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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Oh bi. You've had way too much loss in your life during the past couple of years. I'm so sorry
  2. oh no...i remember when you adopted Marty. I'm so sorry
  3. Oh no, Sheila! My heart sank when I saw the title of this thread. Aria has always been one of my favourite GT hounds and the picture of her in her tiara is an absolute classic, not to mention that she was such an absolute sweetheart in person. Sheila, Aria will be sorely missed
  4. Tina, I'm so sorry. I'm still in shock. I will so miss seeing your lovely boy. Hugs to you, Eric and the rest of your hounds. Love, Loca, Phoenix and me
  5. robinw


    I'm so sorry
  6. The vet's office said to keep an eye on her bumhole ( ) and to take her in if it becomes swollen or red.
  7. I don't really know either, but it seems like I read that when they go to the bathroom, as it passes, it presses against the gland and that takes care of it. I had to look it up on the internet to see what is was. I remember reading that sometimes dogs will scoot across the floor on their butts and that sometimes people think this is a sign of worms, but that they are trying to express the glands. thanks so much for all of your help
  8. how would she have expressed them herself? i don't know anything about this...
  9. should i take her to the vet? and yes, to say that she stinks to high heaven would be an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!!!!!
  10. I just noticed that the area around Loca's bumhole seems to be wet. She hasn't been licking it. She also smells really bad and this evening I noticed two fairly large brown spots of my blanket which I'm fairly sure came from her. ( ). Does anybody know what could be going on with her? Could it be an anal gland problem? Thanks
  11. Liz and Larry, I'm so sorry. You've had way too much loss in your lives during the past year
  12. my heart sank when i saw his name. i'm so sorry
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