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Everything posted by Time4ANap

  1. Most of the people on the calls this week were working from home and using background filters. Every once in a while a dog head would come through the filters causing everyone to crack up. If Petunia gives her input on the call I can bill for her hours.
  2. Petunia needs to be in charge and no one consulted her about any of this stuff.... The job is good and the fact that I don't have to leave the house or travel for it is a big selling point for me. Even though I worked from home for many, many years before it was fashionable to do so, I could be in my robe and on the phone no one knew the difference. This crap of people being able to see you at your desk in your own home is not something I like. (checks to make sure the post it notes are still in place over the cameras...) I had 18 hours of video calls this week with clients and the bosses and had to put on a shirt with a collar. I'm used to wearing ratty tee shirts. Who thought video conferencing was a good idea?
  3. Wow. I was not ready to see this headline. All paws crossed here at Camp Broodie that you get good news when all of this comes together. Hang in there, Sweep. You have more people pulling for you than you will ever know.
  4. That's why it went into C&F. You get it. Poor girl lost Kate, then got attacked by the new broodie. Then Starz came in and is getting spoiled to try and nurse her back to health. Mom leaves for a week and then the whole usual daily routine goes out the window the same week, and it really is a more than a hundredlebbenty degrees so we can't walk. Now I have SA.
  5. I miss my big goofy boy every day. I love my girls and they keep us hopping, but those big goofy boys are a whole other experience.
  6. I will trade you one Moody Broodie for a little Mayhem Maker.
  7. Only Starz....she's getting full fat cottage cheese and satin balls.
  8. It was bound to happen. After a year and a half of one or both of us being at home 24/7, the routine has changed. Starz arrived a little over 4 weeks ago weighing only 45 lbs.. Starz has been getting extra meals and things like cottage cheese and satin balls to get some weight on her. Miss Petunia is KNOT pleased with this. DW went out of town for a week last Saturday. Miss Petunia is KNOT pleased with this. After many years of being home all the time due to a long illness, I went back to work this week, so I am at the desk for hours at a time instead of at the dog's beck and call. Miss Petunia is KNOT pleased with this This morning I went to a quick medical appointment and the dogs were home alone for 45 minutes. Miss Petunia is KNOT pleased with this. Apparently, broodies express their displeasure by peeing in the living room whenever something is not to their liking. Daddyman is KNOT pleased with this. That is all.
  9. We took Rocket to the Greyhound Hall of Fame on our way through Kansas once. Got a great picture of him standing by his Grand Daddy's Hall of Fame Plaque (Gable Dodge.) His Daddy was inducted a few years later but we never got back there to get another picture of that plaque. We also took him to Winslow AZ so that we could get a picture of him "standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona." Rocket wasn't a dog park kind of guy. Anytime we went to one he would just hang with the humans. Probably because people have treats. GRTB is coming up in October in Rehoboth, Delaware. Jeter and Milo would be celebrities there. Just sayin'.
  10. Rocket will send down lightning bolts if I remove his signature.
  11. I'm using Chrome on Windows. Try clicking on any thread or forum and you may be logged in anyway. For me it's only the home page where I'm not logged in and going anywhere else on the site fixes it.
  12. Found these but it looks like the same size is cheaper on Amazon that Jan linked. https://www.gundogsupply.com/flat-sided-bucket-9qt-hooks.html Edited to add - the web page for the company that makes those flat buckets has a ton of different containers used in livestock feeding. https://www.miller-mfg.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=SRCH&Store_Code=MMFG&Search_Category_Code=&catidx=&qsearch=All+Products&Search=bucket
  13. I was using Chrome and had the login issue. I have UBlock Origin already disabled for this site and it doesn't show that anything is blocked anywhere. Don't know if that info helps or not.
  14. There is definitely some problem going on with the site or maybe some work going on. If I go to the home page I am signed out and unable to sign in as the Sign-In function won't click. If I click on an existing thread I am signed in when I go to the page.
  15. Not Jeff, but assuming it's a Windows machine, check Settings, Update and Security, Windows Update. There is an update being deployed that causes all kinds of craziness until it's actually installed. Has nothing to do with the site, but weirds out your browser and other functions until the update is fully installed. I've now seen it on several machines in the last 3 weeks. There will be a notification on the Windows Update screen that there's a feature update waiting. Run that, wait an hour or two after it installs for it to completely update everything, and you will probably be good if that's the issue.
