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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. This is so sad. I too have wondered what happened and was hoping for any news other than this
  2. Riley was dx with LP a couple months ago. I was leaning towards doing the surgery, but then he took a bad fall and is still recovering from that. Please keep us posted on how your girl does. She will be in my thoughts.
  3. Ok, thanks everyone! I am glad it's nothing to worry about. I am sooo looking forward to him walking on all 4s again!
  4. Riley hurt his left front leg pretty badly a few weeks ago, and he is still not walking properly on it. He puts the foot down most of the time when he walks but only the front of it. It is never flat. When standing, he holds it up. I noticed yesterday that his other feet, esp the right front and back left, look funny. His pads seem swollen and his toes are a weird angle when he stands. I just talked with my vet a couple days ago, and she said it could be another month before he starts feeling better. Should I be concerned about his other feet? Is there anything the vet could do? Thanks in advance.
  5. I did actually tell him this many times when he was really not feeling well You guys are the best!! You all helped get both Riley and I through a very tough couple of weeks. I can't thank you all enough
  6. Hi Camille, thanks for asking about Riley! He is doing ok. He is still holding the leg up with it curled under when standing, but does put some weight on it some of the time when walking. He is getting good at doing things on 3 legs. He has also been very, very tired, which I hope is his body healing. I am trying to keep in mind how traumatic this was for him, and how far he has come. I am sure it will be awhile longer before he is back to normal. I can't wait to take him for a walk again.
  7. He's about the same. His shoulder & leg don't appear to be swollen, but his paw is still filled w fluid. He is putting a small amount of weight on the leg, maybe 50% of time? He still would like to live outside but I finally moved off the couch & we slept upstairs in the new AC we installed just for him (his daddy carried him up & down). Thanks for asking about him!!!
  8. Oh no. I'm so sorry Denise. I was really hoping for a positive outcome for your handsome boy.
  9. The vet did not do any tests because of his improvement. The swelling in his shoulder and leg has gone down. His paw is still big, but not as bad. The bruising has also faded slightly. She said in about 2 weeks he should be back to normal. If not, or if he gets worse, we will go back. She was laughing that Riley does not do anything the "normal" way. Nope, he's a greyhound!! I am soooooo happy :banana Check C&F for a funny video of Riley eating his first ice cream cone on the way back from the vet. He had me laughing so hard!
  10. He had such a good night No panting, or crying, and he slept inside in his crate!! He is definitely walking more on the leg, though he is still holding it up most of the time. It also looks less swollen. I think he is starting recover, finally! I'm keeping his vet appt this afternoon, but hopefully this will be the last one for awhile.
  11. I think the leg is less swollen too! It is still a nasty shade of purple, but I will take any improvement!!!!
  12. Riley was on Previcox for 2 or 3 weeks earlier this month. Before he was diagnosed with LP we thought his heavy breathing might be due to arthritis in his back legs. So I know he can tolerate this medicine. I was ask about the liver tomorrow. I very cautiously want to say that he's using the leg more since I took the wrap off. It is definitely not knuckled over as much when he's walking. Hopefully the Previcox is working. l'll update after tomorrow's appt.
  13. Thanks again Shannon. I just spoke with my vet. She told me to take the wrap off. She agreed it was not worth the extra anxiety. I think his leg looks about the same. She also said she spoke with the orthopedist, and he is concerned that the bruising showed up so many days after the fall. He wants to her to test for bleeding or autoimmune disorders I will also ask her tomorrow about the xrays, and possibly having more done. I think we all agree that something isn't right here. btw, I am so glad Stuart is ok!! That must have been horrible.
  14. No fever, and his toes look and feel ok. I haven't really been able to do the hot & cold since the bandage was put on. He was tolerating it before, but now he just stands up when I put anything on him. I am definitely looking forward to hearing what the orthopedist had to say. He had xrays done last week, would there be any reason to have them done again? He was putting his toes slightly on the ground when he would lose his balance, but not since the bandage was put on.
  15. Thanks guys. We made it through the night. He fell asleep for about 2 hours on his bed, and then woke up and wanted out. It stopped raining, so I put a bed out under our covered patio, left the door open for him, and let him decide what to do. He lay in the grass all night. I am still sleeping on the couch so I checked on him thoughout the night. He was happy as could be out there, completely passed out, and is still out there now. It's very very strange. My vet is conferring with an orthopedist, and he started Previcox this morning. I am supposed to elevate the leg, massage it and alternate hot & cold, but he's not having any of it. He'll get the wrap off tomorrow & I will let them know that it was not a pleasant experience for him. Hopefully he won't need a new one.
  16. Aw man he's having such a rough time. I don't know if it's bc of the wrap or that he's not on any meds. All he wants to do is be outside but it's raining. I can't let him stay out there in good conscience. I finally got him to lay down but I'm basically holding him here. I have some Valium for flying, I think i might give one to both of us. I love how I'm just talking to myself
  17. He's really not enjoying the wrap. He won't lay down for any longer than a minute or two, and it's been hours since we've been home. He is really panting hard, and I'm pretty sure it's because he doesn't know how to lay down with his leg like that. I am definitely checking his toes for signs of swelling...but I am thinking that maybe I should just take it off? I would think him totally freaking out is worse than having the leg unwrapped. What a mess
  18. Oh no, poor Red. I am thinking good thoughts and hoping that the meds fix the problem.
  19. Just got back from the vet. She is concerned about the swelling and bruising. She wrapped his entire leg to try and reduce the swelling and give his wrist some support. I am going to massage it and alternate hot and cold for 20 mins, 4 times a day. She also called an orthopedist and is going to run this all by him to see if he has any opinions. I am taking him back on Wednesday for a re-check. He is done with all of his meds, and will start Previcox tomorrow. Right now he is having a total freak out because the huge red bandage on his leg, and the stress of going to the vet, but hopefully he'll calm down soon. I honestly have not noticed any difference since stopping the other meds. Please think good thoughts that the swelling goes down and my poor boy can walk again soon.
  20. Sort of a funny story... I just let Riley into the yard, and he lay down on his bed. So I brought out a bag of frozen beans to ice his leg with. I went inside for a couple minutes but heard some weird noises coming from the yard. Puzzle had stolen the bag of beans and was desperately trying to rip it open. He LOVES vegetables. Guess I'll have to use real ice
  21. Huh? I gave her the ranges I posted above, used in the MSU lab.
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