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Everything posted by robinw

  1. i'm so sorry that Bodie has lung mets but i'm hoping for a great outcome from this study
  2. this is so heartbreaking. i'm so sorry
  3. OMG, Liz. I am so very sorry. He was such a sweetie. Finn will be missed. ETA: Finn is immortalized on Loca's running on the beach collar. I'm so glad I have that to remember him by.
  4. Bill, would you post the story of how Susie came to live with you?
  5. I love that picture of Susie. I really miss her presence on GT.
  6. Hi Shirl, I remember you! You were Phoenix's first Secret Santa!! Good to see you!. Phene and Loca still takes turns wearing the coat you gave him btw, can I have Jazz?
  7. Kerri and Mark, my heart sank as I read your email this afternoon. I'm so sorry. He'll be missed by many
  8. Linda, i can't believe I missed this. What a beautiful tribute! Otis' special personality and beauty was captured perfectly. We all miss him
  9. i can't believe i read this at 1:44 our time (6:44 your time), just in time to say good bye to Stanley. I'm so sorry for your loss; we will all miss him
  10. robinw


    Linda, you and hour family have been foremost on my mind ever since Jett was diagnosed last year. I am so sorry he is gone; he was such a sweetheart and such a special guy. We'll all miss him terribly at Dewey
  11. robinw

    Adios Treat

    oh no...i'm so sorry for your loss
  12. robinw

    Misty Moo

    Oh no, Shirl. I'm so very sorry
  13. robinw


    i saw that he had passed. thanks for starting this thread. i'm so sorry about Darryl
  14. how awful. i absolutely cannot watch a horse race for fear that one will be injured, just like she was.
  15. mine, also. i agree that she should be taken to the evet.
  16. robinw


    i'm so sorry, Jennifer
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