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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this. I, too, am going to miss Mac's commentaries.
  2. Thinking of you guys. I hope Ember is home soon and eats her yummy dinner.
  3. Hi guys, I finally spoke to the vet. Riley's ultrasound did not show anything conclusive. He thinks there is still something going on with his liver though. We could do a liver biopsy, but that is major surgery and neither of us want to go that route. So for now he is going back on antibiotics in case there is an infection somewhere. After that, I have no clue. I am very happy that the ultrasound did not show anything bad, but frustrated that we still don't know what's wrong. Riley has been doing pretty well these past couple of days, so hopefully that will continue. He has about 10 lbs to gain, and he is still more lethargic than usual. Thanks so much for all of you good wishes and posts. I will post again if there are any new developments.
  4. I'm so sorry Denise. I feel like I knew Brooke from your words. Thanks for sharing her with us. She will be missed
  5. Ok, I think I'm going to lose it. I have had my phone right next to me for the past two days, just waiting for the vet to call. I got out of my car to get gas and of course the vet calls right then. I call back literally 5 mins later and the receptionist tells me he left and he's not coming back til tomorrow. I really don't know how vets work, but considering I've spent $800 there in the past week (and regularly bring 3 dogs to them), I would think the vet could leave his cell number, or something??
  6. Still nothing from the vet Riley is not feeling well at all. He had one accident when I was at work. I know he must have had to go really bad, b/c he never has accidents. He is such a good boy and went outside on my lanai (deck). His stomach is making the most horrible noises. I want to give him something to eat, but I have to go to class now so I will wait til I get home in case he needs to go out right afterwards. I am going to make him some pasta cooked in chicken broth... I hope he can handle that. It is breaking my heart to see him feeling so bad.
  7. Still no results Riley still has bad diarrhea. The vet told me to feed him yesterday evening b/c he was fasted all morning for the ultrasound. But every bit of food came right out He is getting so skinny, and understandably seems starving. I am fasting him for breakfast and will cook something for him for dinner. I gave him Immodium so hopefully he can hold it til I get home from work. Poor baby
  8. I just picked up Riley from the vet. He was there for the morning and not too happy about it They had to shave his belly so he looks pretty funny with a weird haircut and being so skinny. The doctor that did the ultrasound said they send it away to be read, so they will call me when they have the results. I can't take the waiting anymore Thank you all so much for your continued support... it means so much to me & Ry. I will post when they call.
  9. Ok here's the update from today. Riley had xrays done as well as a urinalysis, and this vet got the bloodwork from the vet I took Ry to a couple weeks ago. His bilirubin is high, which indicates a problem in the liver. The vet seemed pretty concerned, so I am dropping him off on Wed to have an ultrasound done. He used some words I would rather not mention here For now he is on a low protein diet. Thanks for all the good wishes and I will post on Wed as soon as I know anything more. You are all the best
  10. Riley was doing much better for a few days - eating well and seemed to have his energy back. He even ran at the park, which has been a rare sight the past few years. But, he developed diarrhea again on Saturday and is still not better. I took the day off from work and I will be taking him the vet again this afternoon. Good thoughts much appreciated!!
  11. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  12. I'm so sorry to hear this. Don't second guess yourself - you know what is best for your girl. Thinking of you here
  13. It is so wonderful to see Ember home and healing. She looks very cozy in her Hawaiian blankie. Please keep us updated on how she's doing.
  14. So happy to hear of Polli's improvements. You guys are such a wonderful family. Continued good thoughts for Ms. Polli
  15. That was such a beautiful and sad post. Tears here too. Thinking of you & Isabella today...
  16. Tom, I am just seeing this. I am so very sorry to hear of Ember's diagnosis. I am thinking of you guys and hoping that the amputation and chemo give her a lot more time with you.
  17. Thanks everyone. No real changes here. He has been eating some of his food & has not had anymore upset stomach, but he is still not himself. I'm going to give it a couple more days and if he's not better schedule an ultrasound. I really appreciate all your support
  18. Lucy, I have a bunch of Duralactin as Shanti did not do well. I can send it with my parents on Tuesday? You woul have to pick it up at their hotel, but cheaper than shipping! Let me know if you want it. They would bring it for you! Aw, that's really sweet of you. I don't want you guys to have to go through the trouble though. I can always order probiotics - I don't think they are super expensive. And right now Riley is on antibiotics & pred so I don't know if he can have it? I have thought about the cause being the changes in his life, but in reality Riley is very used to moving and changes. We've moved more times than I can count since I've had him. I am sure he does miss Shaun but I don't know why he would all the sudden get so sick?? I was attributing his occasional stomach upsets to that, but I don't know. His skin has been pretty good lately. I have been giving him medicated baths at least once a week. He was up almost all night again panting and restless - but no upset stomach. He did eventually eat all his dinner last night but it took a lot of effort on my part. Thanks for all the suggestions, I will definitely call the vet tomorrow morning and see what he suggests.
  19. I'm so glad Polli is home. I can only imagine how tough these first couple of days will be for you guys, but you will get through it. Before you know it she will be as good as new again. Thinking of you here in Hawaii...
  20. Riley is not doing so well. His stomach seems ok - no more big D or vomiting - but he is not himself. He is not eating much despite being on prednisone. His coat looks dull and it is usually super soft and shiny, and his eyes look different. He has definitely lost a good amount of weight. I don't know what to do exactly, since his bloodwork came back ok. What can I ask the vet to do now? I am going to go to the store now and buy some hamburger meat to add to his food...
  21. I heard from the vet... nothing alarming in Riley's bloodwork He seems to be getting some energy back and his eyes have some sparkle. He has not pooped in 24 hrs, which is good. I am happy to hear this news, but still concerned about what could have been wrong. Thanks so much for all the good wishes, they seem to be working for now
  22. That is such wonderful news. Polli sounds like an amazing greyhound. Can't wait for her to come home where she belongs. Keep us posted.
  23. No results back today... hopefully tomorrow. The waiting is so frustrating but nothing I can do. Riley was put on prednisone to help with his appetite and it seems to be working somewhat. He ate a few bites of chicken this afternoon and just seemed interested in a treat I was giving the iggies so I am making him an early dinner. No more big D or throwing up today I will update as soon as I know something more. Thanks everyone
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