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Everything posted by cometdust1

  1. Could it be laryngeal paralysis? there are videos on you tube that you can listen to see if Daisy sounds similar.
  2. I'm so sorry for you and your family's heartache of losing Tilly
  3. I feel so sad for you and your girl. It hurts so much when you cant help the one you love. It's O.K. to set her free from her pain. She won't get better. I've been there and know how hard it is to know when to say "enough". So sorry
  4. My boy's most recent dew claw tear a few months back has not regrown. His other side was already missing when I got him.
  5. I dont know if this dog is a chewer. Do I need to be concerned with disposable pads if he chews them?
  6. Looking for suggestions for disposable pee pads to put inside a crate for my 85 year old dad's small dog who has peeing in his crate at night. I am looking into possible UTI but in the mean time want to try and keep it easy for dad to keep clean. Is there anything I need to watch out for as far as things they are made out of that could be potentially harmful?? Thanks!
  7. check into Olewo Carrots. They work really well to firm up stool in my boy and I know others on here use it too.
  8. I use them daily for my boy. They have really fimed up his poop. Even when he is stressed the poops stay firm and no more stinky gas! I give one level tablespoon in each meal of kibble (A.M. and P.M.) mixed with some warm water to soften the food and carrots first. I use no oil but some people do.
  9. i got mine at tractor supply for about $12.00 and tied a no stuffing squeaky skunk to the end of it. My boy never played with toys until the day I swung that around the yard. Then it was "game on"!
  10. my brothers dog got seriously ill from eating a bunch of deer poop at once, I'm not sure if it can be toxic to dogs but be careful. Sorry I dont remember the exact reason for it making the dog so sick.
  11. My boys sheath infection was not found until he was tripping smegma(cheesy stuff). There was so much that it was restricting his ability to empty his bladder and the urine was just dribbling out when he was laying down.
  12. Ask your vet to do a sheath flush. I went through the same thing and in the end, a new vet did a penis flush and all kinds of gunk came out. Hope it is something this easy for you.
  13. My dad's dog recently had his first pancreatitis attack. He is now on prescription dog food but I wanted to ask if anybody gives their dogs treats that are safe for dogs with this problem. My dad is 85 years old and part of what he enjoys is being able to give his 2 dogs small treats after they go out, as he is eating breakfast, etc. He does not want to feed anything unsafe but misses being able to give them a little something. Thanks for any advice.
  14. I obsessively worry about this! My boy is 8 years old and I cant tell whether he is panting from being too hot, old, out of shape, bad heart, and on and on and on. He pants most times on a short walk even if it is cool, say in the low 70's. Recent bloodwork and exam were normal except he was lyme positive with high titer so he was treated with doxy. Not sure if the change in stamina since last year is age related or from the lyme. I only take him around the block now whereas last year he could walk 3 miles in cooler weather. I no longer enjoy our walks because I am always worried about heatstroke so I keep them short.
  15. I had a boy who in general was a "talker". One of the things he would do is while he was doing his "I gotta poop, where should I go?" dance, he would whine the entire time until he pooped. It was the funniest thing ever!Did it his entire life. Definitely rule out any problems but maybe your boy is also a "talker?'
  16. If he were my boy, I would plan a day for him in the very near future, where he gets to do his favorite activity, such as a nice long leisurely walk in a favorite place, give him all his favorite treats, and while he is happy, content, tired and relaxed, arrange to let him go peacefully on his way. So, so sorry he has this terrible disease. My heart goes out to you.
  17. Oh, so sorry to read this turn of events! I hope she can be helped.
  18. Yes, thankyou for the info. Having my heartdog die from Ehrlicchiosis 3 years ago and my current boy just finish a doxy treatment for lyme this info is good to know.
  19. Ask the vet to also check for a sheath infection. My 7 year old just went through this. Checked for uti and there was none but was put on antibiotics anyway just in case. After antibiotics were done I noticed some discharge and when vet flushed his sheath a whole bunch of stuff came out. She put him on a different antibiotic and also put antibiotic in the sheath itself. It did clear up but started to come back after about 6 weeks. Some dogs are prone to this so she showed me how to periodically flush it at home using a chlorhexadine solution she made up for me.
  20. Yup! thats me! I just started having to do this periodically to prevent excessive buildup of (eewww!) Smegma! whatever it takes to keep my hound comfy! HaHa! You'll get used to it and think nothing of it after a few times doing it.
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