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Everything posted by Anne

  1. When Phantom didn't want to come up the ramp, I put a towel under his rib cage and helped him. It worked and it didn't seem to hurt him. Editted to add, kind of like a sling and I'd pull up on it while he walked, it took some of his weight off his legs.
  2. Anne


    My sincerest sympathies.
  3. Anne


    Awe, I'm sorry, kitties are so special.
  4. Anne

    Ef Cajun Nicky

    How devistating, I'm so sorry.
  5. Pat, I am so sorry, God Speed Stepper.
  6. Anne

    Fireball Dumplin'

    I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  7. Judy, I am so very sorry. Godspeed Jack.
  8. Anne


    How very dissapointing, I'm so sorry.
  9. Anne


    I'm so very sorry.
  10. Phantom began limping about a week before Christmas. Rimadyl helped for about 3 weeks. Then I added the tramadol and it worked very well for about a week. Then I had to up the dose and up the dose until he was on 300mg a day. He was about 65 pounds. He was having a lot of trouble going down and then back up the ramp to do his business, I did not want him to get to the point where he would break a bone. I chose the day after a really good day to let him go. I promised him that I would not let him be in horrible pain. I told the vet that I would rather let him go a week too soon than a day too late. It wasn't about anything but making sure he was not in unbearable pain and that he could eat and enjoy his life. I'm so sorry about Coach, hugs to you both.
  11. My Lynch has PRA and was blind by the time he was 3. He's almost 10 and doing great!! I am very surprised at how easy having a blind dog has been, it's really a non-issue for the most part. Teaching certain commands such as 'step up, step down, stop, back up (the MOST useful), watch your head,' and more I can't think of right now. Good luck, I'm sure you and Argus will do great!
  12. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Jack and for you.
  13. Prozac at Walmart is 10$ for 3 month supply, my girl was on it but the loss of appetite was bad for her and I took her off it, but it worked VERY well for her.
  14. Oh my goodness, how precious and adorable is she? Very cute!
  15. What a beautiful incision, be sure to tell your vet that he did well!! Hope she heals quickly and give her a smooch on the nose from me and my 5 puppers.
  16. Phantom was on Tramadol at the end and I fed him lots of odd things, like salmon and jack mackeral and lots of canned food that's not really good for him, but he loved it! Cheap tuna was good for him too. I put parmesan cheese on his food too. I fed him a food snack at night because I didn't want his rimadyl to go into an empty tummy. Cat food was a favorite too. Tramadol can constipate, so it kind of countered the strange diet Phantom ate. He got lots of pizza too since that was his all time favorite food. Burgers and chicken and at the very end a couple of Micky D double cheeseburgers and an extra large fry. Phantom never lost his appetite. At the end he was getting 100 mg. of tramadol 3 times a day with 75 mgs. of rimadyl twice to 3 times a day. His weight was approx. 65 pounds. And he never once had a tummy upset with any of it. Scritches to your Lulu.
  17. Thank you so much everyone. Reading these really does help. Phantom had a bit of a roundish head, and when he would look at me with those eyes... well I melted, how could I be mad at him, adn heck a purse is nothing but a thing!! He never pushed through a door, he always let everyone, including me, go through first and then he'd go through the door. He is missed so much.
  18. Deano’s Desire - Phantom November 2, 1996 – January 29, 2009 Gotcha date: March 23, 2001 It is with huge sadness and heavy heart that I tell you that my precious Phantom has gone to the bridge. My wonderful, handsome and beautiful boy developed a limp in early December. Rimadyl took care of it for a bit over a month and then the limp returned. It was his right front shoulder. He was only on the tramadol for a week and even with doubled doses it was not enough pain relief to stop the limp. I promised him that I wouldn’t let him be in horrible pain, and I kept that promise. So today we went for a ride, he ate McDonalds double cheeseburger sandwiches and a super sized fries. He didn’t even have to get out of my car and hop down on his painful shoulder, he went to the bridge whilst snoozing in my suv. He left this earth the same way he walked this earth, a gentleman with quiet dignity and surrounded by love. I will miss him forever and love him forever and hope that someday we will be reunited in a better place. I’m positive that he’s somewhere where he can run and run and run to his hearts content with no pain and no limp at all. Since Phantom had escaped more than once (while racing and while being fostered and while with me!) we know how much he loved to roam. I’m sure that he’s surrounded by children, he so loved them. And I know that there are no kitties scaring him, like cats here on earth did. When I came home and put my purse down, I burst into tears, I realized that my Phantom would never again chew up one of my leather bags. He totaled 2 coach bags in his time and rendered a couple of more injured but not totaled! I never yelled at him for doing it, he just couldn’t help himself, he loved leather! He ate a couple of books too, never the entire book, just the last 15 or so pages! I remember once standing in the grocery store and carefully reading the last 3 pages of a novel because Phantom had removed them in the book I owned, and I didn't want to buy another copy!! I am grateful that I have my puppers here at home, it helps take some of the pain away. Dinner was strange tonight, one less bowl, less meds to fix and one less dog to let out to potty. As I’ve always said, everyone should have at least one dog like Phantom, he was so laid back, and so quiet and such a love. The perfect guy! (just had to keep leather bags away from him and locks on the gates!) There are so many pictures of this boy, and way too many to put them here, so I made him a little web page and put a few of my favorite pictures of him on that page. I do hope that you will go and look at them and see why I loved this boy so much. http://www.majesticcollars.com/phantom1.htm And notice, that most of his pictures are while he's snoozing! Phantom LOVED to sleep. He usually got up on my bed daily and unmade my bad two or three times a day! What a stinker. When I thought he was limping due to injury in December, I took my bed off the frame and just put the mattress and box springs on the floor so he could get up and down more easily. I think I'll just leave them there. And Sugar has now taken up the habit of jumping up on the bed and unmaking it and snoozing on it! So I guess I'll continue to make my bed three or four times a day! ______________________________________________________________ I picked up Phantom's ashes today. He's home where he belongs now and it feels right. I miss him so much.
  19. I am so sorry that your girl is gone, but knowing that nothing you could have done would have helped her must bring you some peace of mind and allow you both to start healing.
  20. My vet does boarding over night, but there is no one there from after dinner until midnight and they go out and then no one until morning. My only other option would be to go at least 75 miles further to a vet and that's too far. My vet back in Ohio didn't keep sick dogs all night either unless it was a special thing. If I need an ER type vet, it's a 100 mile drive.
  21. Awe Tami, I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Festus.
  22. Similar incident with my Fraiser about 4 or 5 years ago. When I read up on vestibular disease, I felt that's what it was. Took a few days for 50% recovery and about 2 weeks for 80% and about a month for 100%. The second incident took a bit longer to 'clear' up. I thought it was a stoke too at first, but the way it resolved and the symptoms were what convinced me it was vestibular disease. Good luck and I hope Bailey gets better soon no matter what it is.
  23. When Phantom had his bad tooth removed, the vet said the roots were into the peri-orbital space because when she squirted the socket to clean it out, his eye was wiggling. So yeah, it's possible that his infected roots could be up that high. Hope it goes away quickly.
  24. Anne

    The Samurai

    I am so very very sorry. Godspeed Betsy.
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