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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. omg, that is awesome! Thank you so much for letting me know!!
  2. Thank you everyone!! I iced it last night. I have no idea if it helped, but hopefully it did. He is out of Valium, and is noticeable more fidgety. I let him sleep outside for about 2.5 hrs last night because he is so much more comfortable out there. I also tried letting him sleep in the living room on his bed, out of the crate. He would not lie down. I think he has actually gotten used to the crate, b/c when I bring him inside he heads right for it. He just looked at me like I had 3 heads when I offered him breakfast, but hopefully he will eat a little later. Puzzle & Jabari have volunteered to help if needed This morning was his last dose of Rimadyl, and tonight is his last Tramadol. It will be interesting to see how he acts w/o any medication. I'll let you know if anything changes... thanks again ps I will ask about Arnica gel tomorrow, and I am also trying to get a hold of an acupuncturist.
  3. I'm so sorry Denise. I will be thinking of Warlock and hoping for a treatable diagnosis.
  4. Thank you so much Shannon, you have been amazing through this all. I can't tell you how much it has helped to know you guys are here. My vet told me to use warm compresses, but is icing better for bruising? I am pretty sure there is only the one e-vet but I am trying to find out. If not, I am going to call the e-vet and see what he thinks, since he's already seen him I feel like it's better than nothing. Taking deep breaths. I know he will get better soon, it just feels like each day is going on forever.
  5. @#$%. I feel nauseous. I don't know if this is new or I just noticed it, but this whole front leg is dark purple/black under the fur. It is hard to tell because he has black spots on his legs, but I first noticed that the area right above his stopper bad is swollen and purple, and when I checked the rest of the leg and armpit it is the same. I am 75% sure that this was not here yesterday when I put the warm compresses and manipulated the leg, but I don't think the lights were fully on. I looked at it this morning, but maybe not closely enough. Bruising can show up after a trauma, right? Of course it is Saturday night and my vet is not open til Monday. My only option is that same e-vet that I did not like. Sorry if I am freaking out over nothing, but I am scared.
  6. Thanks Jey, that is very helpful. I wish there were more greyhounds over here so vets would be more familiar with them.
  7. Riley doing ok. Not much improvement physically, but he seems more like himself today. He ate a treat for the first time since this happened.
  8. Hi guys, Riley is about the same. Now his back right leg is swollen though (I was wrong and it's his left front that is hurt). I can't tell if it is hurting him more or not. He is not walking more than a step or two without coaxing. I am trying to keep reminding myself that it has only been 3 days since this happened. He just has to start feeling better soon. Knowing you guys are all thinking of him is helping me a lot too.
  9. He's on 50mg 2x/day. Same with the Rimadyl. I know he hasn't been on both of these together before... not sure if he's ever taken Tramadol. My memory sucks. He's hasn't had many medical issues, so I don't think so.
  10. Yeah, he's still on Tramadol and Rimadyl, and the Valium. I am picking up his thryoid meds this morning. Thanks for the tip on the Soloxine. I'll make sure they don't give me the generic. Shanti is such a trooper
  11. Thank you everyone. We had another long night. He kept panting and crying all night. I took him outside a few times but did not let him stay outside. At about 3:30 he was crying so much that I gave him his Tramadol a little early. It seemed to help. He's still holding the leg the same. I will update if anything new happens. We really, really appreciate all the support.
  12. An interesting new development - the vet just called and let me know that he is hypothyroid. She sent the test away last week when he was diagnosed w LP. I am pretty surprised. She had me pinch his toes on his bad foot to see if he would respond, which he barely did after a very hard pinch (I felt bad). She also told me to put warm compresses on his joints and move his legs around a couple of times a day. She thinks he pulled the nerves in his armpit when he did the splits, and b/c of his age it will take longer for him to recover. She is so awesome, I don't think I've ever had a vet call to check on him before. Wow, I just looked up hypothyroidism, and one of the biggest indicators is chronic skin infections. He has dealt with staph infections for years. So glad nobody else thought to do a thyroid test.
