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Everything posted by cometdust1

  1. I always keep my phone with me on walks just in case something should happen and I can't get my dog back home so that I can call somebody to come get us. Hope your boy continues to do better.
  2. Thanks for the idea to divide the dose tbhounds. I will do that. I give it to him when I feed him.
  3. Oh good, Batmom, I was worried about the blood. I will call the vet though.
  4. I recently brought my 8 year old boy to the vet for his heartworm test and to check a lump between his shoulder blades(abcess). His lyme test was positive(first time he ever tested positive). and titer came back at 84 so he was on amoxicillin for two weeks to clear up abcess and treat a sheath infection. He was started on doxy for the Lyme on Tuesday because of the high lyme titer. 400mg once a day. My husband and I both noticed that he has been noticably "mushy" since right after starting the antibiotic. He was basically asymptomatic although what I attributed to old age ( not wanting to walk as far and Elvis Legs, front and rear leg shaking after running in the yard, was maybe some sign of the Lyme). He just seems tired. I noticed today when I took him for a walk that he walked like he was tired, not limping or stiff though, and he was panting even though it was very cool out and his skin temp was not hot at all. We walked in the door and he just walked right to his bed, laid down and not another pant. That is why I believe he was not hot. His color looks normal to me but I am concerned having owned a dog that died from Ehrlichiosis invading his bone marrow and organs. Can the antibiotics make him feel this way? Could it be the Lyme? I thought they were supposed to feel better after starting the doxy but he seems worse. I am calling my vet tomorrow but would appreciate your thoughts/experience with Lyme treatment. Can Lyme affect blood the way Ehrlichia can?
  5. I used Valley Central Veterinary Referral & Emergency Center, 210 Fullerton Ave., Whitehall, PA. Phone#610-435-1553. My boy also has Pannus. They have an opthamologist there and their fees are reasonable. Its lifelong but very treatable. No worries.
  6. I noticed a white haze in the upper outer edges of each eye in my boy and having heard about pannus from this site I went straight to an opthamologist to make sure he got the correct diagnosis. It was pannus. The opthamologist is the best one to see about your pups eyes.
  7. Poor Dood! I really wish they would dedicate somebody to stay with the dog until they are awake and aware of their surroundings. My old man dislocated his hip thrashing around in the cage after anasthesia and because of other complications he could not be put back under to fix the hip and he was euthanized. I was also present in the waiting room when another of my boys was put under to stich a bite on his head. I suddenly heard massive greyhound screams of death and ran right back to the surgery area to find him splayed out in the cage with the back legs totally spread eagle and he was screaming in pain! this was about a month after the other incident so needless to say I went hysterical! Luckily he ended up O.K. but now I am so terrified to put my dog under! All of these incidents could have been prevented if somebody sat with them while they came to. Hope Dood feels better soon!
  8. I am going through this now. Last month my 8 year old boy came in from peeing and I noticed him licking himself for a few minutes. I walked over to check him. he was lying on his bed and when I lifted his leg to look dribbles of pee kept coming out. No visible blood. I brought him to the vet the next day and had urinalysis/ bloodwork run and it was all normal. The vet put him on antibiotics for one week just in case there was an underlying infection. The dribbling went away. Fast forward to last Friday. I notice him licking again and when I look there is thick cheesy smegma leaking from his penis and dried on the inside of his legs(gross!). So, off to the vet last night and she flushed the penile sheath about 5 times and a ton of silly putty looking goop came out! She flushed it until it was clean and put some antibiotic up there. He will be on antibiotics for two weeks and she will reflush to make sure it is resolved. I think the dribbling in his case was because there was so much goop in there that he could not pee properly. He had no change in pee habits either. Just wanted to offer my experience. Hope you find a cause.
  9. I think this is a good observation. It definitely could cause confusion to her. You could use a different word for correction than the word no. Personally, I usually say 'aht aht" instead of no.
