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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Happy to hear that Phaedra is improving.
  2. Tristan makes a gorgeous greyhound flower. I am so happy to hear that the infection is under control and he is improving.
  3. Nube must have loved seeing "his" type. I know Aquitaine does. Kisses to the handsome one.
  4. carronstar


    I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Boozer.
  5. Thanks for all the good thoughts and advice. The plan is to have this internal med vet create the plan, and my regular vet to manage the plan. Now, since the specialist is very highly thought of, I just have actually get an appointment. I've already sent the recent blood and urine tests. He called to say that if I can't get an appointment this week through the main desk, he will help me to book an appointment.
  6. How is Nube doing this morning? How are you doing this morning? I well remember what this feels like to go through and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
  7. The antibiotic and blue rinse seem to be working on the foot with the cut. The swelling is down and she is putting more weight on her foot/leg. She is used to wearing those boots on her feet at night because she has ripped through so many covers for her couch. Once she starts walking (and has let me know how much she hates the boot) she is fine. It only has to be on when we are outside walking and her walks are short for at least this week. Thankfully, there have been no more spasms so we are just dealing with the cut.
  8. She has been on the Amlodipine and Enalapril since her emergency splenectomy in December when my vet felt her BP was too high. My vet referred me to a Dr. Palma at Animal Medical Center here in the city. He says he is the best internal meds doc in the country. I think he has a little vet crush on him! My vet wants Dr. Palma to do the consult and then make the plan for us and then he will manage it with me. I got the final results today for the labs and they came with graphs which is very helpful. Much easier for me to read!
  9. Have been following this whole saga and keeping Rogan in my thoughts. I can visualize his prancing in the boots.
  10. No advice, just good thoughts for Leah.
  11. Did the vets who saw Aquitane's bloodwork not comment on his high creatinine (CREA)? I'd be concerned about a creatinine of 3.3, although it's unusual for the BUN to be normal with a high creatinine. What kind of food does he eat? Along with the protein in his urine and the low blood albumin, I'd be thinking PLN and not PLE. I'd suggest checking his blood pressure and doing a urine protein:creatinine ratio. Might need to consider starting an ACE-inhibitor like benazepril or enalapril as well as a low-phosphorus diet, like Hill's k/d or Purina NF. If you're interesting in pursuing it further, I'd suggest consulting with an internist and having an abdominal ultrasound done to look at his kidneys. Yes, the creatinine was mentioned, and I spoke to the Ithaca vet this morning who will be sending the final lab results later today. She indicated that her UPC is now 1.5 and it was over 3 when she had her surgery in December . She is on 10 mg of Enalapril and 15 of Amlodipine daily. She is also eating a mix of kidney diet kibble and senior kibble along with Hills KD canned. Her weight is good. There were more results that I didn't copy because there were almost 4 pages.
  12. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Matt.
  13. I am so very sorry. Run free, Crazy Legs.
  14. Unless I am being unrealistic, it looks like the blue liquid soak and the antibiotics have already started working. She was putting weight on her leg more consistently this morning. She hates the boot but will walk on it. Now I just want to be able to wean her off the Tramadol so her appetite comes back. She will eat cookies with peanut butter but how many cookies can she live on. She turned her nose up at her bowl yesterday and this morning. I even warmed it up for her and it has scrambled egg and some potato in it. I am bringing home grilled chicken from the cafeteria today. From her tests in Ithaca: Urine and Sediment results from IDEXX VetLab In-clinic LaboratoryRequisition ID: 0 Posted Final Test Result Reference Range COLLECTION = Free catch COLOR = darkish yellow CLARITY = slightly cloudy SG = 1.030 GLUCOSE = Neg mg/dl Negative - Negative BILIRUBIN = Neg Negative - Negative KETONE = neg mg/dl Negative - Negative BLOOD = Neg Negative - Negative PH = 6.5 PROTEIN = 300 +++ g/L negative - 4+ WBC = 0-2 # per HPF 0 - 5 RBC = 0 # per HPF 0 - 3 RODS = 0 # per HPF 0 - 0 COCCI = 0 # per HPF 0 - 0 CASTS = 0 # per HPF 0 - 0 CRYSTALS = Rare amorphous # per HPF 0 - 0 EPI CELLS = 0-1 #per HPF 1-2 - 3-4 Chemistry results from IDEXX VetLab In-clinic LaboratoryRequisition ID: 17535 Posted Final Test Result Reference Range ALB = 2.1 g/dL L 2.2 - 3.9 ALKP = 80 U/L 23 - 212 ALT = 28 U/L 10 - 100 AMYL = 1433 U/L 500 - 1500 BUN/UREA = 20 mg/dL 7 - 27 Ca = 8.6 mg/dL 7.9 - 12 CHOL = 218 mg/dL 110 - 320 CREA = 3.3 mg/dL H 0.5 - 1.8 GGT < 0 U/L 0 - 7 GLU = 110 mg/dL 70 - 143 PHOS = 4.3 mg/dL 2.5 - 6.8 TBIL = 0.3 mg/dL 0 - 0.9 TP = 5.1 g/dL L 5.2 - 8.2 GLOB = 3 g/dL 2.5 - 4.5 Chemistry results from IDEXX VetLab In-clinic LaboratoryRequisition ID: 17535 Posted Final Test Result Reference Range Chloride = 118 mmol/L 109 - 122 LIPA = 1430 U/L 200 - 1800 Potassium = 4.5 mmol/L 3.5 - 5.8 Sodium = 152 mmol/L 144 - 160 ALB/GLOB = 0.7 BUN/CREA = 6 Na/K = 34
  15. Couldn't update the original post. We are just back from the second vet visit. When we got home Sunday her right leg (left leg was the original spasm problem) was not weight bearing. I called my vet who said he wanted to give it another day of Tramadol and rest. Yesterday her walker and I noticed that the foot was swollen and an area that I had pointed out to the vet as scratched and asked her to check was now very red and hot. The vet in Ithaca didn't look but said I could put Neosporin on it if I wanted. This morning my vet said that if it was swollen I should bring her in to one of the practices he is affiliated with (he was working an emergency on another dog) to have it checked. Full check showed that the toe, which has a funky callus, had a cut that almost looked like the callus had caught on something and started to rip. We now have a medicated soak and Clavamox to add to the Tramadol. Since there may be kidney issues we decided against the Prevacox and I will give her liquid yucca if it looks like she is uncomfortable. Through this whole thing, she has not looked uncomfortable at all. I, however, look like an extra/scene filler in Les Mis... There was a funny moment when the vet said she would get us a boot as she needed to be booted for walks. I told her I had boots. She questioned that. I told her I also have a field rescue stretcher. I had the support sling with me just to relieve her back leg. Don't mess with a greyhound mama. She looked at the blood and urine results from Saturday night and didn't seem terribly put off by them. If anyone could tell me what they would need to look at to determine PLE/PLN I would happily post the results. I don't want to call my vet again today since he is working with an emergency. I am off to have an adult beverage for my birthday. After this, it might be one of those giant tiki bowl sized ones with only 1 straw!
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