  13. No he never lays like that, he has been laying very differently since this happened. I was able to stretch his leg out all the way. He did not turn his paw. Here is a video of him walking. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTtE8dfmkcE Thank you so much.
  14. Thanks so much for the links. The vet did tell me that his nerves seemed ok. I have no idea what tests she did though. I tried the flashlight thing, but really couldn't tell anything? His lenses are thickened, so that might be why. Here's a pic of him laying outside, check out the paw
  15. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Unfortunately I can't gate him because our downstairs is basically just one big open room. I have had a fan blowing in his crate for him, so it should be somewhat cool. He is definitely a lot less anxious today, prob due to the valium. But he is still miserable. The way he is holding his front paw is concerning me. Since this happened, he has had his toes curled under, almost like his paw is dangling from his wrist. Even when laying down, his foot is not flat. Does this mean anything to anyone? I'm home for lunch and he's sleeping out in the yard again ETA: Today is not a hot day, and it is still sprinkling outside. So I don't think it's the heat, but who knows.
  16. Ok, I just brought him in b/c I have to go to work soon. He is soaking wet, and bugs were flying all over him. Very weird. Now he is stressed being in the crate, but I can't leave him free b/c he will try to hobble around. Maybe the meds are making him feel weird. I know I have lay down in the grass a few times when I've been drunk
  17. OK, thanks Amber. He seems normal when I touch him, but he's still out in the rain.
  18. I don't know. I can go take his temp. Thanks. I took it twice, 100.3 & 99.9. That's a little low, right?
  19. Hmmmm, Riley is doing better, but acting a little strange. Last night he was whining at about 8:30 so I took him outside in case he had to go to the bathroom. He drank a lot of water and did eat a few bites of his food mixed w baby food. Anyway, he peed and then he lay down and fell asleep! It was so adorable, and I hated waking him, but at about 10:00 I brought him back inside. It was drizzling outside so I figured it must have been nice and cool. But he kept whining and crying in his crate, so I took him outside again in case he had to poop or pee again, and he lay down again and seemed so happy and relaxed outside. So I left him out there ( I am sleeping on the couch that is against the window where the yard is, so I could see him the whole time). I woke up a bunch of times and tried to get him in, but he wanted to stay. He is still out there now and it is raining and a little chilly. He never goes out when it rains. Otherwise he seems ok... still no weight on the foot, very shaky back legs, and some panting, but much more relaxed. He ate a few bites of breakfast but not much. Am I being silly, or is this kinda weird? Should I just let him do what he wants? He is supposed to be on bed rest, but I don't think he's moved too much out there, so is he ok?
  20. He's home I think there is a slight improvement from last night. He drank some water, but still no food. I gave him another Valium along with his pain meds. He is in his crate, laying down, but still panting and occasionally crying. Jabari has been stressed out about his brother. He was so happy when he came home. He kept trying to get in the crate so I let him in for a second. Riley actually laid his head down for a minute You can see Jabari bouncing up and down from Riley's breathing. I didn't want him to stay in there too long, but I put a bed near his crate so he can lay near him without disturbing him. He loves his big brother so much. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOWDqzod5vo His daddy is at the store picking up some hamburger and chicken baby food, and already brought home lots of throw rugs, a babygate and an a/c.
  21. Just heard from the vet... nothing broken But, she is concerned that he is still exhibiting this much pain with all the meds he has gotten. He is a really sensitive guy, so hopefully that is the reason. I'll go pick him up in a couple of hours. I really hope tonight goes better than last night.
  22. I'm home. A tech came and sat with him b/c he kept trying to get up when I left. I am very relieved that he will there for the day so they can monitor him. I will update when I hear anything about the x-rays. Thanks again!!
  23. This really pisses me off. I told the vet he has larygeal paralysis & the last thing he needs is to pant more. He did not take xrays. I am at my vet w him now. We are in the back and he's laying on his bed. The vet gave him Valium and fluids and will do xrays in a couple hrs. They turned down the ac just for him and brought him an icepack. I feel so much better w him here for the day. I'm going to sit w him until he (hopefully) falls asleep. Thanks everyone. I would be freaking out so much more w/o you.
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