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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. Thanks everyone, I appreciate all the comments. It is frustrating & puzzling. He's been seen by a few specialists and one day a tech even took him out for a run to see exactly what was going on. Unfortunately there are no greyhound savvy vets here. Like I said, his quality of life is great, so I'm not all that concerned with figuring out what is wrong with has back end. I don't want to put him through an MRI at this point. These "episodes" happen for a few minutes every few months, and the rest of the time he is very happy and displays NO pain. I really don't think it is bloat as it doesn't occur near feedings (I don't exercise him before or after he eats), and he seems to be biting at his back more than his abdomen when it happens. The shoulder is still painful when I touch it. I'm going to schedule him for the digital xrays. I am pretty sure nothing is going to show up, but $200 so I can stop freaking out is worth it. Thanks again, I'll let you guys know.
  2. She's seen similar videos, and also had a couple specialists look at them & examine him. No cause was found, they just told me to keep him inside when it's hot. I'm not really worried about it because most of the time he's fine, I take precautions, and he's such a happy boy with a great quality of life. But I am worried about his shoulder, it seems like something new, but maybe it's all related. I don't know :(
  3. Thanks. I just called a different vet that does digital xrays to ask about pricing since my regular vet does not have digital. They did not feel xrays are needed because he is not constantly limping. But I guess they will do it if I insist? I'm going to add video of Legs having an "episode" last week at the park. 95% of the time he is fine. We walk a few miles every morning and he plays fetch in my yard every evening. Sometimes I even take him jogging, though I won't be doing that anymore now that it's getting hotter. This day he did not do anything strenuous, no other dogs were at the park so he just leisurely sniffed & peed for about 10 mins, then I noticed him biting at his back, his legs collapsing & acting way overheated even though it was only about 75 degrees. I took him right home, he rested, and has shown no symptoms since. Do you think it could be related to his shoulder pain? Like I mentioned earlier, every single test & xray was done on him about a year ago except an MRI, & the best that anyone could do is say he's extra sensitive to heat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbwJs64JyCs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4_O2Sq5iwM
  4. Not that anyone cares... but the switch was fine. No issues at all Yes, it is a lifesaver!! Dog food is SO expensive at pet stores here, thank god for Costco!!! There is a one on the Big Island too
  5. Ok, you guys have made me feel a lot better! I didn't realize disc or spinal issues could manifest in shoulder pain. Legs has had some mysterious back end/spinal issues since I adopted him. Hes had xrays & a million tests but nobody could definitively diagnose a problem. In hot weather his back end gets very weak & collapses. So maybe this is related to that. He did have an "episode" last week where he could hardly walk when we were at the park, but at this point that is not all that unusual for him. The crying out is new though. Hopefully it's all related... I hate seeing him in any kind of pain but we can manage a disc or spine problem. Thanks again! I will keep you guys posted.
  6. My heart is in my throat right now In the last month there have been a few times when Legs has cried out. I thought it was one of his front legs but couldn't pinpoint anything. Then 2 days ago he was inside playing with a toy when he yelped and briefly held up his right front leg. Moments later he was racing around the yard like nothing had happened so I was hoping it he just landed wrong or something. But just now I was petting him & he screamed. I gently felt around & he screamed again when I squeezed his right shoulder. This is exactly the same thing Riley did right before he was dxed with osteo. I know I'm probably projecting & extra sensitive, but what else could be wrong? Should I get him xrays? I definitely will get him to the vet if it continues but I'm guessing she won't suggest xrays at this point b/c he's not even limping. His 7th birthday is next week...please please please tell me I'm overreacting.
  7. Sorry this has probably been discussed before, but I was wondering if anyone has had any issues switching from the Nature's Domain salmon to the turkey formula? My Costco just got the turkey & without thinking I bought a bag. Puzzle & Jabari (IGs) can eat anything & never get upset tummies but Legs (greyhound) is really sensitive. I'm wondering if I made a big mistake & I should return it. It would take the iggies about a year to eat the whole bag by themselves Anyone have experience switching between the salmon & turkey? Thanks in advance
  8. Puzz is doing well, thanks so much for asking! He's still a little out of it, but he's eating & moving around just fine. He slept through the night. Here's a cute picture of Jabari checking on him this morning
  9. He's doing really well tonight, much better than I expected He ate all his dinner & is begging for mine. That's my boy! Thank you all SOOOO much!!!
