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Everything posted by brindlehound

  1. Chris and family, I'm sorry for your loss. Dorie was obviously a very special girl. Run free Dorie. Carol and Magic
  2. Chris, I'm so sorry to read this. to you and your crew. I'm going to continue praying for a miracle.
  3. Chris, I'm still keeping you, Dorie, and your crew in my thoughts.
  4. Chris, we're continuing to pray for Dorie and the rest of your crew. Carol and Magic
  5. I'm glad Dorie is doing better and I hope all of you get some sleep soon.
  6. Linda, I'm so sorry about Molly. Run free sweet girl. Carol and Magic
  7. Chris, I'm glad to see that Dorie is doing better. Continued hugs to you and your crew.
  8. Still sending good thoughts to Dorie. Hugs to you and the rest of your crew. Carol and Magic
  9. Magic is a talker. I can always tell when he's about to speak: he wags his tail, air snaps, growls (not vicious), and sometimes a little yip right before he barks. He usually wants something: a cookie, water, to go out, sofa where someone is sitting.
  10. Coninuing with good thoughts for Dorie and hugs for you, Chris, and the rest of your crew.
  11. I have no experience but am sending hugs to you, Dorie, and the rest of your crew.
  12. How did Miss Maggie make out with her x-rays yesterday? Magic and I continue to send good wishes.
  13. Magic had a swollen wrist last spring and it turned out to be an infection which antibiotics took care of. Magic wasn't putting much weight on that leg. I was more concerned that he broke his wrist than osteo. The vet was concerned about osteo. Also, sending good thoughts for Sahara.
  14. I'm glad Maggie is doing well. Hang in there little girl and listen to the doctor and your mommy. Magic has a message for Miss Maggie:
  15. I have no experience but I'll keep Miss Maggie in my thoughts. Magic and Carol
  16. Kerry, that's good news. I hope Dr. C can shed more light on "moth eaten". I'll keep you and the handsome wizard in my thoughts.
  17. Magic has been having issues with dogs when he's laying on his bed. This has happened a couple of times. He gets snarky when a dog comes near him when he's lying on a dog bed. He hasn't actually bitten anyone yet and I honestly doubt he will. He was attacked a few years ago and it may be related to that especially since a person can walk by and he won't react at all; but if a dog walks by, he'll react. Yesterday, I put his muzzle on him until our company went home. After they left, I took the muzzle off and he was fine with my housemates 2 greyhounds who were also visiting for Magic's Gotcha Day celebration. Does anyone have any suggestions to desensitize him?
  18. Thanks all. I started giving Magic his Get Up and Go this morning. I decided to wait until I was home all day just in case his occasional sensitive tummy decided to act up. I decided on one dose a day.
  19. I won Get Up and Go in a recent auction and received my supply yesterday. I was wondering how others give it. Once a day and which meal or 1/4 tsp with breakfast and 1/4 with supper. Any suggestions are welcome.
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