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Everything posted by LBass

  1. Having a diagnosis at last is wonderful. that the treatment decisions will become clear and that Milo will begin to feel better.
  2. Wiki, I don't think that even the "silly hat" can make you look anything but beautiful.
  3. Good girl, Cara! You're a champion people trainer.
  4. The looks on those 2 faces! I had a small sofa when I had Spirit and Piper. I was quite surprised the first time I found them both on the sofa, each facing an arm, and their behinds just barely touching, both looking a bit offended to have to share. They were happy enough to pal around in the yard but never snuggled together. Then I added MoMo to the mix--2 young'uns and Piper. If Mo and Spirit were hogging the sofa, Piper would ask to go outdoors. The 2 young hounds would leap up and push past Piper to get to the door first. As I let them out, Piper would turn around and hop up on sofa. Mo and Spirit never quite caught on to the notion that perhaps they had not won.
  5. Looks like sheep shearing time at your house.
  6. I've never tried that, but what a splendid idea!
  7. Beautiful photos! That looks like a wonderful location for a holiday. Thank you so much for sharing.
  8. Well, yeah, it's a foregone conclusion that they get what they want and we have no real say in the matter. Only 2 of my 4 have wanted up on the bed and they both got what they wanted. MoMo even demanded to get under the sheets. There were hilarious lessons about how hounds can't get under the sheets while standing on the sheets. Current hound, Nate, LOVES my sister's comfy reading chair with ottoman. She would rather he not get up there, but I'm sure you can imagine how well that works out for her.
  9. Cara's sit is very elegant. Like Jerilyn, I think your garden is really lovely.
  10. Logan! You're amazing! Happy 12 1/2th Birthday!
  11. Jan, I've no experience with either but will mention to check prices at many pharmacies. There is an amazing variation in the cost of a drug between pharmacies. Years ago, looking for Gabapentin for Piper, I found monthly supplies for a price range of $300 down to $35.
  12. Milo's brain worked that traction puzzle out for him. I hope Dr. Couto has some insight to offer.
  13. Oh dear, . Poor Cara. At least she knows you'll rescue her!
  14. Timmy needs a helpful human to put him back on his bed.
  15. Wow, Guinness's race was fantastic! There's nothing as thrilling as a last to first finish. Through Droopy Kewell Nate's got some wonderful cousins! Trip down "remembory lane" for me: I had the fun of watching all the races for my pre-adopted girl, FTH Chyna Moon (MoMo Meany Pants) as they were streamed from Orange Park in Florida. I usually watched them from work. MoMo's first race was one of those last to first runs. She was in the far outside starting box and got a slow start, just like her Daddy often did. All the other dogs were heading into the first turn while Mo was still running at a 45 degree angle from the box toward the rail. She was still dead last at the 2nd turn. I was thinking that she'd be home with me sooner rather than later. Then she began to move. She passed dog after dog through the last 2 turns and won her race handily. I was so excited for her and proud of her! And at work, so I couldn't celebrate properly. She generally ran her races like that. Slow start, always in the mix at the end and still gaining, even if she wasn't ahead at the wire. It is such fun to find and watch you hound's races!
  16. Isn't tracking their relationships fun! My Nate's sire is Irish dog Definite Opinion and his dam is a US girl names Drop Top. Sadly, I don't see any direct ties to your Cara on Greyhound Data. Drop Top does have a grandfather names Droopy's Kewell. That likely means at least a kennel affiliation to Cara! Nate's dam is a great granddaughter of Gable Dodge. That makes him related to my first Greyhound, Piper (The Perfect ), who was a son of Gable Dodge.
  17. Wow, you all in South Yorkshire had an amazing turnout! Here is upstate South Carolina, US, we had our very first Great Global Greyhound Walk and had 43 Greyhounds. We have a way to go to catch up with you! It was a fun walk in a lovely downtown park setting. We had one poor girlie who had corns and decided she'd had enough. She sat down every chance she got. She was wearing protective booties but really preferred to be carried.
  18. Yes! My beloved Piper the Perfect operated just like that. I'm a back of the pack walker by preference. However, walking Piper I began to notice that at all group walks we started at the back but ended up in the lead. There was never any pulling on the leash or any unseemly behavior--just a gentle, inexorable, focused move to the front of the pack. His racing style was to lead start to finish, so I think he was being kind to me by letting me start at the rear.
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