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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. She's going to be fine! Your feelings are natural. I still cry when I'm on the way to and from the Vet's office! So many more BAD things have happened there than good, which is really a shame, when you think about it. But, think about Elsie. I know you don't want your feelings transmitted to her! This is supposed to be a GOOD thing! She's supposed to LIKE going to the Vet, remember? (I know, it's not a very convincing argument with everything that you have been through.) Sending prayers of comfort to you, lots of hugs and well wishes to Elsie!
  2. "She will always be young. She will always be beautiful and it gives me great comfort to know that she's up there on my side." Sun yourself all you want, sweet Matty. Watch over those who loved you. Godspeed.
  3. duncan41


    Oh, no. I just couldn't believe it when I saw the closed thread! I am just heartbroken for you, Anne. You did absolutely everything you possibly could for your beautiful girl. Run strong, run pain free, sweet Kylie!
  4. Sure hope something works and soon for poor Billy! Has there been any mention of budesonide for his GI issues? Sending prayers for Billy and hugs for you.
  5. Oh, yes, everything she said plus extreme emphasis on the neighbor dog. The little buggers could be in the ground now............. Worm infestations are very exasperating! Hope you can get a handle on this for Colby. He's such a handsome dude -even if he does wear a polka dot collar!
  6. for Elsie, clean x-rays and shiny, bright teeth!
  7. Oh, I just love a good poop report! Don't you! Thank doG Soul's doing ok! Please, Soul man..................no more "issues". OK?
  8. I am but one of many whose heart is breaking for you - have been dreading this day for weeks, hoping upon hope that she would weather another crisis. We know that Misty fought as hard as she could with you cheering her on for as long as possible. I am so sorry she couldn't stay longer - if love alone were enough, she would have lived forever! She will always be remembered. Godspeed Misty. :
  9. I can't even imagine the worry and frustration. I sympathize with the concern about the ingredients. I was horrified when I read the ingredients on the kidney diets when Suze was was recovering from ARF! I will keep praying and sending healing thoughts for Soul. Come on, big guy! Feel better soon!
  10. She was the best 1st Greyhound a person could ever dream of. She was a return, 7-1/2 years old, whose owners had reached an age where they couldn't properly care for her or her adopted brother. Her brother was rehomed right away, but Nikki languished in the kennel for 4 months. We had been without a dog for 7 years when I decided to fulfill a long ago promise to consider adopting a Greyhound. My search was brief because there is a track adoption group close by. When I saw her photo on the adoption website, I knew immediately that she was "the one". Exactly ninety days after she walked through my front door and straight into my heart, she was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma. Fortunately, I was granted another 5-1/2 months to spoil her rotten and fall hopelessly in love. She never met a stranger; two legged or four. She was simply the best. My heart dog.
  11. I am so very, very sorry.
  12. Oh, poor baby! I'm sure she can't wait to go home! Sending prayers for the speediest recovery ever so she can go home!
  13. Oh, this is awful news. I am so sorry! Make lots of memories while we send prayers for your girl and hugs for you.
  14. Oh, I think she's gonna make somebody pay for this one! Hurry up and get better soon, Loca! We need you back in tip-top form! Double prayers for double whammy on the antibiotics! Pseudamonas is a b**ch!
  15. Thanks. I'm angry and I've been through this before - only I lost my girl. It took me several months to get justice for Hannah. It didn't bring her back of course, but it gave me a sense that when things like this happen - you need to get angry and fight. Sheila needs to be a squeaky wheel (like she is doing) but she needs a much louder squeaky wheel to get justice for Diamond. That's where I think we all can help. We can help be Diamond's voice and help Sheila's voice become louder. I'm not sure about everyone else but I can't stand to sit back and do nothing while Diamond is trying to recover, Sheila is exhausted and some stupid idiot is being allowed to get off with a hand slap! Come on! That's something I got when I was a kid for touching something I wasn't supposed to! This person is a grown adult and should be forced to be responsible for their dog's actions. If the shoe were on the other foot and Diamond attacked a dog in that manner - she would be facing euthanization and Sheila would probably be facing jail time along with paying a hefty fine, too. Yes, I'm and Sorry. because I'm a lady and I try very hard not to use bad words. Oh, yyeeeaaahhh! Add my name to the list! Get a bar of soap while you're at it, because I can't be trusted not to let 'er rip. Spittin' PO'd I am! Letters? You betcha I'll write letters. But if nothing else, please make sure there are plenty of PHOTOS that we can send to the media! Nothing generates more interest than blood and guts, especially when the "what if it were a child" angle is played for all it's worth. Isn't it a shame that we have to go to these lengths to insist on COMMON SENSE????? While you're at it, is there a mayor, city council, county commissioners, police chief, district attorney, ombudsman, etc who should be on the list, too???
  16. Oh, Flashy! Flashy, mashy, mooshy, wooshy! Wuts dis knot eetin stuph? Yooz gotzta cepe yur studlee lookz, yuu hunka-hunk! Itz won ting to be pikkie, butz yooz gotzta cepe Momma hapy, two! We wub yuu Flashman! EET! K????? Suze, Fuzz and Anna
  17. I'm right there with you. Suze's limp is "whenever". If she runs, she limps for a couple of days then it goes away. Then out of nowhere, it's back, for no reason. I have had her three years on May 6 and she has been examined no less than 6 times and had every bone in her body x-rayed last year. I'm calling now for a referral to an orthopedic specialist. My gut churns and my heart skips a beat just thinking about the "what ifs" but I have to know even though I don't want to know. I hope Avery's limp is another garden variety mystery limp - just an old track injury.
  18. Just for a split second I thought Winslow was a reincarnation of my DH.........................and then I remembered: He's still here!!!!!!!!!
  19. ......for Misty ......for Claudia ......for those in need of comfort
  20. Run strong and pain free with the other angels, Sydney Sue.
  21. duncan41

    Dolly - 4/25/09

    So sad that Dolly couldn't stay longer but she was so lucky to have found her way "home". Godspeed, Dolly. Sending comforting thoughts to her family.
  22. ...for Matty - safe on the wings of angels.
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