  16. She is one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met. We've been fortunate to have some real sweethearts, but everyone who meets this girl instantly falls in love with her. I would take a dozen of her.
  17. Nystagmus was the word I couldn't think of last night when replying to this. Petunia had that as well which was one of the ways they diagnosed the vestibular event that Petunia had. How is Violet doing today?
  18. This looks very similar to what Petunia had in the middle of the night one night. The first one was over a year ago. She had what I thought was the start of another one recently but it went away quickly, so I don't know if she actually had something wrong or if i was just seeing something that wasn't there. The diagnosis when she had the first one was a Vestibular Event. The vet also said it can be sometimes called old dog syndrome or some variation of that name. The head tilt and excessive drooling were the main basis for Petunia's diagnosis. During the onset she also seemed to not be able to find her rear end to sit down. I sort of saw that same thing in Violet's video. Violet's video looked very familiar to Petunia's incident. That night I gave it about a half hour before making the decision to go to the E-Vet. About 2 hours after we left her there, the vet called and said she was apparently back to normal because she was complaining about everything. She has been fine since except for that one time when I thought one of the events was starting. Hope you can get it figured out and that Violet is feeling better soon.
  19. I missed the original post so am just now seeing this. Is it possible he's howling in response to other howling, such as coyotes? We hear coyotes howling every night, and it can be nearby or way in the distance. If the the hounds are outside it definitely gets their attention. If this is the case, I'm thinking your only option is to close the dog door and make him sleep inside. I think very few of us here have dogs that sleep outside. I've only seen it mentioned a time or two over the years.
  20. Ducky, I was so sad to see Charlie's name here. For a little guy, he was such a big dude. Run-free Charlie. Send your Mom a sign when you can.
  21. They don't forget anything ever. For years after we moved to Phoenix, Rocket would go bananas at the sound of the engine of a UPS or FEDEX truck. The UPS guy in IL always had the big Milk Bones on his truck and would even stop to see us when we were out on our walks if he didn't have a package to deliver to our house. Rocket would jump into the truck to get his cookie. The AZ UPS drivers say they aren't allowed to give out treats, but Rocket never gave up trying every time he heard those truck engines.
  22. As a start, if you haven't already tried it, IAMS green bag will often be enough to firm up everything and most dogs do very well on it. Lots of people here use it and have for years. When Starz arrived here a few weeks ago, she had pretty nasty stools and the IAMS solved that within just a few days. We have kept her on that particular food since it works so well for her. One of the other foods that we've found for consistent stools is Purina Pro Plan Large Breed Focus. It just seems to work. Rocket had stomach issues for years and this is one of the foods that just solved the issue and he had no problems with. It also worked for others here who used it for similar stomach issues. Along with the Pro Plan Focus we added Olewo carrots to each meal which really helped with those runny second and third stools that we would get on walks. The combination of the food and carrots worked well. In later years as his stomach issues got worse, we had to give him Tylan daily, but that is more for extreme stomach issues and not something I'd give without the advice of the vet and only then for a chronic condition.
  23. So far she's never met a food that she didn't like. She seems to have gained a little weight since she arrived but is still pretty thin and bony. She eats canned food at meal time and has a bowl of kibble out 24/7 where she grazes when she's hungry. She is also very treat motivated so she's been getting some satin balls daily to help with the weight. We knew there was something special in those packages when she started licking them before they could be opened. She channels Trolley all the time, especially with the ears and the look she gives us at meal times when she wants more toppers on her food. Trolley used to stare at you until she was satisfied with whatever toppings you added to her food like cottage cheese, shredded cheddar, etc. Trolley only did that at our house because she knew that we would cave.
  24. Starz...There's a box for you1 Whot?! You got Noms! And she got a very pretty new collar. Starz was scheduled for a dental yesterday but due to her bloodwork being a little out of whack the vet decided against it. When she arrived back at the house, we signed the final piece of paperwork from the adoption group that makes her an Official Resident of Camp Broodie. So it was kind of her Official Gotcha Day . The presents are from her Aunt Carol for her Gotcha Day. Thank You, Aunt Carol!
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