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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Lighting a candle for Kylie! Feel better, Sweetheart!
  2. Gunda does make a beautiful bathing beauty! If it would be possible, taking her to a specialist before she gets sick again, might head off a serious situation. If she needs a tooth extracted, she will tolerate the procedure much better when she is well, rather than having an emergency procedure compromised by her other health issues. Prayers that Gunda stays healthy for a long, long time.
  3. Oh, I don't know about the new furniture! Did he help pick it out? I would have thought something with that therapeutic memory foam would have been more appropriate. Canyon, do you approve of the new furniture or is the sticky up ear your editorial comment about the whole situation? No matter, you're still the most handsome boy in the universe! Hope Mom and Dad find a great acupuncturist who will make you feel sssooo relaxed! OBTW: You must have super healing powers! That incision site looks incredible! Rest up, 'cause your public awaits you! If you would like to spend the month of May in Florida, you can watch the shuttle launch on May 12 from our driveway!
  4. Suze had a bald butt when we brought her home with her sister Fuzz, three years ago. Between switching to a grain free, fish based dog food and adding Grizzly Salmon Oil, Suze now has two little bald patches. Anna, who came to us last Sept 1 and will be 9 years young in May, has a butt that is naked as a jay bird! I don't expect that she will ever have even the slightest peach fuzz at this point in her life, but we think her butt is "cute".
  5. ................and have your vet send xrays to OSU - stat! Sending bushels of prayers for a dx and swift healing!
  6. Good deal! Update us tomorrow, ok? Hope everyone has a good night's sleep - without sound effects!
  7. I am so sorry. I hope that you and Willie make the most of every minute you are together and I pray that the minutes become days that become weeks and turn into months. Will be praying for all of you.
  8. What a scare! Sure hope the meds resolve Kylie's problem - and quickly! Am so sorry about Mouse. Sending hugs for you and prayers for Kylie and Mouse.
  9. Could still be fleas, even with treatment.
  10. Those empty tummy gurgles can sound pretty ominous - but as my husband says - that's what it sounds like when the tummy is sucking on the back bone! Overreacting? No. Cautious, yes. With good reason? Absolutely! But when you consider the reduced volume of food that Fenway has been eating, it's a miracle that the poor boy isn't falling over in a faint! Seriously, I would be very, very conservative in reintroducing his kibble, but he certainly should be able to handle an increase in ID. One handful of his kibble for the next day or three isn't unreasonable considering that the last thing you want to do is take any steps backward.
  11. N-o-t-h-i-n-g! Ya' hear??? NOTHING! It's not a cotton pickin' thing! It's gonna be less than nothing!
  12. Aw, poor boy! Sending buckets of prayers for Jake!
  13. Looks like there's plenty of snuggle room left on that sofa! And you thought his little world was impenetrable because why? Did it have steel doors? Is he just not the sweetest thing ever? Good thing I'm at work looking at this, because The Girls would be packing their suitcases to join him if they saw that photo! Canyon, do you think your recovery would be enhanced by some warm Florida weather? You and Mom are welcome anytime! I'll bet the warmth of the sunshine would fix you right up!
  14. For Canyon, Diamond, Fiona and all hounds who are in need.
  15. Oh, this is KNOT happening! I am calling on all of the forces of nature in the universe to send all healing vibes to Canyon. We will be praying non-stop for his handsomeness! p.s. Canyon, didn't your Mom tell you that if you do that to your face that it could stay that way permanently?????
  16. If you use the "Search" feature here, and type in "pet insurance" - with the quotation marks, you should receive a substantial amount of information that should answer most of your questions. Hope that helps.
  17. Will he be returning to the Vet for a re-check? If he were mine, I would walk him on a lead for at least a month. Sure hope he heals quickly! Sending positive thoughts for Niles.
  18. Oh thank doG! Get that boy some meds so he can be more comfortable! OUCH! That's gotta hurt!!!
  19. Godspeed Toby. The prayer is beautiful.
  20. Oh, yes! Good luck and have a very safe trip! Praying for a definitive diagnosis.
  21. Saying many prayers and lighting candles for positive news about Fiona and continued good news about Sammie.
  22. Whew! I was getting a little worried! Will continue to pray for Diamond's recovery as well as her Mom's resolve to pursue all legal avenues so this will never happen again.
  23. "Hello Mr. Saul "I'm-gonna-make-you-a-star" Publicist? This is the President of Canyon's Florida Fanatic Fan Club. Uh, would you ppplllleeeeaaaasssseeee keep Canyon's daredevil escapades out of the press? It's just not good for ticket sales for his upcoming World Tour!"
  24. Oh, that big, beautiful boy and jammies, too! Sweetness, it would be tough not to kiss you all over after rubbing your tummy every time I checked on you! I sure hope you're on the mend! No more scaring Dad, OK?
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