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Everything posted by RileysLegacy

  1. We are back from the vet, but no real news. It will be Tues or Wed before any test results are back. She did a tick panel, bloodwork, and the test for VF/ehrlichia. She did a thorough exam and he was sore along parts of his spine and back legs. We rescheduled his xrays for Thurs so we will have the test results first. She said to hope for a tick disease or VF, the other possibilities are not good. She said not to take him on walks, he won't be happy about that Not a very encouraging visit, but I am so thankful to have such an awesome vet, I know she will do everything in her power to get him properly diagnosed and treated so at least I am not worrying about that. I will post when I find out anything more. Thanks again.
  2. I just had a thought, Legs is from Arizona, could it be VF?
  3. He only walks crooked like that when he is starting to hurt. Before that you would never know anything was wrong. I emailed the video to my vet, she wants to do xrays of his spine and hips. He is going to see her tomorrow, but won't be able to get xrays until Tues. I appreciate all the responses. I will definitely email Dr Couto if needed, he was helpful when Riley had osteo. BTW, Legs is 5.
  4. Michelle, I just read your tribute to your beautiful girl. I feel like I knew her now. I am so sorry she is gone, you guys have been in my thoughts. :f_white
  5. I tried the knuckling under thing when this first happened, and he flips his foot right back over. He never seems to have trouble getting up, doing stairs (though I don't have any, so I've only seen him do them a couple times), and jumps right into the back of my car, on the couch, and on my bed which is pretty high. He is very playful, LOVES going for walks, can't wait to get out the door. He will be only getting short potty walks until Saturday, though. I emailed the video to my vet last night, so keep your fingers crossed that it helps her figure out what's wrong. Xrays are definitely the next step, and I just printed the article on LS. Thanks again everyone.
  6. Yes, please take him in. Not to scare you, but his symptoms sound a lot like Riley's were. His limp was never very pronounced or severe so the vet thought it was just arthritis and we kept putting off xrays. By the time we did xray his osteo was very advanced, so much that I chose to let him go the next week for fear of his leg just shattering. Of course, your boy could have any number of other things wrong. Hopefully it really is just arthritis! But not all dogs limp severly or show they are in a lot of pain. You will be stressing until you get it xrayed so might as well do it sooner rather than later. Good luck
  7. My Riley LOVED men. For the first few yrs it was just me and him, and we always had a great relationship, but when I started dating someone, a whole new part of his personality came out. His world revolved around my ex. And it wasn't just my ex, whenever my father or brother or male friends came over he would get SO excited. He just really loved men for some reason. It was adorable, though I admit to being a little bit jealous at times. My iggies (both males) both feel more comfortable around women, though they aren't too fond of anyone they don't know. It's too early to say with Legs, but so far he is happy to see everyone. Personally, I prefer boy dogs, and have only ever had males. I'm not opposed to someday having a female, but males are so sweet and goofy, I love them :wub:
  8. I was thinking LS too... my mom's 12 yr old greyhound has it, and this looks similar. But Legs is only 5. No, he doesn't scratch or itch other times, he only does that thing where he wants to bite at himself when his legs get weak. I checked him over really well, have bathed him 2x, and he definitely doesn't have fleas either. He is very bald, but his skin doesn't appear irritated or anything. Thanks so much for all the ideas everyone, I will mention all of them to my vet and hopefully we can figure this out.
  9. Rita, my heart is breaking for you and Robin. It must be so awful to see him in this condition. I was so hoping he was improving. Please update us when you can, I'll be thinking of your beautiful boy.
  10. Oh, yeah, of course - we were just trying to get it on video, that's why my friend is walking at a normal pace and not stopping.
