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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. I'm so sorry I too went through this recently, and it's so hard. You will get over the initial shock, though, and do what is best for your girl. We are all here if you need anything.
  2. Riley's situation was unique, I think, so I don't know if it will be of any benefit to you, but here it is just in case. Riley fell down the stairs and injured his leg 6 months prior to the dx of osteo. We will never know if he fell b/c he leg was already weak or what. To be honest if I knew at that time what we were really dealing with, I probably would have made the decision to let him go then because he was in severe pain. However, we did xrays and nothing showed up, so we treated it as an injury/nerve damage, and he did make almost a complete recovery. The last 4 months of his life were happy, I hope. But, because he had had this injury to his leg, when he started BARELY limping and not bearing all his weight on his leg a few months later, both the vet and I chalked it up to the old injury or arthritis. Of course osteo was always on my mind, but his limp was so slight that it didn't seem serious. He was put on Tramadol and Previcox, and didn't seem to get any worse, but not better either. Finally the voice in my head said I should get xrays just in case. The xrays were devastating. You have seen them - his shoulder bone was basically gone. Everyone who looked at them agreed that there was a very high risk of a leg break. So even though Riley was still not limping severely and seemed like his normal self, I let him go exactly a week after being diagnosed. I could not take the chance of his life ending in such a horrible way. I have felt a lot of guilt and regret about my decision, mostly because I just miss him so damn much, and I know I could possibly have had a few more days, weeks, maybe a month. But in reality, and as time has passed, I realize it was absolutely the right choice. I could have also waited a few more days and he broke his leg, and he would have died in pain and suffering. He had cancer, he was not going to get better, he was only going to get worse. And I'm glad he never had to get to the point of being completely drugged up and in severe pain. He was happy until the very last second, I think that's what we all would want for our babies and ourselves. That is just what we went through, and the choices I made for my boy. Amputation is really not something I would ever consider unless it was a very young dog with a real chance of years more of life. But all of this is so personal and depends so much on the dog's personality and your situation, that whatever decision you make will be the right one. We will all be here supporting you.
  3. It is obvious from all these posts just how special Ms. Quilty was. I never met her, yet I will miss her. You and Ken are just amazing for giving her a chance to know true love and happiness at her age. Big hugs
  4. Kristin, I'm so glad to hear Sutra's making progress. I hope you both can get some much deserved rest today and he is able to keep more food down. He's so lucky to have you as his mom.
  5. My heart sank when I saw your title. You and Neyla will be in my thoughts. Of course I am hoping it is not osteo, but if it is, you have a great support system here. I just went through this exact thing with Riley, and all I can tell you is to cherish every single second and do what you feel is best for your girl. If there's anything I can do, please let me know. Give Neyla a kiss for me.
  6. Karen, tons of good thoughts coming from us. Marx is such a special boy, he just has to be ok.
  7. Oh no, I'm so very sorry to hear this news. I was so hoping for a better diagnosis. I hope the pred will give Red some relief and you will have many, many more days together. You've been in my thoughts constantly, and will continue to be.
  8. For what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing Kristin. Just please love that boy so damn much. This is precious time, don't waste a second of it. I am so glad he's feeling good still, I hope he has many, many, many more good days. Take care and give him and the rest of the crew a kiss fro me.
  9. Beth, I don't even have words. I am so very sorry. Having just been through it once, I cannot imagine having to go through it twice in such a short period. My heart is broken for you. We are all here for you, I know that there is nothing else anyone can say to make it better. Big hugs and love from Hawaii.
  10. This morning, exactly 1 month after he died, I scattered Riley's ashes in the ocean right in front of my house. I hope he would have approved. This is how I like to remember him. He used to dig himself a hole, lay in it, and fall fast asleep.
  11. Tonya, I am so sorry to read this. I will be thinking of you guys and hoping that you can figure out what is wrong with Red asap. The iggies and I send our love. Please keep us posted.
  12. I'm so sorry, it is so hard. Thinking of you.
  13. Diane, I am so sorry to hear this. Spencer was beautiful and looks so sweet in his pictures. Riley died 3 weeks ago, so I know exactly what you are going through. It is so hard. Please give Fiona a kiss from us, even though we have never met, you guys are part of our extended family. Please take care, and if there's anything I can do don't hesitate to ask. Lucy
  14. Oh, I know how you feel It is so incredibly hard, but as everyone has told me, we just have to get through each moment, each day and eventually it will get easier. I thought I saw Riley out of the corner of my eye yesterday, where he always used to stand when I was getting ready in the mornings. So I turned to look and see if it was him, and then realized. I felt like I couldn't breathe it hurt so much. I am so sorry you are going through this also.
