greyt to meet you last night - nice to put a face to the name. Don't forget - you're welcome at the hacienda any time.
  14. So are they going to have their own jazz act? You know, Louie Primo? Yuk yuk yuk. Seriously, that is such a precious picture. Win-win all around.
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