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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. just wanted to post an update... Legs has been on TOTW Sierra Mtn for 2 days and the difference is night and day. I can actually pick up his poop. We will be switching to this! Unfortunately it costs more than 2x as much as the Costco food :(
  2. I am going to try this. We went through a 30 lb bag of Pacific Stream and while it seemed to agree with him better than Kirkland, he never had good poop. Switched back to another Kirkland flavor and it's horrible... so I really hope this will work for him I never had a dog with a sensitive stomach before and it's so frustrating.
  3. Rita, how is Robin doing today? Thinking of you...
  4. Noooo, this was not the news we were all hoping for Thinking of you guys...
  5. Obviously it's not healthy food for anyone, but as long as your dog can tolerate it, I don't see a problem with giving it as a special treat. My dogs always get to lick the dish if someone is having ice cream at my house. For Riley's 11th birthday I took the dogs to Coldstone and Riley got a kid's size peanut butter ice cream with graham crackers and marshmallows. I'm pretty sure he got brain freeze he was licking so much at a time I got him a whole cone from McD's once after he had been at the vet all day, and he acted like the cone was poison When he was dxed with osteo, I made quite a few special trips to Baskin Robbins just for him. I decided it would be tradition to take the dogs for ice cream on their birthdays in honor of Riley. So we went on Jabari's (IG) 11th birthday, but he's only 11 lbs and I overdid it Poor guy had a tummy ache. Puzzle's 7th birthday is coming up in a few months but this time the iggies will only get a few spoonfuls!
  6. Jilly has been on my mind all day. I'm so very sorry.
  7. Kari, that is so scary, I am so glad Sparks is ok. It really sucks when they get old :( Give that handsome boy a kiss for me :wub:
  8. omg, you guys have been through so much. Robin has to start getting better now. Thinking of you guys
  9. :weep Bawling here too... Sutra was dxed the day that Riley died, so somehow they became connected in a way. I was so happy for all the quality time you guys got. I hope you can eventually take some comfort in that. He was a very lucky boy to have you as his mom. I think I gave you my phone number in an email, if you ever feel like calling.
  10. What is milk thistle? Where do you buy it? Is it a powder you sprinkle on their food? I will be happy to give the slighly bony cowdoggie a kiss from you! I believe it is a capsule. You can also give SAMe, or Denamarin, which is both milk thistle and SAMe, but I think it is expensive. I'm sure someone with more knowledge than me will post.
  11. I'm so happy to hear this update!! Please keep us posted on how things go w him taking only the Pred. I agree with Michelle, I'd also supplement for his liver, can't hurt. Give that handsome cow-doggy a kiss for me :wub:
  12. There's a new Costco grain-free food. If you have it in your area, I'd definitely check it out. I'm hoping my Costco gets it soon.
  13. Sorry guys, nothing really to update. Legs has been on bed rest so he hasn't had any weakness in his back end. The pain meds also seem to be working, he hasn't been crying out or limping. Still trying to figure out if he should get a CT scan and when. Thanks so much for thinking of him, I will update as soon as there is any news. Isn't he the cutest thing ever?? :wub:
  14. Agreed, make sure the spots are actually clean first. Then, you need to have him attached to you AT ALL TIMES when home, so you can immediately correct him when he goes to lift his leg. I am not usually an advocate of crates, but have you tried crating him while you're gone? Does he pee in there too? Do you take him for a long walk before leaving? He may need to pee a bunch of times to totally empty himself out.
  15. Totally agree. I have 2 IGs and I never in a million years would let them play with a pack of greyhounds. I also have a greyhound and I never in a million years would let him play with a pack of greyhounds and a couple IGs. He is fine with them alone, but a pack situation is completely different. STUPID all around. I just hope some of these people got a wake-up call and will use their brains in the future. This story is amazing to me - wait, actually it isn't. I've never lived in an area with enough greyhounds to attend playgroups, but I can understand the argument for the group to be greyhounds only. It is important to me that my dogs be socialized with other breeds (and they are), but it gets to be a whole different ballgame when you have different energy levels, play styles, etc. The times at Dewey when Riley participated in the hund run are absolutely some of my favorite memories ever. It was amazing to watch a group of greyhounds doing what they were bred to do, for fun.
