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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Oh, my! She sure is, um.........opinionated, isn't she? Such a cutie pie! So glad she's showing improvements each day! Recovery is just around the corner!
  2. duncan41


    I am very sorry for your loss.
  3. Way too young. Godspeed Moonie. Run pain free with the angels!
  4. .......for Willie and all the pups and those they love
  5. Checking in on Willie. He has been on my mind all day. Sending hugs and prayers.
  6. No experience with brain tumors, but lots of experience praying for sick pups and their families. Sending powerful prayers for Curfew and you, too!
  7. Just catching up with her sweetness, Miss Mokka. So glad she is showing such marked improvement! I am sure a "gourmet" diet will have her fit as a fiddle and barking for more! Will keep her tucked in our prayers.
  8. WHY DOES THIS BOY MAKE MY EYES LEAK???????????????? Ok, listen up. I think we can dis the photographer. Mom seems to have it covered; between that shot with Breeze and the mood lighting in the shot of the best looking roach in Canada, publicity shots are already on the way to the publicist. Obviously, a trainer isn't going to be necessary; what with laser therapy, plenty of walks and fresh air, the boy will be in tip top form in a matter of a few days. That leaves wardrobe, transportation, catering, security and an opening act. Canyon, you are a love magnet! We're on speed dial to Ticket Master - just let us know in what cities you will be appearing after Kanab! You make my heart sing!
  9. We will continue to pray for Kylie and Mouse and send our loving support as you travel down this difficult road.
  10. duncan41

    Yopon Alan Wag

    Beautiful tribute. Beautiful Alan. Your dedication to Alan oozed off the screen and he loved you for it. You were the best Mom. I hope that those memories that he created with family and friends will help heal the edges of that hole in your heart. Think of him, love him, talk about him and your memories of him will curl up and fill in that hole in your heart. Send your Mom a sign, Alan. She loved you best. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. Too soon. Too young. I hate cancer.
  11. Waggy tail is always a good thing! Good boy, Riley! Will keep praying for no surprises in the biopsy results.
  12. Aawww! Poor baby girl! Mokka, we sure hope you start to feel better real soon! Will keep her tucked tightly in our prayers. Such a sweet face!
  13. Anxiously awaiting an update for Kylie and Mouse. Sending prayers, hugs and healing white light.
  14. Non-stop prayers coming your way from The Girls at our house. Hope today's xrays show improvement.
  15. Canned sounds like a wonderful idea! Others here have had success with cream cheese, liverwurst, hot dogs and my personal favorite is Pill Pockets. I read somewhere, and Dallas' actions confirm, that the odor of the meds is what turns the houndies' stomachs off. So if you can handle the pills with tweezers and not your hands, you can form a meatball out of the canned or "whatever works", punch a hole, drop the pills in with the tweezers, seal it and go for it. Good luck! IMHO: I would be skeptical about the dx................do you have a copy of the bloodwork? Are there plans to repeat? I can see where a vet would make an observation like "This condition is similar to what has been seen in cases where dogs have been exposed to .................", but with your squeaky clean house and yard, I would be demanding another explanation.
  16. As usual..............it all comes out in the end! So glad Lucas is feeling better! Give him extra scritches from FL!
  17. No wonder the stock market closed up today! They had confirmation that Canyon is going to be just fine! Hello, Ticketmaster? The Canyon Does The World tour is back on! Yippee! We all knew that Canyon was flawless and now the Doctors have undeniable proof - inside and out!
  18. Hail, hail, the gang's all here! Waiting for an update.......waiting for an update! Hai, hail, the gang's all here! Waiting for an update NOW! Canyon......................heal! Canyon, honey, ya know that unemployment is skyrocketing, so would you p-l-e-a-s-e give Mom a sign that you're feeling just a teensie bit better so she doesn't have to issue pink slips to your staff? Praying just as fast and as hard as we can! I think we need our daily photo fix. We're feeling a little low due to cuteness withdrawal.
  19. Oh, goodie! Thank doG! Hooray! Hallelujah! Here's hoping it was nothing more than a HUGE gas bubble causing all the trouble! Prayers and hugs all around.
  20. Oh, Anne, not having a diagnosis is torture! I hope you get some results from OSU, but I am sure they will want to speak to your Vet, too! Were you able to talk about increasing the doxy? Sending mountains of prayers for Kylie and hugs of support for you.
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