  10. Vet just called... he's awake :yay She said he had a long tract of infection all across his leg that they took out and inserted a drain She took some tissue to culture in case it is still not healing but I'm so hopeful that this took care of it She also gave him so extra valium this morning so I'm really hoping he's not too traumatized from the whole experience. Thank you again for all the good thoughts for my boy!
  11. Thank you all so much. I just dropped him off. Nothing I hate more than watching someone take away my terrified baby boy
  12. Thanks everyone. I had a terrible nightmare last night about things not going well on Monday I woke up & squeezed Puzz so tight, he jumped out of bed He sleeps with his head on my shoulder every night I know my vet will take good care of him, & this needs to be done. I just HATE putting him under anesthesia, it scares me so much. Thank you for this, that makes me feel a lot better!
  13. Puzzle will be having surgery on Monday :( My vet could feel a lot of puss still in his leg so she said it needs to be surgically cleaned out. I'm so upset. Please keep him in your thoughts. The only good thing is she will clean his teeth for free.
  14. Puzzle is going back to the vet yet again for this bite wound :( It's better than it was before the long course of abx, but still not healed. The vet mentioned finally putting in a drain, but I'm hoping it won't be necessary at this point. The only good thing about all this is that he doesn't seem to be in pain or feeling bad, despite all the drugs that have been in his system these last 4 months. He's a trooper.
  15. I have an IG "spook". He was on meds (amitriptyline) for a few months the first year I had him. He used to get physically ill after walks or time out of the house bc he would get so worked up. So i did a lot of training with him & use tons of positive reinforcement while on walks during the time he was taking meds. He still shakes & has his tail tucked the whole time, but is so much better. He needs exercise & stimulation so I don't leave him home when we walk. But while my other 2 enjoy time out in the yard just hanging out, Puzzle stays inside in his safe spots. I know his limitations, but I also expose him to new things when appropriate because you never know when he will need to be around strangers, like at the vet for example. I had to leave him at the vet for a few hours recently & he was lethargic with a fever for 3 days after So i don't want to coddle him, yet at the same time I don't want him to be miserable. It's a fine line that will be different for every spook. Only you know what is best. Good luck! It's tough sometimes but the rewards of having a special needs dog are amazing. I have such a special bond with Puzzle
  16. Aw, thank you so much everyone! It is nice to have a place where people understand. Most people I know would think I was nuts for still being sad about a dog that died so long ago. And yes, making that video reminded me how special Riley & Jabari's bond was. Jabari loves Puzzle & Legs too but it's not the same. Thanks again!!
  17. I'm so very sorry Emma. He was so beautiful You guys are in my thoughts, I can't believe all you've been through.
  18. Oh Tracey, I wish she was here to celebrate her birthday. Thinking of you guys.
  19. Today, March 12, would have been Riley's 13th birthday. It's been almost 2 years since he died, and it still doesn't seem real that's he's not here with me. I miss him so very much I decided to try making a short video (my first ever so it's not the best), if you feel like watching it here it is. Now I can't stop crying :weep Love you Ry Ry, I'll never forget you..... http://youtu.be/gmeT3mbuTj0
  20. Nancy, I use EVCO on my face at night & i have to be really careful not to get any on my hair bc it will be really greasy the next morning if I do. It does make a good hair mask though. Put it in your hair, leave in for 20 mins or more, then shower.
  21. omg, this absolutely broke my heart I can't even imagine... I think I would need to be committed if I came home to that. You are a very strong and brave woman, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  22. Jen, yes I have tried fish oil. Unfortunately he can't tolerate a very high dose, he just has such a sensitive tummy. I will, however, try increasing it a tiny bit & see what happens. Maybe if I do it slow enough it will be ok. I wish I could afford to feed raw food is just so expensive here, it's not an option at this time.
  23. No reason to believe it's a FOOD allergy if it is an allergy. Dogs can be allergic to anything, just like people. I know several folks with nearly naked dogs--it's widely believed to be just a quirk of Greyhounds (genetic?) and probably has nothing to do with medications or anything else. None of my friends' naked dogs have itching problems-- How you could get a good idea if he does have an allergy is to try him on Benedryl for a few days. If the itching stops, he's probably itching 'cause he's allergic to something. If it doesn't, then he isn't. That's a good point, I guess he could be allergic to anything. I will try out the Benedryl. I know being bald is normal for many greyhounds, I'm not blaming it on anything. But Legs clearly gets more cuts, scrapes, bug bites, & rashes than my other dogs who have a full coat of hair.
  24. How would one determine if it's allergies? He eats Nature's Domain from Costco, which is a grain free salmon & sweet potato kibble. He can't tolerate any food with grains, he has a very sensitive stomach.
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