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Everything posted by a_daerr

  1. So, so sorry for this terrible news. Thanks for sharing the pictures. He looks like such a happy boy.
  2. That's a long time... I wouldn't expect a grey who's been home for a year to be hauling off and biting at other dogs. Sort of makes me think something else is going on.
  3. Was dreading seeing this... So sorry for your loss.
  4. Sounds like sleep startle- totally normal. Lots of threads on here address it if you search "sleep startle" or "sleep aggression."
  5. Absolutely heartbreaking... so sorry you are going through this.
  6. This is true. When we switched to a higher fiber food, much bigger and more frequent poops. After about a month, they leveled out and adjusted nicely. When I was trying to get Truman to fill out, we added more mix-ins and canned food. That was easier than rocking the boat with the dry food. Good luck!
  7. Heartbreaking... I followed his seizure thread from the beginning, and I really was hoping for a miracle. What a special guy. Godspeed, Jabari.
  8. Fifteen minutes of hard panting doesn't sound terrible. You know your dog best. If he likes running and seems otherwise okay, I would try to condition him to the warmer weather by doing shorter distances and working your way up. They also make cooling vests and cooling bandanas to help dogs cool down after being out in the heat. Depending on his age and endurance, 80 degrees may be too much, though. Neither of my guys would run in 80 degree weather (they'll barely walk in it).
  9. BRING FREDDY!! And maybe I will bring him home!
  10. I'd just crate her at night- next to your bed if possible. You don't have to do it forever, just until she understands that she's expected to hold it at night. Even when Truman was housetrained and not crated during the day, I had to crate him at night. Otherwise, he'd get bored and slink down to the basement to pee.
  11. Fingers crossed for something simple like a UTI.
  12. I believe The Evil One is a Oriental Shorthair.
  13. Another vote for discoid lupus. As Kristin said, grain-free food and Vitamin E works well.
  14. Although it could be exacerbated by the stress, it definitely sounds like allergy symptoms. It could be food-related or environment-related (especially if it's starting to get warmer in your area). I would try him on an antihistimine like Zyrtec. If that doesn't work, it may be time for allergy testing and/or a food switch. Hill's Z/D or Purina HA are good choices.
  15. Yep, I'm a big fan of Judy's (JillysFullHouse) technique. Over 7-10 days, start pushing back your wake-up time by a half hour. After a period of time, she'll start making the connection that she gets up when your alarm goes off. If she's being crated at night, that makes things a lot easier. That way, you can ignore any whining without fear that she's going to have an accident in the house. I've even heard of people using a squirt bottle for the dogs that carry on for hours on end. If she's not being crated though, don't do the squirt bottle. That could cause her to stop giving you signals when she needs to go outside, which results in a dog that just slinks off and pees whenever she feels like it. As for the bald butts, totally normal. Henry has a bald butt and minimal fur on his belly. We did a thyroid at one point (trying to diagnose his seizures) and it was well within the healthy range for a greyhound. Some people here recommend using 3g of melatonin a day to help with alopecia in greyhounds. It's pretty cost effective if you wanted to give it a try. I bought a 120 day supply at the grocery store for $5. Unfortunately, we've only been using it a week, so I can't comment on its effectiveness just yet. But yeah, if she's otherwise healthy, I wouldn't rush into any testing just yet. Who knows, maybe someday you can enter her in a "shiney hiney" contest.
  16. Wonder whatever happened to this dog? She was having a bunch of problems.
  17. Oh God... this makes me so sad. Poor guy.
  18. So sorry for the loss of your little man, Lucy.
  19. Very sorry you are going through this. I'm agreeing with the above poster. It sounds very similar to what Neko is going through.
  20. Went through the exact same problem. Agree with everything Lisa said. Take the bowl up within 20 minutes. Even my pokey eater, Henry, quickly learned that you snooze, you lose.
  21. Couple questions... how old is he, and what caused him to lose weight in the first place?
  22. We have several... otherwise, they'd eat not only the cat food, but also the cat turds.
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