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Everything posted by ramonaghan

  1. ramonaghan


    From the album: Sweep

  2. You have to reach 50 posts or make a donation (become a GT supporter) to get an avatar, but you can post pics in a thread at any time. Do you have a Flickr or Photobucket account? They both have a code you copy and paste (outdated but still useful Photobucket instructions are here). If you have a Facebook account, that's even easier: just right-click on the photo, select Copy Image Location (the exact wording may vary a bit depending on browser/OS), come back to your Greytalk post, click the little icon of a Polaroid above where you're typing the message, and paste the copied link.
  3. Wonderful update...hope you both have a snuggly, restful weekend.
  4. Aww. With her left side and Sweep's right, we could have a dog with normal feet! The pics are not as bad as I imagined, but still, how does something like that even happen? Ouch!
  5. Whoa, that made me squirm a little. Thanks for the insight! I probably should have added that Sweep's not at all sensitive about her feet being handled, so if it is an old injury she doesn't seem to have any lasting discomfort from it. And if it's congenital, I suppose it wouldn't have mattered as long as she was fast enough, but they're just so...twisty! Frito feet in more ways than one.
  6. This is a random, purely out-of-curiosity question. All of Sweep's toes on her left foot are significantly twisted to the left. It does not affect her gait at all, but a few people have asked about or commented on it. The only thing listed in the medical records I have is a hernia repair and her spay and dental when she was right off the track. Is it possible she was born with them like this? If so, I wouldn't have thought she'd go on to race. Anyone else have a hound with similar wonky toes and no record of injury? Of course I think she's perfect.
  7. I am so sorry you've lost your special girl. Rest well, Sweet.
  8. I think 3.5-4 cups would be a good start to put some weight on him. Sweep is 61 lbs and maintains that on about 2.5 cups of the mini-chunks a day (plus a few treats, of course).
  9. Good update. Hope Stella recovers quickly and is back to eating her favorite things again soon (that doesn't include poop, Greta! ).
  10. Congrats on your new family member! All sounds pretty normal to me based on my experience with our girl. You've gotten good advice already, so I'll just add that you should try to keep as consistent a routine as possible; knowing what to expect when will help him settle in. He'll blossom a lot in the coming weeks and months, but right now everything's new and intimidating. And, to echo Annie's mom: please post pictures when you can!
  11. Ahh! I never thought to look for the weight beyond the main page...I see it now listed with her races. Thank you!
  12. Any chance you can find out about Sweep Thru? Her weight's blank on Greyhound Data. We adopted her five months off the track at 63 lbs and she's about 61 now. She has a good tuck but has never been especially ribby (which I've read about other Kiowa Sweet Trey offspring).
  13. Poor Henry! Hope he heals up quickly and is getting around okay. Any idea what he cut it on?
  14. I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious boy. Rest well, Gilby.
  15. That sounds like a step in the right direction. Sending continued good thoughts and prayers.
  16. Good thoughts to you and Doodles. Will be looking for an update.
  17. Himalayan dog chew? Sweep likes them but doesn't have the attention span and/or is not food motivated enough to finish one. Sounds like that wouldn't be a problem with Phoebe.
  18. So very sorry for your loss. Rest well, Harry.
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. (Keep 'em in line up there, Chase.)
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