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Everything posted by cometdust1

  1. From what I understand,heartworm preventatives only kill 1st stage heartworm larae; it will not kill the adult heartworms.I'm guessing that they are giving that older lab the preventative to keep the number of adult heartworms he has from increasing.
  2. I sent my grey's bloodwork to No. Carolina state for the comprehensive tick panel special they are offering.All tests came back negative(YEAH!).Does that mean he is truly negative and I can relax or could he still be harboring a dormant disease that might show later in life?
  3. Letting him up on your bed would'nt make HIM hot or cramped but it sure will make you guys hot and cramped when he stretches out and hogs the whole bed up,pushing you off to the edge like mine does!
  4. Just wanted to let you know that my dog has done that after guests slept in the guest room too.Maybe he's just trying to let the outsiders know that it's not their room!I now keep that door closed. no more pee anywhere else.
  5. The sample was received by NC on Thursday the 21st.
  6. Glad you got the "all clear"! Hope my boy does too.I lost his older 1/2 brother to Ehrlichiosis last july so I'm pretty anxious about getting the results.At least now I know not to keep bugging my vet to see if they got them yet. Thanks!
  7. When blood is sent to No. carolina state for a tick panel, how long does it usually take for my vet to get the results? Thanks.
  8. Don't feel bad, my S-I-L and brother decided that their boy jack russel's black nipple was a tick and tried to pull it off with a tweezer and made it bleed!!!
  9. What is the potential down side to treating an asymptomatic dog that has a positive tbd test? I know they may not have active infection just because the test came back positive but I would be afraid to wait and see if any symptoms show up before treating.
  10. Thanks for all your information,I understand a little bit better why it probably wouldn't do any good to test if he has no symptoms.I had my ehrlichiosis grey for 4 years before he showed symptoms,and it was another 6 months before we knew what was wrong.His early symptoms were very mild,we took him to the vet and he thought it was just allergies.He had a slight cough,runny eyes.He had his yearly snap 4 test which was negative at that time.He was 7, so we thought the slowly increasing lethargy was aging.When I took him back to the vet 6 months later he had uveitis and was very lethargic.He ran the snap test again and it was positive.He referred me to an internist . The appt. was in 3 days. 1 day later I took him there as an emergency because he just was laying in the yard when I let him out to go to the bathroom.Turns out his bone marrow was already shut down and all his organs were enlarged.We tried treatment with antibiotics and steroids but it was too late.I let him go about 2 weeks after that.At least now I know the symptoms so I can get him tested and treated sooner if anything should show up.Thanks again everyone.I am definitely a more educated greyhound owner because of this site!
  11. I have a greyhound that I adopted a year ago that I would like to have a tick panel done on. He is asymptomatic but I recently lost a greyhound that had ehrlichiosis.He was asymptomatic for 4 years and by the time he showed symptoms he was already in the chronic stage and it was too late for him.What is the most accurate way to go about this? I'm confused about the different ways the tests are done.
  12. I don't have a dehydrator. I put mine on a cookie sheet in the oven for about 2 hours at 200 degrees or until nice and dry.Can be refrigerated for up to a week or frozen until needed.I'm making a batch tonight!I forgot to say a lightly greased cookie sheet.
  13. Since your boy likes to eat things, I just wanted to give you a heads up about tennis balls,especially since you said he desqueaked them.My lab mix played with tennis balls all the time but would eventually chew them up and eat the pieces.He always ended up pooping them out so I didn't worry about it until at age 12 he got ahold of one of the thicker ones sold for dogs. I knew he ate pieces but didn't know they didn't all pass through. 3 months later he became obstructed and had to have surgery to get one piece out of his intestine and one out of his stomach.Vet said that was the oldest dog she ever did a foreign body surgery on!Hope he continues to do well, sounds like your boy will be fine.
  14. Too bad your trainer's advice for a behavior problem was to just avoid it.I don't think that was the best advice but I'm glad that the possessivness never escalated into other areas,which sometimes it can if it's not addressed at the beginning.At this point in the older dogs life it's probably best to continue what you are doing and give the older dog a break if the new greyhound is bothering the older one too much.
  15. Mine just started doing it too,only he likes to add poopsicles to it! Now he wears his muzzle with stool guard.I really don't like seeing poop stuck between his buck teeth!
  16. Could it possibly be that he is swallowing air when he's panting while playing?
  17. Oh no!!I just ordered 3 bags last night! Now I have to wait to smell that heavenly aroma everyone's talking about!
  18. I use Solgar's alaskan salmon oil. My dogs skin and coat was terrible when I got him and now it looks beautiful!
  19. Really hope it works! My Jax died from it.
  20. Definitely video it if you can.It is how my friend finally got her vet to understand what her dog was doing.
  21. Cleptogey, that's terrible that that vet refused to let your dog go !I too have been guilted by vets into having surgery on old dogs that I knew in my heart would not do well with and now I have those memories of of their miserable life ends to remember them by.Macoduck, I'm going to steal a quote from somebody else on this site because it's a motto that I will always live by and have used several times since:Better to let them go a day too early than a day too late.I feel for your friend,it's so hard to let go when they walk up to you with a toy in their mouth when you pick up the leash.
  22. I think the suggestion of videoing after having a totally empty bladder is definately the solution to finding out if she has S/A or not!
  23. Milk thistle comes from a health food store or some supermarkets,maybe even walmart.
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