  10. Congratulations on your new girl! No worries; your girl is just in the process of learning what being a pet is all about and there is a lot to learn! Pet life is very different than track life and she's quietly taking it all in. My boy had no interest in toys either and was kind of boring to be around quite frankly compared to my previous greyhounds. In time his personality began to come out and now he is much more expressive and playful but he will always be more reserved than my other hounds. That does not mean he is unhappy; just different. I taught him to play with toys by purchasing a lunge line for horses from tractor supply for about 10 dollars. I then tied a fluffy squeaky toy with some white on it. I took him out in the yard and began to pull the toy along the ground and presto! The chase was on! He loves chasing the "lure" and it's great exercise for him. Now he will also play with his stuffies all by himself and he will also run while I chase him with them in his mouth. This all took time to happen. I've had him 3 years now and new changes in his personality still appear. In the beginning he would also snap at me if he was laying down at times and now he'll come up on the bed and plaster himself along my side with no issues whatsoever. Give her time, space and love and she will come out of her shell! Walks are very powerful bonding tools. take them as much as possible if she likes them. Some dogs are nervous at first. Go at her pace. Good luck and enjoy your new girl. My dog park experience was a lot like ShebasMom's. I don't go anymore either. Not worth the risk of a bad bite. It can happen too quickly. Also; some dogs are afraid of slick floors; maybe that is part of why she prefers certain rooms.
  11. I have been feeding my greyhound pro plan large breed for 3 years and have never had a problem with excess gas. He is 71/2 years old. He has suddenly been having horrendous gas for about 2 weeks, possibly coinciding with a new bag of proplan. No change in stool consistency but he poops a little more volume per day than before. does anybody who feeds their dog proplan notice any difference in their dogs tolerance lately? I am extremely reluctant to start changing food after this has worked out so well but I might have to. The thought of possibly ending up with an even worse problem by changing food is really making me hesitant; even though I know many of you use higher quality ingredient food with good results. I am just afraid that a richer food will create even more gas and possibly diahhrea which would end up happening on the rug! I ordered Olewo carrots to see if that helps. I don't know what the best thing to do is!
  12. It will hurt you a lot more than it will hurt him! You can do it! After the first time it's easy peasy. I had a shih Tzu that I used to give sub-Q fluids to. Somehow we muster up the courage to do what needs to be done for our pups.
  13. I would have it taken off too. It does not look like a typical hemangioma that greys get which are benign.
  14. I bought boots from NGAP for 20.00 just to use for potty breaks in single digit weather. so far they have stayed on even when running in the yard. Don't know wow they will hold up for long walks though.
  15. dogs can take tylenol? I always thought it was bad for dogs. That is a lot of meds. Hope there is an answer found soon.
  16. I brush daily with petrodent toothpaste and spray petrodent chlorhexadine on gums afterward and gums are healthy pink, no redness and no blood when brushing(unless I skip just ONE day!).
  17. I'm thinking that she had separation anxiety issues at the vet and is now associating being crated and you leaving with not knowing when you will be back. If you could somehow record her while you are gone that would be helpful. Or, if somebody could tell you if she is barking while you are gone. They are so sensitive!
  18. Hoping that it is in early stage and treatable for your Bonny. Sadly, my boys first positive test came after it was already in the chronic stage and had already infiltrated all his organs and bone marrow. He could not be saved.
  19. I agree with Neylas Mom. My boy has days when he ok and relaxed when i am gone and days when he paces around the table and to the windows while I am gone. My M-I-L is home and feeds and walks him. On the anxious days he will not eat his dinner until I come home. No rhyme or reason to the different reactions.
  20. I have asked my vet the same question. Answer to suggested biopsies would not change treatment. Did not do biopsies.
  21. He's been wearing his coat pretty much 24/7. Good point; my legs feel cold too after being out in the cold. But they also look red from increased blood supply; his turn grey; like not enough blood. I just want to make sure that he is O.K. walking with me in the cold.
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