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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. I am so happy to hear that you are having good chemo results. Fingers crossed that the weekend brings a nice afternoon at the winery for all of you.
  2. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Havoc.
  3. Thanks for the good wishes. The foot soaks have now stopped, she is weight bearing on the leg again with no limping for the last few days. We see the specialist about her kidney issues next week. My vet says he feels good that with the right plan we could have 4 more years together. I will take that! I just love that signature picture of Indy and Piper! So cute.
  4. I was thinking this morning of how much the loss of one of our greys affects us all. Patrick was truly loved and will be grieved by many. That was a beautiful eulogy. Godspeed, Patrick.
  5. No advice, just admiration for your calm handling of the situation and prayers for Thunder.
  6. The Murray Avenue cream seemed to work for Chevy. Here is a link to the old topic
  7. Happy to hear there has been improvement overnight.
  8. Does Nube like ice cubes? Even if he just plays with them he will get a little bit of fluid in with each cube. I know that isn't enough but ounces can be cumulative so every little bit helps. Maybe some chicken broth cubes?
  9. I am so very sorry. Run free, Angel.
  10. I am hoping you are already at the vet. When my Morgaine had her status seizure I had the same worry about how to move her. We slid her onto a very heavy blanket folded over several times and carried her to a friend's van and laid her on the floor of the van for the ride. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your girl.
  11. Aquitaine sends lots of puppy love to her half-bro. Hope he feels all better soon.
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