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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Cha cha cha, Ady Bea! Is anyone else thinking that a canine version of "Dancing With the Stars" would be a heck of a lot more interesting than some of the lame humans they have on there?
  2. Wonderful news! And best wishes on your half-greyhound
  3. I'd look smug, too, if I were Darcy. Good girl.
  4. Oh, no. Sending your Scoop lots of hugs and wishes for many happy, spoiled days ahead.
  5. My first grey, Eve, was a big marker. Then when a male grey joined our family, Eve's marking immediately decreased. I think they divided up the over-peeing duties.
  6. No knowledge about chemotherapy, but sending happy kisses to Gracie. Home invasion -- YIKES! Glad you are okay.
  7. Glad they're both feeling better. And I hope your other half has recovered from his trauma-by-proxy Just a note for the future -- Romie's scrotum stayed large for months and months after his surgery, much larger for much longer than my other male dogs. I posted about it and was told this was an okay variation of normal. He still has a little "change purse," over a year afterwards.
  8. Go, Casey, go! (But carefully and cautiously!)
  9. Just sending supportive thoughts to you and your pup.
  10. Adding our good thots to the list. Rest and feel better, sweetie.
  11. Gorgeous! Molly would be proud of you for opening your home to another.
  12. Congreytulations in advance! He looks like a beauty! If his leg allows it, taking a new dog on walks is a great way to relieve stress and to bond.
  13. Wendy, I don't have any of the beautiful images you always find to post, but I am sending to you and the rest of the crew. Donner was a special, special boy.
  14. Excerpt from Kathleen Gilley's "No Fear No Pain Methods of Discipline" article:
  15. I've had nail clipping problems with 2 of my 5 greys. After 6 months of screams and bucks, my first grey needed a gentle but firm scruff shake and a stern "NO!," then for the rest of her life she let me clip her nails with only an occasional paw jerk. My 2nd male was completely unimpressed by a scruff shake and NO. By accident, I found out that having him stand in the bathtub while getting nails clipped did the equivalent of holding the dog in air from the above post.
  16. Poor baby girl -- she may need ice cream to help her over the trauma.
  17. Sending hugs and more hugs. Coordinating eye patch is a wonderful idea!
  18. Even though the huge majority of dentals have no complications, we all understand here being frightened of having a beloved hound undergoing anesthesia. Following is the "Anesthesia" section of "Greyhound Medical Idiosyncracies," by William Feeman, DVM, which he made available on GreyTalk. It sounds like you're already planning on several of the precautions he recommends, and it sounds like he doesn't think there's only One Right Way to perform a safe dental. Plus, remember that even though Mickey was younger when she was spayed, that was a more involved operation and evidently she came through fine. We have had good experiences with the vet using pre-medications before dentals -- less anesthesia needed, so less groggy afterward.
  19. Nothing to add to the above good advice but to keep your voice calm and cheerful with her, not consoling and pitying. Sending hugs to Travel and to you.
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