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Everything posted by robinw

  1. continued good thoughts Gus.
  2. robinw


    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Diane, my heart sank when I saw his name. I'm so, so sorry. At least we can find peace knowing that the Fudge and Goods will be reunited
  3. Loca had one of her removed from her face last year and it was a fatty lipoma. i think it's time for yet anoiher catchy chant, don't you? Fatty Lipoma Fatty Lipoma Fatty Lipoma
  4. sending positive thoughts to both Cannon and Tania
  5. great news!! loca had a similiar fracture several years ago and it healed quite nicely
  6. i won't hesitate to go to Ohio if recommended. i'm waiting for direction from my vet plus i'll reply to Dr. Couto's questions. i had completely forgotten that around 1.5 months ago a friend visited with his greyhound and the three of them (his hound, phene and loca) did some heavy duty running. i think that's around when all of this started. i'm such an idiot
  7. I am so glad my vet and so many kind people here on GT recommended I contact Dr. Couto. Below is his response to my email and Loca's x-rays Am I getting ahead of myself since I feel so relieved and escastic?
  8. i second that suggestion. i held it in place with a thick rubberband.
  9. thanks for the update. my thoughts are with Gus (and with you, too().
  10. robinw

    A New Angel

    I;m so sorry. I'm glad she got to spend her last night with her new gifts.
  11. that sucks. i had a dog that had a stroke and acupuncture worked wonders . does your vet offer that?
  12. i felt the exact same way you did, then i finally got the nerve to email him and i'm so glad i did. please don't hesitate to cpntact him .
  13. I'm so sorry, Pam. You both continue to be in my thoughts
  14. Brodie sounds just like my beloved Beansy
  15. make sure you contact dr. couto for a second opinion, ok?
  16. a chant it is!! no liver, no pancreas! sounds pretty catchy to me
  17. kerri and i share a love for greasy pizza, the kind that drips down your arm nothing too exciting, alhough i think both kerri and i would agree that nothing, and i mean NOTHING, is quite as exciting as having melted pizza cheese grease dripping down your arm
  18. nah, not nearly greasy enough Oh man, it didn't run down your arm? I'll have William deliver you some. I'm sure that will cheer you and Loca up. Perhaps she can take a p*ss on him as a thank you for the delivery. didn't run down my arm and the beer was crummy i think william would much prefer to deliver to both of us together, don't you? that is, if he's not in jail loca has a bad night a couple of evening's ago. she screamed as she was nesting on my bed, and this was a couple of hours after i gave her tramadol. she seems to be doing beter now. i'll let you all know what dr. couto has to say, ok?
  19. i bet things will work out great and that Ernie is home for good
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