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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. You know Riley better than anyone, so you can judge his reaction to chemo better than anyone. Follow your heart and your gut and you will make the right decisions. No guarantees, just do the best you can for him. He'll love you for it - no matter what. Sending prayers and comforting hugs.
  2. Complete rest is crucial - only potty walks on a leash - nothing more. Sure hope she feels better soon! Welcome to GT! You will find a wealth of information here!
  3. Yes, p-l-e-a-s-e discuss this with your Vet! Not only are there non-prescription supplements that may help, depending on the diagnosis, but should prescription strength meds be necessary, it may be possible to reduce the dose (and the cost) after the initial treatment to achieve relief. A friend's 10+ year old golden mix has been able to reach pain free maintenance on 1/4 the initial treatment dose. Scaling back took a couple of months, but she's her old self again. Every dog is different, but it's really crucial that you get the proper diagnosis!
  4. Oh, no clue on this one, but please keep us updated! In the meantime, sending hugs, prayers, chin scritches and lots of healing white light. Poor Rudy! Hope you can get to the bottom of this mystery!
  5. OMG! I think I saw a whole thread about "hoo hoos"! It was hilarious! ..........................but around corners??????? Oh, you're killing me!!! Seriously, about the growths, a friend's dog has the same things and their vet also dx hemangiomas.
  6. Treating pain is always tricky. Please update after today's vet visit. Sending prayers and healing light.
  7. Has she ever had valium for any reason?
  8. Oh, he's a handsome devil! He looks marvelous! Speedy healing vibes going to Vinny!
  9. Sending prayers for both of your babies! This is tough.
  10. I am so sorry for your loss. What a handsome boy! Godspeed.
  11. Courtney - If I remember correctly, NGAP has an entirely different approach to dentals from your average, neighborhood Veterinary Hospital. I would definitely contact Kathy (5blackgreys) to learn more. Feel free to chime in again if you need additional information.
  12. Good news! Good news! Good news! Good news! Good news! Good news! Good news! Good news! Chanting non-stop and sending prayers for Fiona!
  13. Did you adopt Peggy thru a greyhound adoption group? How old is Peggy? Has she had dentals previous to coming to live with you? Is the Animal Hospital to which you are taking her "grey savvy"? Is she having pre-anesthetic blood work done? Do you know what "number" she is on the schedule? Have you owned dogs before who had regular dentals? At that Animal Hospital? Sorry to answer your question with more questions, but I wouldn't want to bog you down with too much detail or, heaven forbid, skip over something that is high on your list of priorities.
  14. Today is The Girl's 5th birthday and all they asked for was to see Canyon's latest photo spread! OOOOhhhhh! They are so excited to see that he's looking so good! (He is absolutely adorable!) Still praying non-stop for complete and pain free healing.
  15. Yah! Let us know how she's doing once she's home!
  16. Thank you so much for sharing Al's story! He was lucky that he found his place, even if it did take a few times through the revolving door! I'm sure there are strategically placed buckets at the Bridge just waiting for Al every minute! Godspeed, special boy!
  17. I'd trade liquid poop for a bouncing Cougar any day! Hope he keeps improving!
  18. I shall keep this one filed away for future reference, (hope I'll never need it), but in the meantime, I sure hope Oswald's happy tail heals quickly now that the ultimate wrap combination has been achieved! Wow! Fort Knox should be so protected!
  19. He looks wonderful! Let the healing begin!!!
  20. Oh thank goodness! I've been wondering about that boy! Greyt news!
  21. There's a whole community out here supporting you and the difficult decisions you face. You will know when the time has come. Until then, from our home to yours, prayers and hugs to your whole family.
  22. It looks like there's an eensy, teensy bit of a grin beginning to form! He-looks-so-good! Wow! Smooches, scritches, hugs and outright sloppy kisses to Canyon. (I'm typing this in the dark because the girls would be all over his latest photo!)
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