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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. RileysLegacy


    :weep :grouphug Linda, I think of you and Nike all the time. I know our boys are somewhere running together forever. Much love to you.
  2. Thanks everyone!! I am excited to report that so far his breakfast has stayed down And, even better, he just picked up a toy for the first time in 3 days! He always carries his toys around, and I hadn't even realized until just now that it had been so long. So he is definitely feeling better!!!
  3. It's been a rough few days Legs has been sick, and Jabari had a seizure on Thursday, the first one I know of in years. It was mild but still really scary and makes me really feel that there is something not good going on Since then he's been really clingy but appetite is good and he has a decent amount of energy. But, I also noticed a small lump deep in his shoulder It's like half the size of a pea. I don't know if this is from the dog bite (there was no broken skin, just a bruise) or what was causing the initial pain. I will be taking him to the vet again this week, hopefully she can see him tomorrow.... eta - thanks so much for the suggestions of diaper rash cream! The irritated area was able to heal last weekend when I didn't have to leave him home for very long, and hasn't reappeared. So that is good news
  4. My poor boy really hasn't been feeling well. Thurs night he started having to go out every hour or so with diarrhea, then vomited about 3 days worth of undigested kibble. He was throwing up and having diarrhea all night, but then slept most of Friday. By Friday night he was pooping rivers of blood Yesterday the vet wanted to keep him overnight but I opted for sub-q fluids and to watch him at home. This wasn't my regular vet and I didn't like him too much. When we got home Legs pooped blood a couple more times, but slept through most of last night. I just gave him his medicine and his first meal since Thurs (a little white rice and scrambled egg). Fingers crossed that it stays down!! He's always had a sensitive stomach, but this time I can tell he feels awful. He is also down to 60 lbs from 66, but I am hoping he will gain it back quickly once he is able to eat again. He's always so well behaved at the vet, but the techs couldn't believe he just lay down on his little bed and let them draw blood and stuff. He really wasn't feeling well
  5. RileysLegacy


    Susan, of course we remember Alan. I also can't believe it's been 2 years. Riley died exactly a year after Alan... seems like yesterday in some ways. Please come check in more often, we miss you.
  6. The only times I can ever remember waking up crying from a dream have been after dreams of Riley. They subsided for awhile, but I had another one just last week. It is the most awful, unbearable feeling of sadness and for me it takes a few days to shake it off. I am so sorry you and Jason are going through it I think it is good to get the emotions out, though. I wish there was something better I could say... Thinking of you guys
  7. Just catching up, how scary! I'm so glad Merlin is home now. I will be thinking of you guys and hoping for an uneventful night. Kisses to your handsome boy
  8. Thanks, Desitin and diaper rash cream are really good ideas. I'll get some today. For the reasons mentioned before, and also including that Jabari is outdoor trained only, I'm not going to try an indoor potty area. I do appreciate the ideas though.
  9. Bari's leg seems to be ok, it was really very minor, he is just soooo dramatic! But, now we are having a new issue He needs to pee every 2-3 hrs, so when I leave I put a bellyband on him with a maxi pad in it. He is starting to get some urine burn :( I was putting it on him at night too, but have stopped doing that and just wake up every few hrs to let him out. I feel absolutely awful every time I put the bellyband on him, it's not his fault he can't hold it anymore, but I can't think of any alternative. I live in a very small studio so there is no way to set up anything indoors that wouldn't be nasty, plus he lifts his leg and often moves while peeing so I don't think it would work anyway. Would something like vaseline help or just make it worse? Has anyone dealt with this? Unfortunately i don't see an end to this problem, as we still have no idea what is causing him to pee so much. Poor guy
  10. Well to add insult to injury or injury to insult or whatever, Jabari was bitten by an off leash dog yesterday EXACTLY where he seemed to already be in pain. It was a chihuahua-sized dog, thankfully. There were 3 of them and Puzz and Legs were happy to just walk in the other direction, but of course Jabari thinks he is so tough and started barking/lunging at them so one bit him. He FREAKED out and screamed so loud I thought for sure his leg was broken. 3 people came outside since he was making so much noise and they got the loose dogs away and I ran home carrying him, sure it was an emergency. But once we got home he seemed ok, he was just very shaken up and sore. There is a small bruised area but no puncture that I can see, so I am keeping an eye on it but I think he'll be fine. As if I wasn't already worried enough about him!!!!