  11. A little update on Legs: After talking with his previous owner and the vet, we all thought that he was just very out of shape and needed to build up his endurance. He had been doing very well - we walk a few miles a day, but slowly - but today I took him on a very short hike and he couldn't make it. We stopped a few times to rest, give him water and let him lay down. I finally got the brilliant idea to take a video. He has another vet appt on Saturday, I would love to hear any thoughts so I can let the vet know. Thanks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFfjJrEwB-Q (right after this he actually almost sat down, and then we stopped and rested for awhile, and he made it the rest of the way ok)
  12. I haven't posted, but I want you to know I have been thinking about you guys. I really hope once she is off the pheno she will be back to her normal self. Big hugs, and please know we are all here for you
  13. This is interesting. Riley had a very thick coat all over his body so I never gave much thought to bald greyhounds other than thinking it was cute. But now that I have Legs, I realize it is not just a cosmetic issue. Already I have noticed that he is more sensitive to bug bites, rashes, small cuts (and then he licks and makes them worse), sunburn, and his collar rubbing due to his lack of hair. So, I have started him on fish oil and melatonin. I am taking both of these as well. We will see what happens in a few months, but I am hoping he'll at least get a thin layer of hair to help protect his skin. I have been giving him the melatonin at night but have not noticed any difference in his energy. We walked a good 3 miles (and he is out of shape from not being walked in his previous home) the other night, and he was loving it. Giving him 3mg of melatonin per day really doesn't concern me at all. I hope to be able to post before/after pics soon!!
  14. Yes, i was thinking focal seizures as well, but I really don't know enough about it. And I am wondering if it may be connected. He hasn't been snapping as much, but still at least a few times/day. I just tried curling his toes under, and he corrected it right away. So that's good.... Thanks so much for all the good thoughts.
  15. Thanks guys. He has an appt on Tues, it was the soonest my vet has available, and I'd rather take him to her than someone I don't know. Until then I will take it easy with him. I have not noticed any issues when he is at home, and he pretty playful with his toys - he runs and pounces on them and stuff. I really hope nothing serious is wrong with him, I don't know if I can take it.
  16. Yes, I took him to the vet last week, but this hadn't happened yet. I have taken him on other longish walks and he's been fine, so I don't think he's that out of shape, but who knows.
  17. I am wondering if anyone has any ideas. The first time I noticed it, we were out walking and he suddenly got very weak in his back end. One leg seemed worse, but his whole butt was collapsing. Luckily we weren't far from home by the time this happened, and he made it ok. I thought I had taken him too far in the heat - I have no idea if he was ever walked in his last home. He was panting very hard and seemed somewhat distressed when we got home, but I put some wet towels on his belly and a fan on him, and he was ok. So today we were only on a short walk, not even 1/2 a mile, and it happened again. He would turn around and try to bite at his leg, like he felt something on it. But then both sides were sort of collapsing, and his feet were pointing out weird in the back, like his legs were stiff. Does this sound like heat issues, or something else? He does seem to be very sensitive to the heat. It is about 80 here today, so not extremely hot, but hot enough I guess. Of course I will be taking him to the vet, but thought I'd run it by you guys first. Thanks in advance.
  18. She was so beautiful Dee. I am so sorry she is gone, big hugs. We will all miss her. :f_white
  19. Tami, I am so very sorry You will be in my thoughts, big hugs. :f_white
  20. I'm so sorry, I know how hard it is to get this dx. Rose and all who love her will be in my thoughts, I hope she has a lot more happy times ahead.
  21. omg Rita, that looks awful Poor Robin and poor you. I hope you can figure out the cause of this soon, you guys will be in my thoughts.
  22. Could be a staph infection - they are really hard to get rid of. Riley had it for years, it would go away with abx and steroids, but then come back. If it is staph, get Chlorhexiderm shampoo and bathe him every other day for a week, then as needed. After getting this shampoo, I never had to put Riley on meds again and eventually it went away forever.
  23. I can't even believe it, this is sooooo unfair. It is bad enough to have to go through this once, I can't even imagine having to do it twice in such a short time. Please, please don't feel like you are to blame, it's a horrible disease, and there's nothing you could have done any differently. You have given both your boys a fabulous life, and care for them enough to make the most difficult decisions when it matters most. Only you know what is best for your boy, so don't second guess anything, and cherish every minute. Of course we are all hoping for VF....
  24. Kristin, it makes me so happy to see this post. Sutra was diagnosed the day that Riley died, and I am so thankful that you've had so much quality time with him. You are obviously doing something right Please give that boy a kiss for me, and I hope to see another update like this in a few more months
  25. RileysLegacy


    Sarah, I am so sorry to hear about Tuna. As you know, Tuna is my favorite dog name ever She lived such a long and happy life with you, I hope you will find comfort in that. You are in my thoughts.
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