  15. Sarah, I don't have anything constructive to add, but I wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you. You know what I just went through with Riley, and the whole time I was thinking it would have been so much easier if he was showing signs of going downhill, but the reality is no matter what, making that decision sucks. I hope your vet is able to come to your house when the time comes. I too wish I lived closer so I could physically help, but we are all here for emotional support. I've always loved Tuna, her name is my favorite greyhound name ever.
  16. Same here. I'm so very sorry for everyone's losses, it is heartbreaking. I was just looking at a collar site (my addiction) and realized I have no greyhound to shop for
  17. RileysLegacy


    Oh no, this is so unfair. You are in my thoughts, I understand exactly what you're going through
  18. Thank you all so much, I have no words to say how much this and other threads has meant to me. I can't believe how many of you remember him, cared about him, and even loved him. He really was special to have fans all over the world. I picked up Riley's ashes a couple of days ago. He is in a small tin with flowers on it. It was extremely hard to bring that home. When I can find the strength, I am going to scatter his ashes in the ocean outside my house. He loved being on the beach, so I hope he would approve. Love to you all.
  19. Kim, I am so very sorry. That was a beautiful post about your special girl. Please let me know if there's anything i can do, I know exactly what you're going through.
  20. Kristin, I am so sorry to hear the definitive diagnosis. It is terrible. I wish I had some good advice, but many of us have been on the same road, and we can at least offer support. Please know that whatever decision you make will be the right one, as he is your dog and you know him best. I personally did not (as you know) amputate, and to be honest it was never even a consideration for me. But there are plenty of people who feel that it is the way to go. So, you really have to weigh the pros and cons, and in the end follow your heart. Sutra will not think that you betrayed him either way, you are doing the best you can for him, and he knows that. Please let me know if there's anything I can do.
  21. Oh no, Jey, I am so sorry. My heart just sank. She was supposed to be here forever. Unfortunately I know exactly what you are going through.
  22. I had 2 greyhounds growing up, both died of osteo. One was 7 and the other I believe was 9. The entire time I had Riley I dreaded this happening to him, and now it has taken him too. It's absolutely horrible and I hope something can be figured out SOON. It has taken too many of our babies
  23. RileysLegacy


    I am scared to start this thread, because it seems like nothing I can say would do my boy justice. In the 8 years we were together we had so many adventures, lived in 4 different states, 9 different homes, traveled up and down the east coast, went to Dewey Beach twice, and flew half way across the world so he could be a Hawaiian hound . I was only 19 when I adopted him, and we grew up together. When he was with me, I felt safe, and so proud to be his mom. Everyone loved Riley, no matter where we went. He was so great with kids, he used to come to school when my ex-bf and I were teaching. He was so gentle and so sweet, and he had so much personality. He loved to sing "happy birthday" and another song I made up. He would chatter when he was happy, and do the air-snap when he was extra excited, and he would lean on you so hard he would literally fall if you moved. He was pretty independent, but when he wanted attention he would come over and bury his head in my lap, and he was not afraid to let me know when he wanted something. He was the softest greyhound I ever felt, everyone commented on how soft he was. I know I am lucky that he lived a pretty long (he was 11) and definitely a happy life, but I miss him so much. It's been 2 days since I've seen him, and I'm so scared that as time passes I will start to forget the little things about him. Like where his spots were, how he smelled, or the face he would make when I gave him something to eat he didn't like, like a french fry without ketchup. He only liked them with ketchup. The house is so empty without him, everywhere I look I can picture him there. I keep expecting to hear him breathing or see him get up from his bed. It feels so strange and empty with only the 2 iggies here. Riley was such an amazing big brother to them, and they adored him, especially little Jabari. We were a family, and now part of us is missing. I can't bring myself to look through old pictures of him yet. I hope you guys don't mind if I post some of them in the coming weeks. For now, here are a few I already have online. I am definitely biased, but I think he was one of the most gorgeous dogs I've ever seen. I still can't believe that I was lucky enough to get to share my life with him. Riley (Sparkplug Scott), 3/12/99 - 4/15/10
  24. Linda, I'm so sorry to hear this. You have always been one of the nicest, most supportive people on GT and I hate that you had to lose Nike so suddenly. Unfortunately I know exactly what you are going through You are in my thoughts.
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