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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. I'm a little late on this, but I'm so happy that your girl is home with you. She's gorgeous and looks really good for what she's been through. I am thinking of you guys....
  2. Well, Ry is not feeling much better today He had more bloody D in the middle of the night and barely touched his dinner or breakfast. Normally he will scarf down cooked chicken. He is drinking way more than normal, and is absolutely exhausted. The vet thought he might have eaten something, but I have no yard and Riley was with me almost the entire day on Tuesday. I really don't think he ate anything. Hopefully we will get the blood test results back soon... I'll let you guys know. Thank you SO much for all the good wishes.
  3. I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you and your family
  4. Thanks so much everyone. He did not have a fever at the vet today, and he did not mention any swollen lymph nodes. I just tried feeding him the chicken and rice, and he had absolutely no interest.
  5. Hi everyone, I would appreciate it if you could send some good thoughts Riley's way. He is sick. Last night he would not settle at all, and we were up basically all night b/c he was just pacing around the house. He has thrown up quite a few times, and has been having very bloody diarrhea. I took him to the vet and they are doing bloodwork which should be back tomorrow. He has lost about 6 lbs. Normally this would not concern me too too much, but he has really not been himself the last few months. I was attributing it to him just getting older, but I am not so sure. He has had quite a few episodes of having an upset stomach, which is unlike him. He just doesn't look right today. I swear last night his face was a bit swollen, but today his eyes kinda look sunken it. I suppose he could just be dehydrated. He has been drinking a lot of water though. For now he is on some meds that will hopefully make him feel better and I am cooking him some chicken and rice to have for dinner. Thanks in advance for thinking of my boy
  6. My heart dropped when I read your title, Carolyn. I am so, so sorry. Even though I never met her, I loved Stella and she will be missed.
  7. I have used a harness in the past, and I liked it for those times when I had to stop short. But there are only certain brands that are really tested for use in the car, so do some research. The one I used was not (just a regular Premier harness), and I have no doubt that in a serious car crash it would not have protected Riley. Now, I keep Riley in the very back of my car (I have a Pontiac Vibe - same as Toyota Matrix). This way he is behind a barrier so he can't fly forward. I keep my smaller dogs in a crate. I just don't feel comfortable having them loose in the car. I don't know what would happen in a serious crash, though. Hopefully I never find out. I would not use a martingale collar, personally. If a dog is attached to the car by the neck, they will choke if they fly forward.
  8. This is just so sad. I'm so sorry BJ and everyone else who loved her.
  9. I am so very sorry to read this. I loved Roo and you guys have always held a very special place in my heart. You are in my thoughts
  10. Oh no.... I don't know what to say. I am so, so sorry.
  11. I'm so sorry, Sheila. I remember you guys very well. I always thought Aria was one of the prettiest greyhounds with a name to match. She will me missed.
  12. Aw man, I was hoping you were lucky and were able to get rid of this. Here's what I use http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B00...BK/ref=dp_olp_2 Works better than any meds I've tried (it goes away with meds, but then comes right back). You may have to bathe her every couple of days in the beginning or when she has a bad outbreak, but I usually wash Riley with this once a week or so and it keeps the infection away.
  13. I so sorry, Lynn. Raisin was a beautiful girl and she will be missed.
  14. OMG I just got home from a long day and this is the best possible news I could have read!!!!!!!!! :yay HAPPY TEARS HERE!!!! Please give Shanti, Nala and Asti a huge kiss from me!
  15. Oh nooooooo. I am heartbroken right along with you. This is NOT fair. PLEASE let me know if there's anything I can do. Love, Lucy
  16. Aw, Michelle, we miss her too. Big hugs
  17. Riley has antibiotic resistant staph. He's had a few really bad outbreaks over the years, but we have been able to keep in under control for the most part by giving him regular baths with Chlorhexiderm Shampoo. I highly recommend it you ask your vet about trying it.
  18. I posted on here once when I had been petting Riley on his back and an entire chunk of skin and hair just peeled right off, leaving a big oozing sore. I FREAKED out. It turned out to be staph. So maybe that is what is happening on her tail? I really don't know, but you know I am thinking nothing but good thoughts for you guys. I wish I could give you all a big hug.
  19. Didn't you mention that she was having problems with a staph infection? I bet this is related. Riley has had a recurring staph infection for years and it can cause all kinds of gross sores and skin problems. That's what it looks like is on her belly. Riley is about to be put back on pred and antibiotics for it since it is still not under control Let us know what the vet says.
  20. omg, not another thing! You guys have really been having a hard time I don't know if this is right, but isn't there some sort of gland on the tail? Could that have something to do with it? I hope you get it figured out and healing soon. We send our love and good thoughts!!
  21. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this I was really hoping this would work for sweet Shanti. I hope you guys get some answers soon. You have been through so much. The boys and I send our love. Please give her a big kiss from me.
  22. Thinking of you guys... it is great to see him looking better. Big hugs from me & the boys.
  23. I'm so sorry, Liz. I always enjoyed hearing about Finn and seeing him in pictures. You are in my thoughts.
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