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Everything posted by robinw

  1. you're not kidding!! i just discovered that she carried a six pack of beer from the kitchen to the tv room. she's baaacccckkkkkk A girl after my own heart!! I wish my kids would do stuff like that do you want her? it finally occured to me to take screen caps of the x-rays and save them as jpgs; i yse a PC at work so I could actually see them there . the first email contraining the x-ray attachments was just returned due to the file size, so i just sent three emails containing three x-rays each. loca is acting so normal now and she looks fantastic, espcially compared to the way she looked a month ago; it will be even more devastating (if that's possible) if bone cancer is confirmed .
  2. robinw


    i'm so sorry
  3. robinw


    i'm so sorry
  4. sounds like everybody s feeling pretty good .
  5. thanks, Jan. turns out Dr. Couto got a Mac and can't read them either! I'e asked my vet's office to change them to jpgs
  6. you're not kidding!! i just discovered that she carried a six pack of beer from the kitchen to the tv room. she's baaacccckkkkkk
  7. that's exactly what happened. she gave me a disk with all of the results but i can't load it to my omputer to email it because apparantly the enclosed software isn't mac compatible . i'll either try to do it from work or just mail the disk. the good news is that she just tried to snack on a little black fuzzy doggie, which i guess means that she's feeling better. i KNEW something was wrong when she was ignoring canine fuzzballs
  8. as of yesterday morning dr. couto still hadn't received the x-rays. i left a message at my vet's office and will follow up today. we were wondering...the digital x-ray files must be enormous; does anybody know if they are generally difficult to send via email?
  9. such beautiful pictures. Crooke is missed by many
  10. great news about Bonnie's weight! eating like a piggy is good I am looking forward to more positive updates!
  11. Thanks for asking . Haven't heard anything yet but I promise I'll post as soon as I do.
  12. oh Kerri, that's way too much for anybody to handle at once I'm glad Gus and Battle seem better. Yardman's lump could be anything; Loca had one removed from her face last year and it turned out to be harmless. Just to let you know, I'm chanting for you and your hounds so loudly that my neighbours are starting to complain
  13. welcome to GT i don't know a thing about eye disorders, but this looks like a good site.
  14. thanks, Janet. it's indeed been an emotional rollercoaster, but there's nothing i can do besides deal with it. as i'm sure you know, dealing with a pet's illness (or suspected illness) can be pretty isolating, but life goes on, right?
  15. This morning Michele (my vet) went over Loca's new x-rays with Tina and I. Everything looked pretty good she said, but she pointed out what looked like bone spurs or something like that on each side of her upper arm. the exact same image was on the other arm, so we figure it may be artifact. she also pointed out what looked like the beginning stages of arthritis. Maybe Tina could add her thoughts to this thread . Michele has probably already sent the x-rays to dr. couto. i'll keep everybody posted. thanks again for so many good thoughts and wishes edited to add that loca didn't seem to be in any pain during these x-rays, which means the metacam must be working. she was in so much pain during the first set that they had to give her morphine.
  16. don't beat yourself up. toes are really tricky. when loca broke her toe, it took twice as long to heal as her broken leg and it also kept getting infected. in retrospect, i wish we had just amputated it
  17. thank goodness there are people like Pam around...this is so sad
  18. time for another chant and will continue to will the snow to melt...NOW!!
  19. thanks so much for your offers of help. tomorrow tina (tinastroops) is taking us to our appointment, so i'll keep everybody posted. loca was doing great until few days ago, when she started to have even more difficulty getting on my bed. i really got nervous when i gave her some pizza yesterday morning and she didn't eat it, but all in all her appetite is still great. this has been a rude reminder that we're not out of the woods yet .
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