  11. I am so, so sorry. I know exactly what you are going through. You are giving her the greatest gift, please remember that.
  12. I remember this was the first topic I ever started on GT, over 8 yrs ago I had been trying with Riley but the treats would just bounce off his head and i was starting to feel bad It was suggested to try popcorn and it worked! I just kept at it until he figured it out :lol Exactly!
  13. Oh nooooo I know TONS of iggies & volunteer a bit with IG Rescue & have never heard of an IG with osteo. I also googled a bunch & nothing came up. My vet didn't think it was a possibility either. Crap. He did have an u-s & everything looked ok w his kidneys. They thought it still could be a kidney infection but none of the abx helped. Thanks for the info, Kristin, and for the good thoughts everyone.
  14. Yup, my dogs were eating TOTW PS and then the TOTW Sierra Mtn before switching to ND. They do great on it & it is less than half the price!! I am soooo glad to have found this food. Definitely can't hurt to try it...
  15. Nothing new from the vet. It's not her fault, Jabari gets so scared he just shakes and goes into a zone where he doesn't react to anything she does. So it is impossible for her to really tell what is wrong. He has not lost any more weight, so that is good. But the leg thing is a mystery, the peeing is worse, and overall he's just not himself. At times i wonder if I am just being overly sensitive and crazy, and it's just my dog getting old, but I have that mother instinct telling me that something is really wrong. He's on Rimadyl and supposed to rest for 2 weeks, hopefully that will help his shoulder/leg. If he were a greyhound of course I'd have already gotten x-rays, but osteo is pretty much unheard of in iggies.
  16. Aww, thank you everyone! Is licking a sign of pain? I've been noticing that Jabari has been licking his leg a lot. I thought it was b/c he has to pee so urgently when I take him outside now that he doesn't have time to lift his leg and often pees on his feet (and of course I wipe them off afterward). But I've been paying more attention and he's licking the top of his leg also. What could be wrong with his shoulder/leg?? I hope the vet has some new ideas tomorrow, I'm really freaking out
  17. Cute video of my toofless boy the other day http://www.youtube.c...h?v=4cLN1oalHJg
  18. Thanks so much everyone. The internist did mention that they ruled out a thyroid problem. No protein in his urine & blood values ok. I think she mentioned more in depth bloodwork though, which I will ask about at our appt on Saturday. Luckily his appetite is still great at this point. I really appreciate all the good thoughts, I am starting to get very worried. Jabari is my everything.
  19. Jabari is no better, maybe a little worse He's still peeing frequently but it has just become a part of daily life since no cause was found and the abx did nothing. He has been crying out occasionally when I pick him up and touch his shoulder/neck area. He has also limped a few times on that side, and is not as energetic on walks. But whenever I go to check him out, he acts fine. It is sooo hard to tell with him, b/c he can be SO dramatic about little things, but then stoic about big things. We have lots of little pokeys (burrs) in the area by my house and if he steps on one he holds up his leg and screams so loud you'd think he was dying. Same with dremeling his nails. And he is still goes totally nuts barking and lunging at the dogs in the neighborhood, so he does have some energy. The internal med specialist wants him to get a chest xray next, which I have been holding off on, but I just made an appt with my regular vet to talk to her about it. I want her to check Bari over again and make sure I'm not missing anything. He is looking even skinnier and eating more than 3x his normal amount of food.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rainey was extremely lucky to have such adoring, wonderful parents. You are in my thoughts
  21. Oh no, my heart just breaks every time I hear of another precious pup diagnosed Please know that we are all thinking of you and Indigo and hoping you have many more good days left.
  22. Carolyn, I will be thinking good thoughts for your boy I know exactly how you feel, I am going through the same thing with Jabari. It is SO frustrating not knowing what is wrong and having to wait for results.
  23. Wow, I missed that he was having surgery, and this is great news!!! You go Mork!!!!!
  24. No advice, but good thoughts for Ms Nala. It is horrible when they are in pain Keep me posted on how she's going, big hugs from us!
  25. It did not work at all for Legs He was on it for 3+ months. It is not so much that his baldness bothers me, but he gets little cuts, bug bites, skin irritation, etc much more frequently on the hairless areas. Then he licks and it becomes even worse. Plus sand sticks to the bald spots and I live right on the beach so it is a pita! Oh well, I have gotten used to having a baldy guy Someeone asked me the other day if I had shaved him like that
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