  16. I always get grossed out reading about this topic Yes, greyhounds are clean and generally don't smell, but they get dirty just like everything else. They are laying on the floor, walking in who knows what, licking themselves, etc. I certainly don't want to be touching a dog or letting it on my bed that hasn't been washed in years. But, that's just me I wash my dogs about 1-2 times a month. Obviously i am lucky to live in a tropical climate so it's way easier for me to wash them outside. When I lived in cold weather they got washed less, but still every few month indoors. Riley was about the fluffiest, softest greyhound ever, and everyone that pets Legs comments on how soft he is (we are still trying to grow him some hair though). If you use proper shampoo, it won't dry out their skin. I LOVE having a freshly clean doggie
  17. I sent my vet 2 new videos of Legs, and she wants him to get a CT scan. She is now thinking neurological or something wrong with his brain. Thankfully, he is still the happiest, friendliest, cuddliest greyhound I've ever met, so at least I don't think he is in too much pain. He is now on pain meds also. I agree it is very suspicious that his old owner didn't know anything was wrong, but I am not going to get any more info from her, so it is what it is. At least I have him now.
  18. Ugh, I'm so frustrated The ortho looked at Legs today and was able to get him to cry when he manipulated his right hip, so he thinks he has torn ligaments there. He wants him on strict bed rest for a month. Legs has been holding up his back LEFT leg though?? And I know Legs has not had an injury since I've had him. He's been only leash walked, and been to the dog park once, where he just peed and sniffed other dogs. And since his last home barely exercised him, this just doesn't make sense to me. He said if he doesn't get better or gets worse, he needs an MRI and/or follow up xrays. I also sent my vet a video of Legs doing the air snapping thing and she thinks it could be seizures. She is sending the video to a behavioral specialist to see what she thinks. This damn dog has had needed 4 different specialists aready! I know I've only had him for a month but I love him so much He is going to go stir crazy being in the house for a month And I'll be worrying still...
  19. The specialist was able to look at Legs' xrays today. He doesn't think there is anything wrong w his spine. He didn't see anything that would explain what's been going on. Legs has an appt with an orthopedist on Tues, they are thinking it could be a soft tissue injury but that isn't adding up to me. He hasn't had an injury in the month I've had him, and he's getting worse. I should feel relieved but I know how often osteo is missed and called a soft tissue injury at first Should I have them send the xrays to Dr Couto? I just feel so helpless He has been screaming in pain a few times a day, it's awful.
  20. Ok, so there are some irregularities on his spine, but she wants to send the xrays to a specialist to get his opinion. So I will either hear back from him on Friday, or Monday. The hip joints look good. It is not LS, not arthritis. The rest of it went in one ear and out the other, but I will email her to get the details tonight. I love my vet so much though, she had to sedate him to get one of the pictures, so she scaled his teeth and cut his nails for free! So now we just wait some more, and I will try to breathe... Thanks everyone for the good wishes. Keep them coming.
  21. I'm waiting at the vet for him to get xrays.Negative for everything including VF. I'm freaking out.
  22. That's amazing news! You and Neyla are an inspiration to many I can't wait for the 6 month update
  23. Jenny, I just got your message, thank you so much. You made me feel better. I am hoping for Valley Fever, as bad as that sounds. And yes, Riley's bloodwork was normal when he had osteo, so it's possible. I'm so glad you guys will be here soon, so you can meet him in person! He is such a great dog, you are going to love him. Btw, Puzzle and Jabari have decided he's pretty cool too Thank you all for your good thoughts, it means a lot.
  24. Guys, I'm getting really scared He just jumped on my bed and screamed, and is now holding his back left leg up He cried earlier when he jumped in the car. He just CAN'T have osteo. He is getting xrays tomorrow morning. So far, his liver, kidney and blood values are normal. Haven't gotten any of the other test results yet. Please keep him in your thoughts, I am dreading tomorrow. This is reminding me too much of Riley. Hopefully I am just overly sensitive and paranoid....
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