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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Marx.
  2. My heart hurts for you. Nube could not have found a better family to be a part of. I am so sorry he had to leave you.
  3. Aquitaine woke me up at 4:25 this morning pacing and not well. Just like the day we went to the ER and discovered the mass that caused her splenectomy.We walked, she peed, could not get comfortable. Clearly not feeling well. Took her to the ER where her specialist is on staff (teaching hospital).She has been admitted . Cranial stomach pain (how mass presented). They are doing blood and urine tests. Suggestion of pancreatitis.Since we are dealing with PLN I am really worried.We met a man there who was leaving his grey boy for an MRI. He has two told him about GT and how great everyone was, and what good advice he could get. Please hold a good thought for his boy, too. I forgot to say that the grey boy's name is Chewy, his race name was Artie and he the MRI was for his front leg which has a plate in it. I hope all went well with him and that his papa comes here to GT.5:15 pm updateThey are keeping her overnight. She is on pain meds, fluids, stomach meds. She won't eat for them. She wouldn't eat in the hospital back in December when she had her surgery either, not even for me. She really doesn't like it there.No mass was found on the ultrasound. Slight swelling of the lymph nodes in the cranial stomach area but not out of line with pancreatitis. They are not worried, just keeping her as an abundance of caution.I told them that if they wanted to call at 2 am to let her come home they could but the vet was quite clear with me that overnight meant overnight.The initial read on her BUN and Creatine is that there has been no change since July. In truth, her levels have been pretty much the same since long before the PLN was diagnosed. My own doctor reminded me that since we found the PLN with a blood test, rather than symptoms, we could have a decent length of time.Whatever the outcome, my girl will have no pain. If I have to let her go earlier than I want to, they have agreed to not fight me on that. No pain.Thursday Morning 10:30 amI just spoke to the specialist. He has reviewed her labs and examined her and cleared me to bring her home. In no particular order: He finds no abdominal discomfort on deep palpation Bloodwork and urine results are stable No evidence of ulcers or gall stones No renal progress Very, very mild lymp node enlargment in the stomach which readiologist feels is reactive to pain/event that brought her to hospital No longer thinks it is pancreatitis but not sure what it was -- could have been bad gas Still not eating but he acknowledges that she is one of those dogs who is not going to eat while in the hospital They did have to put her in the cone of shame becase she was eating her cathether. I am going to to ask/tell my boss that I can bring her home and hopefully she will understand that I need to finish the afternoon via remote. There is nothing that I cannot do with my laptop at home that I can do here, with the exception of faxing, and I do that maybe 1 day a month!Fingers crossed.Thank you, all of you, for your caring and support. It means the world to us. Friday morning Yesterday afternoon and last night were uneventful. Extra peeing due to the IV fluids. I fell asleep on the couch and she made tiny poo drips but I woke up and got her outside for the rest. She has eaten 3 small meals. I don't want to tax her stomach with a full meal yet. I gave her sliced chicken breast, green beans and mashed potatoes along with some K/D. She ate all but the K/D! She is eating her cookies. She is on Carafate for 7 days which is new to me but she is good about the syringe. The walker will do the mid-day doses for us. I've even taken a few minutes to fill out the claim form and get that back to the vet. Might as well start the process on getting some money back on this $2,000 tummy ache!
  4. No real advice. One of our family iggies went blind overnight one Christmas with no explanation.Finding a vet early the morning after Christmas was no picnic. While she never regained her sight, and was already blind, she did quite well and she took it in stride quite easily. I do second (or third) the suggestion to see a specialist. Hugs to your happy girl.
  5. Sending hugs and wishing none of you had to go through this.
  6. I am so very sorry for your loss. Run free, Bella.
  7. What a beautiful tribute to your girl. I am so very sorry she had to leave. For the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about one of my childhood poodles who was also named Apple Butter. I bet they met each other at the bridge. Run free, Apple Butter the Greyhound.
  8. I am so happy to hear that he ate, and that he got to eat pizza crust. Roller coasters stink!
  9. I am so very sorry that Bijou has left you. You had a long and beautiful life together. Run free, Bijou.
  10. Checking in on Sammie and his nether regions this morning. I hope a hearty breakfast was enjoyed and he is on his way to feeling much better.
  11. I can't say how sorry that Nube, you and Bruce are having such a sad and difficult time. Sending lots of hugs, prayers and good thoughts from afar.
  12. Aquitaine send kisses to her half-bro and says to have a nice, calm, relaxed weekend letting your toe heal.
  13. Godspeed, sweet pups. Remember how very much you were loved.
  14. I am so very sorry. Run free, sweet girl.
  15. I have been watching this topic but not posting as you were getting good information and support. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please do not feel like you failed PJay. You gave him a beautiful life and a lot of loving years.
  16. I am so very sorry. Run free, Rachel.
  17. The big girl's Cali girl mom doesn't drive. Never have. The specialist is from OSU. I am just going to keep on plugging away. I will, however, hold this potential good news in my mind and heart.
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