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Everything posted by Moneypenny

  1. Since it's just the dew claws, you can use a regular nail file, I get the heavier grit ones from Sally Beauty supply and just use that in place of a dremel, accomplishes the same thing, just takes a little more time
  2. My girl Emmi lost 23 teeth at the age of 7....she eats regular kibble with warm water, she never chewed her food anyway I do buy her the softer treats, and some brands of biscuits are more "crumbly" and therefore easier to eat. The Blue Buffalo Health Bars are a favorite here, the break up pretty easily and she doesn't seem to have any trouble. Emmi is going for another dental on Friday, she will probably lose another tooth that seems to be bothering her Kisses to Eddi
  3. I miss Seamie too he has certainly left quite a legacy and I know he is watching over you and your campers, and probably doing a lot of
  4. Awwww, what a sweet looking boy He looks good for his age......he will eat eventually as long as he is drinking it's all good. I took a return who was 10 and he didn't eat for the whole weekend, but he eventually came around.......although I was frantic and tried everything to get him to eat ( I have since learned ) Welcome to the joys of taking in a senior...........there's nothing quite like it. And keep those pictures coming!
  5. Tears here for beautiful Nell.............I am so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. Godspeed Beautiful Nell
  6. My senior girl Raina has become quite picky as well, I feed Eukanuba large breed, but decided I needed to mix in another dry food, I have tried a few different ones, but she really likes the dry Spots Stew, chicken formula. I also add various canned foods or gravy, and parmesan cheese, or italian bread crumbs sprinkled on top. She also really likes that rolled food from Natural Balance, I cut it up into chunks and throw it in with the kibble. I know how frustrating it is to get them to eat.....good luck
  7. I am so very sorry, the description of your relationship was beautiful Godspeed pretty Tori
  8. Only 3 years? It sure seems like forever Happy Gotcha Day you handsome boy!! So glad to hear you are feeling better... Spring looks very good on you
  9. Not a blood draw, but my senior girl had a run in with the corner of the screen door and she had a very bad bruise and a dangling pocket of blood on the bottom of her chest, it reabsorbed on it's own. It looked horrible and I was very concerned, but it resolved itself just fine. For Raina, it probably took a good 48-72 hrs for it to look not so "horrible" and maybe 5-6 days to look almost normal.
  10. Some years ago, one of my greyhounds had pancreatitis at about age 12, the cause was not as obvious as this, but she received IV fluids at the vet during the day for 3 consecutive days and she fully recovered, we got to bring her home each night. Her symptoms started as not eating on a Friday, got her to the vet Monday am and she was fairly recovered in about a week from the onset of symptoms and back to her old self in about 2 weeks. She lived to be almost 16 and never had another bout of it. Best wishes to Daisy
  11. I have been following this closely and I admire your family's strength, courage and love for beautiful Nell Nell, you look wonderful Continued thoughts and prayers for you and your precious girl.
  12. May I ask what brand/kind of wet food it was? Not to hijack thread, but having similar issues and this caught my eye as something to look into. Thanks!
  13. Wow I am so sorry, I have no experience, so therefore no advice, But you have gotten some great tips here, and I know dogs don't think like we do and I bet Bella will still be happy and stylin' in her collars. And she does have Cleo to help her
  14. My foster boy Gio has idiopathic head shakes, except his go up and down and it appears that Sailor's go left to right....not sure that it makes a difference. He had them fairly frequently when he first came to our group, and since I have had him he had them a few times in the summer (my log is in another room) and had one in December and hasn't had any since that I've seen. Our vet said it's not anything to be concerned about, he is alert and focused during them and they don't seem to bother him at all.
  15. 10 years ago I would have rushed to the e-vet, I have learned to manage a lot more at home......2 summers ago one of my girls got a 2 inch slice on the top of her head, right before we were going to take a walk, I had stepped back inside to grab something and my other girl got her with a toe nail....it didn't bleed, I couldn't take her in, I had to be at work so I cleaned it and kept it clean and dry and it healed nicely, she does have a little scar, but you can't see it unless you are looking for it.
  16. Thank You for the links!! I have an uncle who is very handy, might be consulting him on this project, since I expect to always have at least one senior hound I hope everyone's seniors are hanging in there, looks like a lot of us will be getting a thaw which should help some.....come on spring!
  17. Do you have any pictures you could share? Might be some consideration for a spring/summer project......
  18. 13 year old Raina and I are here too......it is bitter cold and we got 12 inches of snow yesterday, I have cleared the patio and some parts of the yard to create a path, but the silly old lady still wants to try and romp through the deep snow, she got stuck in it yesterday and I rushed out to get her back end back under her then she trotted to the door. Thankfully, I only have one step to the yard so entering and exiting the back door is pretty easy. I am finding her feet seem to freeze right now (-6 degrees) and she can't walk, I tried a sock on her most troublesome foot, but it is now lost in the deep snow, guess we'll find it this spring As a general rule, I don't mind winter - but I do mind watching my senior girl struggle with the elements. I just try to take things moment, by moment and love her to pieces. Prayers we all make it to spring This is a great idea!! My garage isn't attached, but it is fairly accessible from the back door, I might have to do this...I was hoping my old girl would just go on the concrete driveway/patio, but she wants to go into the deep snow, we are still working our options...thank you for this idea!
  19. I bought this one at Petco yesterday, wanted something to entertain the hounds while we have 12+ inches of snow and extreme cold. 2 of my 4 figured it out quickly, the other 2 are unsure of the "clacking" sound the doors make when they close.... They have to open the yellow covers to get the kibble/treats, the top also rotates to reveal more chambers. It was a big hit once they figured it out. They had about 5 different puzzle toys at Petco, I think they also have those Hide-A-Bee, etc. toys too.
  20. I switched my spook/ocd/anxious girl from Clomapramine to Amitriptyline when the cost of Clomapramine jumped to $800/month (a totally different rant) anyway, I didn't get the results I had with Clomapramine, and we are switching her to Prozac, however your needs are different than mine, and I didn't notice any adverse side effects, just not the results for my girl's condition. Hope that helps
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