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Everything posted by Anne

  1. Anne


    I'm so very very sorry. Godspeed Oscar.
  2. Anne


    I'm so sorry Gen. Godspeed Jake.
  3. Awe, I'm so sorry. She had a ton of love in her life. Godspeed CinCin.
  4. My Frasier (gone a year now) was hypothyroid. He was on soloxine for a couple of years and had great levels. He then began having full blown seizures. Blood work showed that his thyroid levels were perfect. He was put on Phenobarb. The side effects of phenobarbital can include HUNGER and huge THIRST. Boy oh boy did Frasier get both, he was already a counter surfer but he would steal any food or drink, nothing like watching your dog slurp up your diet coke right out of the glass! When he began taking the phenobarbital he was sluggish and he did have a bit of a glazed look, but that diminished after a few weeks. He did well on the phenobarb. When he passed, it wasn't from seizures or thyroid issues or complications there of. I miss my crazy boy.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss, The Albino Fruitbat was special to all of us, her antics kept up entertained and she will be missed.
  6. My deepest sympathy for you and your DH. Godspeed Dylan.
  7. Anne

    Erin Mcfuzzybutt

    I just saw this Heather and Ken, I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Sweet Erin.
  8. Anne


    Awe Kelly, I'm so very sorry for your loss. You are a great foster Mom and I know you made Romeo's last months wonderful. Godspeed Romeo, say hi to Frasier for me.
  9. Anne

    Rapido Casino

    I'm so very sorry, but she lives on in your hearts and your memories. Godspeed Casino. Hugs to you Heather and Ken.
  10. I'm so sorry Ali, Luther was such a good boy. Godspeed Luther, I hope Frasier was there to meet you.
  11. Anne


    I'm so very sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your hounds.
  12. Anne


    Godspeed Groove.
  13. Anne

    Bronty Episode

    That's so very sad, I'm so sorry. Godspeed Bronty, run free.
  14. I"m so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Curly Sue.
  15. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Pegasus.
  16. Anne

    Lozzies Loper

    I'm so very sorry.
  17. How heartbreaking, I'm so sorry. Godspeed Ebbie.
  18. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Opal!
  19. Anne


    I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Sweet Lizzy. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Sweet Lizzy.
  20. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Girliekins.
  21. Oh Wendy, I'm so very sorry to hear this. I'm sure that Frasier was there to show her the way. It just doesn't seem fair when they go so young. Godspeed sweet Dixie.
  22. Anne

    Argos & Cruiser

    How devistating. Godspeed Argos and Cruiser.
  23. Anne


    I'm so sorry.
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