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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. It just can't get much better than that! Hallelujah! Love, love, LOVE that boy!
  2. Has he been issued his "get out of jail free" card yet? He's going to feel sssooo much better once he sees you!
  3. Please don't focus on what isn't happening! If she's "in high spirits looking for treats", she may not be sick at all! Believe me, if she's sick and/or in pain, you'll know it! If she refuses to eat, vomits, has the big D, has a fever, is drinking lots of water or refuses to drink at all, is shaking and/or panting and pacing or lethargic and depressed or any combination of those symptoms, she's sick and you need to do something immediately! If she's eating, peeing, pooping, playing and generally being her normal self, she's probably ok!
  4. 90 days after our first Greyhound, Nikki, adopted us in 2005, she was diagnosed with Lymphosarcoma. I knew nothing about Greyhounds, Lymphosarcoma or the challenges ahead. Nikki didn't respond well to chemo and my mentor suggested that I contact Dr. Couto for a second opinion. I remember sending the email and wondering how long it be before I received a response.........days?..........weeks? No, I received a response within 24 hours! Dr. Couto also consulted directly with my Vet about Nikki's situation which was a relief because by that time, I was so overwhelmed with all of her symptoms and meds, that I was totally lost. I was fortunate to hear Dr. Couto speak at Sandy Paws 2008. What an amazing man! How lucky are Greyhounds to have such a man to champion their cause let alone provide the support, comfort and guidance to their owners and caregivers as well as a support system for the Veterinarians who treat them?! If ever there was a program that was deserving of total commitment from the Greyhound Community, it is the Greyhound Health and Wellness Program at OSU.
  5. Here I go again, being ultra sensative about kidney issues! Making a long story short; one almost-5-year-old healthy girl visits the Vet Wednesday afternoon for leaking bladder. Urinalysis negative, exam negative. Prescribed PPA. Friday afternoon she started crying out, shaking, panting in pain. Saturday at noon at the E-vet she was diagnosed with acute renal failure, in critical condition. She is recovering. No, you're being reasonably cautious. I would get a copy of all the test results, compare them to the Greyhound publications suggested above and go from there. I would seriously search out another Vet who doesn't try to use scare tactics and intimidation. My experience with Suze was totally out of the norm. The E-vet and the Internist as well as my own Vet are totally perplexed by her episode. She was tested for everything imaginable and every test came back "normal/negative"; urine culture, Lyme, Erlichia, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Leptospirosis and Lymphoma. I'm not suggesting that my experience will be your experience, but there is a logical approach to treating Moxie's symptoms; the most important of which is how Moxie is acting from minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day. She's 9 and it could be incontinence. Before exploring meds for that, please have her blood pressure checked and search out other threads referencing DES (diethylstibestrol) and PPA (phenylpropanolamine) before giving her anything.
  6. Oh, it is just so excruciating to be away from our kids, especially when they aren't well. I would expect Canyon to be uncomfortable, sick and whining a day after surgery, and not too thrilled about eating "doG only knows what", too! I hope that you get to see him soon! Sending prayers that Canyon is so thrilled to see you that he eats like crazy!
  7. Oh, thank goodness for a diagnosis! Hope the kidney results aren't serious - I'm a little "sensitive" to kidney issues at the moment. Sending more prayers for Billy. Hope his tummy is on the mend very soon.
  8. I have been using petsuppliesnet.com for the past year for Frontline Plus for the dogs and Advantage for the cats. The meds are shipped from Australia, but I have had no problems. Others in the area are using the products and are very pleased. They are the cheapest I have found, but they don't do prescription drugs.
  9. He's a heartbreaker, that's for sure! Such wonderful news! Here's to new beginnings!
  10. Poor Garry. Gurgling tummies are no fun! Yes, pepcid 30-45 minutes b/4 meals is good. But remember, if he doesn't want to eat, don't force the subject. He ate a little bit yesterday, right? That's ok, too. Try using tweezers to put the Elavil in the pill pocket - don't touch it with your fingers - your skin can transfer the odor of the pill to the pill pocket. Hope he just has a bit of an upset and he'll be back to normal by tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.
  11. Good surgery! No pain! Good surgery! No pain! Good surgery! No pain! Good surgery! No pain! Good surgery! Hugs, kisses and mega prayers for quick healing and no pain!
  12. He's a character and a half, that Soul man! Love him! I think he should have his own strip in the comic section of the newspaper! "Adventures of da Soul man!" No more owies, ok, Soul? Healing kisses and belly rubs for the big guy this morning.
  13. duncan41

    Mickey Deez

    She was way too young and absolutely gorgeous! I am so sorry! Hopefully Mickey met up with my Nikki - she will always be 8 years old, too, and was one of those never-met-a-stranger girls.
  14. Ooohh! Zali, didn't your Mom tell you never, ever to put anything in your ears except your elbow??? Ouchies! Sending hugs and smooches and prayers for tomorrow's visit to the Vet. Please update when you can.
  15. Deep breaths! Sending prayers, calming thoughts and healing light for Ruffie!
  16. Awww! Sending prayers for Billy! Hope you can get to the bottom of this soon!
  17. Yee-haw! Way to go, Stanley! So glad you're feeling better! Scared the dickens out of your Mom, so you have a lot of making up to do!
  18. How is Rocky doing today? Is he eating? Sending prayers and hugs.
  19. Sending prayers and hugs hoping that each day brings Stanley back to his old self. IMHO - I would do the ultrasound and repeat the tick panel.
  20. Alexandra, you have been through the wringer and back again! I can feel your pain and frustration - all justifiable! I am so sorry you had to go through this. Ask your Vet (for the NEXT time) if a note can be put in the chart that it is OK to have the results sent to you by email or fax, if that's possible. You can read the results and then email the vet with any questions you might have. In the meantime, sending prayers for your boy and hugs for you. You both deserve a break in all this. I pray that whatever "it" is, will be treatable.
  21. I like the belly band suggestion - at least you can narrow it down to which dog it is. Urinalysis seems to be step 2, urine culture as step 3 and blood work as step 4.
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