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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Have been thinking about Diamond non-stop. How is she doing? How is her Mom doing? Sending constant prayers.
  2. ............and how are the three patients this am? Assuming that the blood panels were A-OK, that means that River and Breeze will be showing off those pearly whites next week! As for Canyon, now honey-baby-sweeitie-chickie-pie, you have to eat for Mom. You probably aren't aware that she has been working feverishly with your agent, stylist, publicist, travel agent, nutritionist, physical therapist, wardrobe mistress, groomer and pooper-scooper in order to make sure that you are super comfortable for your world tour. So, please have a heart and try not to do too much each day, but above all else, you just have to eat just to keep up your strength! Oh, C-A-N-Y-O-N! We wub, wub, wub you! (pant, pant, slobber, lick, nudge, slobber, lick, lick, lick) Yur bestest girlie-girls: Suze, Fuzz & Anna!
  3. Perfect check up for a perfect Superhero! Oh, I think you may have been a little too easy with the simple demands! (Loved the hat! Sorry, but you sure looked extra scrumptious!)
  4. So wonderful that Buddy is showing so much improvement! It's a testament to the care he is receiving. Will send prayers and healing light.
  5. My sentiments, exactly! If she's scared, I would get the other dog out of the house immediately, if not sooner. Extra special prayers going out tonight for that beautiful girl. Hoping and praying that she heals quickly both physically and emotionally.
  6. Hooray! Fenway is home! Love, love, love the photo! Fenway is sssooo handsome! And you are so lucky to have such an awesome Vet.
  7. I am so sorry to read yet another dog attack story! Just before logging in, I printed out the complaint for for our local Animal Services. Once again, the little terrier-mutt at the corner or our street squeezed out of her fenced in yard right before my eyes, but of course, her owners weren't home! My three girls HATE this little dog because she crossed the street and came after them Saturday night! I am keeping Diamond at the top of my prayer list tonight. Hugs to you Sheila.
  8. Nellie needs an answer! Nellie needs an answer! Nellie needs an answer! Nellie needs an answer! Will keep her in our prayers until you get an answer.
  9. Anxiously awaiting word on Fenway. Hope he's doing well enough to come home!
  10. Our normal walk route is nine tenths of a mile and we have had encounters (2 attacks) with 24 unleashed dogs! GGGrrrrrrrr! Unfortunately, Animal Services is useless in our community. Unless you have a photo of the encounter/attack, it's a case of "he-said-she-said".
  11. If he has been checked by your Vet and pronounced free from other issues, it might be a worth a try to switch (v-e-r-y g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y) to an allergy formula food - something like sweet potato and duck - food sources to which he has never come in contact. That should tell you if it's the food. If he still has the ear infections, then it's something else - environmental allergies?
  12. The heck with Fleet Farm and Gander Mountain! I would have needed a stiff drink after that experience! Holy Cow! So glad Beth's leg is doing better today! Good advice about the window buttons! We don't have those in our doggie mobile, but it's a good thing to remember for future reference.
  13. Any connection with the UC-Davis study? I had a Vet tell me in mid-Feb that UC-Davis was about to declare a connection between osteo and early spay/neuter. When I pointed out that this would virtually eliminate all racing greyhounds from the study, he stopped cold. He didn't know that greyhounds race "whole". I'm not going back to that Vet. I'm not hijacking this thread..........I had to put down the best German Wirehaired Pointer that ever walked on this earth at 11 months due to SEVERE hip dysplasia - diagnosed at MSU by the HD guru, Dr. M. (Of course, that was 150 years ago!) Which begs the question, have Lincoln's xrays been reviewed by MSU or OFA for confirmation?
  14. Sending more prayers for Rudy. Hoping for improvement every minute of every hour of each day.
  15. Just catching up...............saw this about poor Fenway! Aw, hope he's feeling much better tomorrow! Oh, and about worrying about the baby (btw: congratulations!!), you'll do just fine! You passed this little exercise provided by Fenway with flying colors!
  16. Hello Ticketmaster? This is Canyon's Florida Fan Fanatics calling. We would like to reserve 40 billion, trillion, gazillion tickets for the Canyon Does The World tour. What? What do you mean you've never heard of Canyon? ! Do you live in the underbelly of the slug's slime under a rock? You DO? Oh, ok then. Now about those tickets....................................................... Oh, he is just the most scrumptious hunk of a boy! We love you, Canyon! Girls! That's enough! How many times have I told you that you can KNOT use the computer unless I am home to supervise! (Oh, he DOES look scrumptious!)
  17. Let us know how the xrays look! You can get a look at the wrap technique when the splint is changed, too! Give poor little Beatrice a kiss from me! Now, sweetie, don't go thinking you're ok, because that's a big, bad "ouchie" you have!
  18. Shall I start calling Ticket Master?
  19. Blood all over the place???!!! Holy cow! How is Dusty doing now?
  20. I hope this was a one time incident. Prayers for Sizzle. BTW: This thread isn't the first one today to mention the recommendation of morphine for xrays. What's up with that?
  21. World Tour! World Tour! World Tour! World Tour! World Tour! Inquiring minds want to know WHEN IS THE WORLD TOUR???
  22. Oh, I hope the rooing didn't scare anybody! I couldn't contain myself, whooped and hollered and the girls have been celebrating non-stop! OMG! How absolutely wonderful! Yay! Yay! Yay! I'm ecstatic! The girls are slobbering all over the monitor! GQ - you have your "Man of the Year"! (That's Greyhound Quarterly, in case you were wondering.) Oh, and Happy Anniversary!
  23. Sorry you had such a bad experience, but welcome to GT! You did a very good thing by coming in and asking questions. I hope the answers will put you and your new greyhound on the right road. Welcome!
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