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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. Anxiously awaiting his test results, hopefully today! I can't say I've seen any improvement since starting the new abx, how long does it generally take for them to kick in?
  2. Small update on Jabari: I took him to an internal medicine specialist today. She talked to me for quite awhile about the possible causes and courses of action we can take from here. He is still peeing frequently and despite feeding him a ton, has not gained any weight (though he hasn't lost any more, so that is good), and he's been acting a bit strangely. She did a sterile urine culture today, and he is now on Baytril and Clavamox since the Amoxicillin did not help. I just hope these new meds do the trick, my poor boy has already been through so many tests
  3. Back from the ultrasound. Everything looked normal for a senior dog, which is great but also frustrating. My vet said she is going to do some research and get back to me on what the next step is. She mentioned a few things that would not show up on an ultrasound, but who knows. I guess I will wait and see if the abx help and if he gains any weight with an even bigger increase in food. I got to hold Jabari while the guy did the ultrasound and he explained what we were seeing and why each thing was normal or normal for a senior. Did I mention I LOVE my vet!
  4. The vet is stumped, but is suspecting kidneys despite the bloodwork being ok. She put him on amoxicillin for now, and he is getting an ultrasound tomorrow. She is concerned about his weight loss. Hopefully the ultrasound will show something, the worst is not knowing! I get to watch so it should be interesting. Thanks again everyone, will update tomorrow.
  5. Thank you all so much. We are off to the vet, though I have a feeling no answers will be found today...
  6. Hmmm, that's strange that Skimmie has the same thing! Did the vet find anything in his urine? Jabari has been drinking a bit more water, and his pee is almost clear. I am thinking ultrasound is the next step. Thanks Lynn, that is helpful. It gives me some thing to bring up with my vet. I so glad Wyatt is doing better. She hasn't mentioned it, but I will ask. Thank you. KF_in_Georgia, I hope you can figure out what is going on with Sam. He's such a handsome boy I just looked at some pics to compare This is how Jabari looks normally: And this was him last week: (and I think he is even skinnier now) Thanks so much for all the good thoughts. This boy is so special to me, he just has to be ok.
  7. Pam, I'm so sorry to hear about Archie. He was stunning. Did I meet him? My thoughts are with you
  8. 3/27/11 update #85 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3/22/11 update #51 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2/14/11 update in post #35 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To try to make a long story short, Jabari started having peeing issues about a year ago. He was peeing every couple of hours and it seemed to be a good amount each time. I brought in a urine sample, nothing showed up. Bloodwork, nothing. He was given Clavamox for 10 days, the sxs went away for a couple of weeks. Then he started peeing again. Clavamox again for 10 days, same thing. So we tried the meds for 3 weeks, and that seemed to do it. The vet mentioned the possibility of an infection of the bladder wall, but there was no proof of that. He was fine for the last 6+ months. Well, he started peeing excessively again a few days ago. He has also seemed a little thin to me in the last few weeks, so I increased his food, but it seemed like he was continuing to lose weight. I brought a urine sample to the vet on Saturday, and he was down from almost 12 lbs to 9 lbs (and I keep my dogs on the thin side to begin with). This is a lot for such a small guy The vet called later that day and said there was no sign of infection but the urine wasn't concentrated so she was worried about kidney issues. So I took him in for bloodwork, and everything looks normal He is going back to the vet tomorrow to have a full physical exam and prob get some meds, but she doesn't know what is wrong. I wouldn't have been that worried about just the peeing, but the weight loss scares me since he is 11 1/2. Anyone have any ideas?
  9. Oh no :( This is just so unfair. :( I agree with Jen, if you are going to amputate, I would do it asap. If you wait until she is in visible pain, it has often spread, and you want to give her every chance to be one of the lucky ones who lives many years past dx. Only you know what is right for you and your girl, but I will say that I personally would not even consider amputation (and didn't with Riley) UNLESS it was a very young dog and it was caught early. But even then it is such a tough decision. We are here to support you whatever you decide.
  10. I'm so sorry Pat. You two were lucky to have found each other.
  11. I was so shocked and saddened to hear about Kent on FB. He will be missed
  12. I'm so sorry to read this Jan It is so hard. My thoughts are with you.
  13. Same here I'm so sorry Kari. Big hugs to you and Sparks
  14. I flew my first greyhound and my IG to Hawaii from the east coast on a non-stop flight. It was definitely stressful for both dogs and humans, but they did not die. I think in general flying pets has a bad reputation, but is safe. However, it not something I recommend unless absolutely necessary, b/c it is stressful for a sensitive breed like a greyhound. I used Continental and was very pleased with their service, and have heard others say the same.
  15. NOOOOO not Sparks Kari, I have nothing constructive to add, but we are here for support. Please give your handsome boy a kiss for me
  16. In case anyone missed the 12" ones, I ordered from THIS ebay seller a few months ago. I have ordered from bestbullysticks in the past but their shipping to HI is too high. These were just as good, zero odor, and maybe even bigger. I think the prices are about the same too. I was very pleased, and so were the doggies! I have noticed a great improvement in Legs' teeth from them.
  17. Wow, I love this thread. All these dogs are amazing!!
  18. Just catching up, what a nightmare Thinking tons of good thoughts, will be waiting for a positive update
  19. I was able to try it, and Legs seems to be doing well on it!! Before this the ONLY food that agreed with him is TOTW Sierra Mountain. But TOTW is $58 for 30lbs and ND is $30 for 35lbs!! The cal content is almost identical so I am sooo happy. Of course the only Costco that carries it is 45 mins away but it is definitely worth it! :banana
  20. Thank you for remembering Riley. It is still surreal to see his name there. to all those who lost a loved one this year.
  21. Sorry, just seeing this. Legs is doing well, thanks for asking He is no longer on bed rest, and hasn't had an "episode" for awhile. He wlll occasionally cry out randomly, but I can't tell what hurts and it seems to pass quickly, so I don't know. The next step will be a CT scan, but I don't want to put him through that unnecessarily. Otherwise he is a super happy, goofy, silly, and extremely cuddly guy. I am head over heels in love with him, and still can't believe that he appeared in my life at exactly the right time! :wub:
  22. Costco offers a grain free food (fish based) that is about $10-$12 less a bag than TOTW. Friends who have switched their greys to the Costco food have had good results. I personally feed TOTW Pacific Stream. Spud has a sensitive stomach when it comes to kibble so I don't want to rock the boat. Might be worth investigating though! The 2 Costcos near me don't carry the grain-free food I have put in a request at both, and check every time I shop there. Hopefully they will get it soon so we can at least try it. A 30lb bag of Sierra Mtn cost $58 here But, I will suck it up since it seems to agree with Legs.Thanks for the suggestion though, MJ!
  23. I haven't read all the responses, but 3 1/2 months is NOTHING. You need to relax and let Hermes adjust and open up to you at his pace. He may never be the affectionate dog you were hoping for, or he may surprise you. Come read this in about 6 months, and I bet you will be wonder why you were ever worried. It takes some dogs YEARS to fully come out of their shell. IMO, that is part of the fun of owning a retired racing greyhound. Of course, if you want to get another dog that is more suited to your needs, and Hermes likes him/her, that may be a good solution. I have 2 IGs and I was very happy when I got the first one b/c he was so cuddly. Riley would tolerate cuddling, but he was pretty independent. Now I have Legs (greyhound) and he is even more cuddly than the IGs, so it is possible!
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