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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Best of Wishes... My Rascal had lymphoma and with chemo we were able to enjoy 15 months after diagnosis. It has been a few years and I am not sure which drugs we used but it bought us some good time.
  2. Kim... Lots of good thoughts for your girl!!
  3. I think Batmom's suggestion isn't that the food doesn't agree with him but maybe he digests it fast and then his belly is empty so a different food might stick with him longer.
  4. Another thought might be a frozen kong with peanut butter or one of those toys that they have to rool around to get treats out of?? That might be enough.... How much do you usually feed?
  5. You can feed them a little more or anyway to get them a mid day snack?? Bounty used to run out and eat grass as soon as I get home and let him out then immediately come in and puke grass and bile!! I would be sure to give him some mid day snacks if possible and it helped.
  6. Well in Rascal's case...he was not paralyzed in his back end but had FCE (similar to a stroke) the blockage affected his nerves that effected his bladder and pooping abilities. Pooping just happened as his intestines fill up. Perhaps this dog still has some control but Rascal had none. So it came out when it came out...not to be too graphic. It was very important to keep his bowel movements firm but not too much. He ate a lot of pumpkin.
  7. I was able to do it with Rascal but has been quite a few years now. It wasn't bad once you got the feel of it. That was the tough thing was to learn to feel the right place to push on. I am sure you can do it!! You are kind for dogsitting!!
  8. Hope he continues to improve!! for a good night's sleep for all of you!
  9. Oh no Sue! Hopefully his recovery will be fast...poor guy...sounds like he has been through the ringer...
  10. Oh I just saw this....Hope Logan did well.... Any updates??
  11. Bounty Boon 1/23/99-6/25/07 I miss you so much you big silly dog.....
  12. I am so sorry for your sudden loss......
  13. WOW...that looks great compared to the original pics. Good luck on continued success in quick healing!!
  14. I got my first greyhound who was five a couple days after neuter....it did look weird but it shrinks up with some time and you won't be able to see if soon.
  15. I had that happen too. Rascal actually consumed the whole thing before I could get it out of his mouth. Poison control said with a big dog that the poison would not hurt him but he would be barfing up the plastic. Exactly what happened!! That dog would eat darned near anything.....still miss him so...
  16. Is he on Pred?? That was what our vet told us was the pred is often given to help with the appetite issues. Boiled Hamburger and pasta was often something that Rascal couldn't refuse. Not sure what that will do to the bowels. It worked okay for him. Also Ensure is a last resort thing if you really need to get some calories in him. Of course it will not help with the runs but it is something Rascal wouldn't turn down.
  17. PJ... He sounds like a very lucky dog that had a great life....I wish he could have had more time with everyone....
  18. It completely sucks.... And I all I ever wonder was..where did the time go.....
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