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Everything posted by greysandmollie

  1. Sorry Neyla is still having the problems...hope the sterile sample determines a good course of treatment. Rascal was incontinent for years. Lots of laundry and baby wipes....he didn't have the irritation though which was a blessing.
  2. Bug hugs to you and your husband.... Sorry for your loss.
  3. I still think her problems may come from the trainer!?
  4. greysandmollie


    A lovely tribute to Whizzer.....so sorry she wasn't able to stay with you longer.
  5. Kari.. So glad you got some good news! Scrambled eggs, hotdogs and ensure are my suggestions.
  6. Sorry for your loss.....glad you were able to share time with Larry.
  7. Kristen.... I am so sorry for your loss.... to you. Sutra fought such a good fight.
  8. Lucy...You are awesome! You are taking such good care of Legs. I hope you see some improvement with more bed rest.
  9. Hope he is feeling better....maybe some pepto and fasting for a bit....
  10. I am so sorry for your sudden loss of precious Holly.
  11. Oh Kari.... for you...I am so very very sorry!
  12. Big hugs tami....so sorry for your loss..
  13. Sorry for your loss Wendy.... What a beautiful boy!
  14. greysandmollie


    Sorry for your loss....it is never easy even when it is the right time. You have beautiful photographic memories....
  15. Bummer Kari.....hope it is nothing serious....is she going on meds?
  16. I am so sorry for your loss.
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