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Everything posted by cometdust1

  1. I noticed that my boys feet and lower legs are cool and grey after we walk in the cooler temps. He also has been getting colder more easily than in the past and he is balder than ever before. I have already sent his blood out for thyroid testing at Michigan state but was just curious if anyone else has noticed the temp. of their hounds feet when out in the cold. I remember my prior hounds feet being hot and pink after coming in from the cold; not cool and grey with grey nail beds.
  2. Thanks tbhounds! I knew you would know! I couldn't find the fee section the first time I looked. I shipped overnight from NJ. Costs about as much as the test! Lol
  3. Does anybody know what it costs for the premium thyroid panel at Michigan State? I just sent Jeep's out tonight.
  4. I hope my boy lives into his teens; my first three didn't even make it to 10.
  5. I was in a similar situation in that I had no respect or confidence in the owner of the clinic I was going to but trusted the other vets there. My dog became seriously ill and was hospitalized there. Being the owner, she took over his difficult case and because of that I feel at the very least caused my dog uneeded suffering and at most killed him. I would choose another clinic.
  6. How do I go about having my dog's bloodwork sent to Michigan state for thyroid testing? Do they automatically give recommendations per the results or is there an extra fee and/or special request required?
  7. I had a grey that ate 2 socks and one bandanna off of my other greys neck. Thankfully he pooped them all out. We were VERY careful not to leave anything around he could eat. I also had a 13 year old lab who had surgery to remove large pieces of tennis ball that he ate about 4 months prior.
  8. My greys siezures would happen in the evening and he would wake from sleeping with it. His were different. he would get up and start blindly running into walls and stumbling and become unstable on his legs. we would have to hold him until it passed, he was not aware of his surroundings.
  9. So sorry to hear that it was George's time to run free. He was a special guy and will be missed.
  10. I went through this with my boy when his fellow hound died. He never showed any signs of separation anxiety until his confident buddy died. My first day back to work I came home to curtains ripped down and torn, blinds destroyed, door frame chewed apart , doorknob crushed, and diarrhea and pee on the rug. He was never alone before. That was 2 years ago and he still has separation anxiety at certain times but has come a long way. Stress can bring on physical illness.
  11. Toby is already blind in that eye. He will just be happy to have the pain gone. The surgery will be a relief for him. I had a shih tzu who had that surgery for the same thing and it was no big deal for him. Just monitor the other eye closely.
  12. Oh no!! I'm so sorry at the unexpected loss of your girl! Why do our kids have to be so sensitive?
  13. The limping showed up first. The swelling showed up later and when I saw her the day before she was diagnosed and euthanized the swelling was all the way down the leg into the foot. The second vet she saw the day before still told her it wasnt osteo and was going to schedule shoulder surgery for an injury. She called me and told me this and I went over to see the dog and told her she needed to be seen by an orthopoedist immediately and that the dog was in tremendous pain. She didnt even look at me when I came in and had no use of the leg. We took her to the ortho vet and they diagnosed the tumor and she was let go then. I don't have any vets by me that I trust right now but I know one that I definitely won't be going to!
  14. It took 3 sets of x-rays from 3 different vets(the last being an orthopoedist), to diagnose osteo in the shoulder of my friends grey last month. So the answer is yes, it is possible. Hoping that it is something less serious in your baby. She was also 10 years old.
  15. So sorry that Shelby has Ehrlichia. I lost my heart boy to it. Damn ticks!
  16. This article was posted by Nittany greyhounds to facebook today. My boy is overweight. It's very good and has pictures and a chart showing racing weight vs pet weight. the link is www.greytarticles.wordpress.com/feeding-nutrition/how-to-know-if-your-greyhound-is-at-the-proper-weight/. Sorry, I don't know how to make it so you can click on it.
  17. Totally understand your dilemma, have been there myself. Sorry you are in this situation; glad to see Nell is doing well.
  18. Seamie! So sorry it was his time. So many posts that made my day. Handsome Seamie, will miss you.
  19. My boy's neck lymph nodes were enlarged with Ehrlichiosis infection and he was not lethargic in the beginning. Might want to check for TBD also.
  20. Has anyone had problems with it upsetting the belly/ bowels? I would like to try it but don't want to start any problems.
  21. Thanks everyone for sharing all your experiences with hounds that have lived a full life. It definitely has helped me feel more positive that my hound has a good chance of living into his teens. I will try not to focus on my other dogs passing early and instead remember all of your stories. Jeep has pannus. If thats all I have to deal with until old age I will be very happy!
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